Sunday, April 29, 2012

Week of April 22, 2012

Sunday we went to church. After church another family and us tried out this new diner here called "Fonzie's"  Too funny!  It was like a 50's diner.   They mostly just had burger and fries.  The food was ok, but we had a good time.
We put together Sean's goodie bags for his party this week.
Jacob worked on his presentation for school tomorrow.
One of the things Jason had brought back was a special cable for the sling box as it hadn't been working on our tv here since Jan.  So he had to move it to another tv and put this cable with it and now we have US tv again! 

Monday I still wasn't any better so I went back to the dr.  He said I have laryngitis and I was able to get an antibotic for it.  He also gave me some probotic, a corticorsne pill to help with my lungs and throat, and a pill for coughing.  So hopefully I will feel better.  Last night I was coughing so bad anytime I went to lay down that I ended up sleeping on the couch sitting up.  Needless to say I was exhausted today.  After lunch I let Amber watch some shows on the Disney channel and I took a little nap.

Tuesday.  I am feeling much better and my voice is starting to come back so that is good.  I am not doing a very good job of trying to mail out b'day cards here on time, so I planned ahead and mailed the Mother's Day cards out today.  Cards take at least a week, so I will be a little early, but better then late!
I had French class today for the first time in about 4 weeks. 
I met a friend at school today and her daughter came with me and we picked up Amber and then the girls came home and we had lunch since today was bring a friend to gymnastics class.  So the girls had a great time in class together.
My friend then picked up the boys for me so we could stay at class until the end so Amber was happy. Then my friend brought my boys home plus one of Sean's friends and then the rest of her crew and everyone came in and we had a nice playdate.

Wednesday 3 of us went for coffee at the mall today so that was nice.  One of the girls was Amber's best boy friend.  She was telling me that her son was asking if he had a wife and the mom said no, but I am sure some day you will.  So he asked her if she would ask Amber's mommy if Amber would be his wife!  Too funny! 
We couldn't stay too long for coffee as Amber had her spring preschool concert this morning.  Jason was in London today so he couldn't make it.  They did a really good job.  We had ordered shirts for them and they were yellow and then the teachers had a flower printed on them and all the kids wore jeans.  Amber was just all smiles and did a great job singing and had the had motions going as well.  She was on the top bleacher step and they had bright lights shining on them so my camera didn't really get any good shots of her.
My friend got some better pictures.

After lunch we were going to make some Dora cupcakes for her friends coming over for lunch tomorrow.  So I get out the mix and turn on the oven and walk out of the kitchen.  I come back in a few minutes later and there is a big pile of mix on the counter, on the step stool, and all over the floor.  And Amber is no where to be found.  I call out for her and she is hiding on the steps and just burst out crying that she was sorry.  She squeezed the package mix and it just exploded.  When I see her she has powdered mix all over her and stuck to her jeans.   So we clean up the kitchen and wash the floor, which the cleaning lady had just washed, and then go change Amber clothes.  So much for the cupcakes today!  So instead we made Sean's b'day cake and then froze it for this weekend.

Thursday.  It has now been raining on and off most days the last week and a half. You can't live here without your raincoat, rainboots and umbrella.  They are definately my 3 most used items!
Today Jacob had a field trip to the Museum of Art and History in the city.  It was a half day field trip and then they ate their lunches there too.  He enjoyed it.
After preschool pickup one of Amber's friends came over as the other child was sick and couldn't make it.  So those two had fun playing.
Sean had bball after school and was sweating up a storm when I picked him up.

Friday morning I had coffee with a friend at school and then headed to the big, crazy store that on Friday is horrible.  I had a ton of things to get and it was very crowded and this is at 9:15 in the morning.
When we went back to school to pick up the boys, Amber went home with a friend.  They wanted to make a chocolate cake so when I called the mom to tell her I was going to come and pick her up she asked me if I could wait until 6:30 so their cake would be done.  Ok.  It was very quite in the house without Amber.  Sean and I bake homemade chocolate chip cookies for his b'day party tomorrow and he was glad not to have to fight over who gets to stir with Amber!
Jason got home shortly after we got home from school today so that was nice.  He had even gone to the butcher out by his work and picked up a bunch of meat for me so I could freeze it to make dinners next week as my parents will be arriving!  I liked the quality of the meat we had gotten there before over the grocery stores here.  The butcher by me is nice too, but since it is organic it is very expensive.
When I went to pick up Amber she had like 12 big tatoos over her face, arms and legs.  She was quite happy with herself!

Sat. we spent part of the morning getting the food ready for Sean's party.  We made our party sprinkle bread, frosted and decorated the cake, made popcorn and a Snake sub sandwich. 

After lunch we dropped Amber off at her friend's house to play and then on to Sean's birthday party at Lazer tag.  He was so excited.

12 of his friends could make it so once everyone was there the games started.  The party went well except for at the end of the first game 2 boys bumped into each other.  One didn't even really have a bruise, the other had a huge bruise the size of a quarter.  We started icing it right away and then they had some cream they put on it.  I felt so bad.  His mom ended up coming back early and they went home.  We will have to check on him tomorrow. 
I had made an Indiana Jones cake for his theme he wanted and only the American boys wanted cake, that was about 4! The other ones just had some cookies and other things I had out.  The cakes here are different and don't look like our cake but I couldn't believe that that many didn't want any!  We all enjoyed it!

We picked up Amber after the party, and I gave their family some cake.  I know they will eat it!  Then we came home and Sean had fun opening all his presents. 

It was such a beautiful day here, no rain and close to 70 degrees that we wanted to go downtown and walk around, go out to dinner and maybe the park.  Well after Sean opened his presents we couldn't get the boys to leave the house.  So frozen pizza and a fire with smores and they just played outside and were happy.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Week of April 16th

Monday morning Jason left early to fly back to the states.  I was busy making my list of what he needs to bring back (:
 I was glad to get the kids back to school after 2 weeks off and lots of traveling, things were a mess here, and we needed groceries.  But of course I did have a quick coffee with a friend before starting all of this (:
I went to the dr. today as I wasn't feeling so good.  He told me I have a cold and gave me like 4 over the counter medicines to take.  Great, back to the tree bark.
I had to pick up the boys about 30 min. early from school today as Sean had an orthodonist appt.  He is getting a bit of an overbite.  I think his tongue is pushing his front teeth out so I wanted to see what she would have to say.  Her children attend the same school as mine too.  She said she would recommend one of those retainers that he would have to wear all day and just take out to eat.  She said he also has a small crossbite too.  So she wants to get a mold done of his mouth and some xrays and take a look at everything and she if she can get a retainer made to take care of all of these problems.  She was saying that it is easier now to fix the crossbite b/c his bones around his teeth are still soft.  2 kids already have these types of all day retainers that I know of that are about his age as well.  Already into orthodontic appt.'s i yi yi!  I am only wondering how much this is going to cost me here.
One of Sean's friends from home sent over her flat stanley for us to take around and take pictures with of things we do with him for her school project.  So we started with that today.

Tuesday.  Last night Sean asked to sleep in my bed so I let him and I think almost every hour he woke me up making some noise or talking.  This isn't going to work out!  I am now exhausted and on top of that my cold has gotten worse and I have now lost my voice.  So I was whispering to the kids today.  The nice thing was they were whispering back not even realizing they were doing it, so it was a little bit quiter. 
So guess who is the next one to start with a little just a little British twang? 
Amber has started with some of her words or questions sounding a bit British!
I canceled French today since I couldn't talk.  I had a lot of things I needed to get done around here with having had break and everyone home and also traveling.  But I did need to go get my phone looked at.  So I went back to where I bought it and the guy tried looking at it but then said I would need to go to the service center.  Luckily it was between there and home.  So now comes the embarrassing story, right.  Wouldn't be Luxembourg if I could figure things out right!
So I drive over and it is in the bottom of an office building and they have a tiny little lot and of course it is all full.  So I see a underground garage.  I drive down there and the door is open and I don't see any signs for anything so I go in and take the last spot left in the tiny garage.  I barley get the car in the spot and have to suck it in to get out of the car it is that tight.  I am walking by the garage door to the stairs and I realize it is now closed.  Now I am wondering if I parked in the employee lot?  Crap.   So I go to the stair case and every floor I can't get out b/c you need a key code to get the door open.  So I keep going up.  I go up until I reach maybe the 5th or 6th floors and the door is open a bit so I open it and go in.  Well I am now standing in the break room of the cell phone employees, crap again!  So this woman comes by and I tell her that I am lost and just trying to get to the store downstairs but I parked in the garage and came out up here.  She looks at me funny and asks how I got in the garage and on this floor because you need an opener for the garage and a badge to get on the floor.  I said I didn't know the doors were open so I went in and there were no signs about anything.  So she escorts me in the elevator down to the store.  I thank her.  So there are no other customers in the store and all the customer spaces were full outside!  In the store someone spends about 20 min. looking at my phone and fixing it.  During this time I have a horrible coughing attack and 2 guys go fetch some water for me, I am thanking them again.  So after it is fixed I tell the guy that I accidently parked in their garage and wanted to know when I go to leave will the garage door automatically open.  He asks me how I got in the garage..... and said yes it should open.  So I thank him and walk outside and down the ramp to the garage.  Well of course the door is closed, crap.  So I waited a few minutes to see if anyone was coming or going and I could just slip in, but of course no.  So now I have to walk back up the ramp and into the store and tell the guys at the front that I accidentally parked in their garage and need to go throught the building to get to my car.  Why can't they just have a parking lot big enough for people to park here!!!  They ask me again how I got in the garage....  So the guy escorts me through the building down to the garage and then I am really embarrassed about how tightly my car is in the spot and that I am sucking it in to get into the car.  He then is helping me back out b/c of course I am doing like 6 point turns to try and get my tank out of here.  So then he walks over to the garage door and presses the opener.  I thank him and apolize again.  So embarassing!  I was telling Jason the story over the phone today and he is dying laughing, thanks honey!
So now that my phone is back to working I added those pictures to the week of March 25.
Amber went in fine to gymnastics this afternoon.  When we got to school to pick up the boys she said she had to go to the bathroom so we are in the bathroom and the fire drill goes off.  Everyone out.  So we had to wait outside for a bit with the school.  Don't really know what the problem was.  No fire.  So then the kids went back into school and came out with their bags as the day was already over. 
Jacob had tennis tonight and I am going to bed early.

Wednesday I went back home after dropping the kids off at school and took a nap as I was not feeling any better and now one of my ears is all clogged up.
After I picked Amber up we made blueberry muffins for tomorrow.
This afternoon I got our letters from the ministry of transportation that our drivers license stuff has more problems- ugh!

Thursday my friend and I were able to catch up for coffee since the other 2 girls have moved we are down to 2 now.  Another girl and her baby did end up joining us as well.  So that was nice to catch up after a 2 week break. 
I canceled French again today since I still have a bad cough. 
I got a lot of things done today and we all went to bed early.

Friday morning I had coffee at school with a friend, then on to the toy store to pick up the last gift for Sean's b'day and then a quick trip to the store for a few groceries.
Amber went to a friend's house after school so when I am free my friend and I like to try and do lunch.  So today we tried this French restaurant up a few streets from me.  It is neat restaurant in that it sits up a bit over the street and all the front walls are glass, so it is a full view of outside along the whole front of the restaurant.  It ended up being a lot more expensive then we had expected, but I guess it was our fault.  When we ordered our waiter spoke English and so we ordered lunch and then a glass of champagne.  Well here when you are ordering it is normally in French and we say Crement,  which is the local champagne.  We just didn't say that word since we were ordering in English, but we thought that was kind of the standard so I guess we learned!  He ended up giving us Champagne which is quite expensive!
Before I picked up the boys from school I picked up Amber at her friends and then we went to school.  Jacob had movie night at school so he stayed for that and they watched Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2.  And then Sean asked if he could spend the night at his friend's house.  I told the mom I didn't have any clothes or anything for him since this was spur of the moment and she was just going to take him from school since we don't live close to each other and she just said he could borrow some of her son's clothes.  That should look funny since her son comes up to Sean's shoulder!  So Amber and I came to school and all we left with were 2 backpacks!
Amber and I made some cookies at home.
After the movie was over we went back to school and picked up Jacob and his friend as he was sleeping over at our house.   So we came home and had dinner, the boys played, we had popcorn and they watched ET - too funny!

Sat. morning the jolly handyman came over and hung 5 more pictures for me.  I buy pictures from places that we visit and that is our art around the house.  He said you could just take the tour of Europe at our house since I have pictures from 6 different countries right now hanging up.  We will see how many I can collect over our stay here.  He also hauled away my old dryer.  Here you can't put anything out for trash unless it fits into your can.  I heard they do some type of pickup of other things, but I am not sure how often or when they do these things and I don't even know who to call. 
Jacob's friend that spent the night got picked up late morning and then after the handyman left we ran across town and picked up Sean from his sleepover.  Both boys had a fun night with their friends.
Early afternoon Jason got back from the states with his overstuffed suitcases.  So I went through and took out all our goodies and some presents we had ordered for Sean's b'day.  The kids were excited to see Jason and had a lot to tell him.  Then Jason layed on the couch and took a nap as he was exhausted.  When he woke up he quickly mowed the lawn, a big 15 minute job!  But with quite hours on Sunday it had to be done today.  We bbqed some sausages we had picked up from that butcher near his office the other week, and they were really good. 
Amber definately has a cold now, I am still not feeling good and Jason seems to be sick as well.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Week of Easter, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter! Sunday morning everyone was up by 8am except Amber.  About 15 min. later I was on my way up to get her and she was opening her door.  So the kids were excited to go downstairs and see if the Easter Bunny had come.

They found their Easter Baskets and goodies and started munching away on the candy!

Jason's mom had brought over cute little Easter bags for them to use for their Easter egg hunt, she also had to bring the plastic eggs as they don't have those here either.  So the Easter bunny put some candy in those eggs and hid them. 
So after getting into their Easter goodies they did their egg hunt.

Here in Europe this is not really quite the same tradation.  Normally there would be no basket, the kids would just get a chocolate egg.  No easter egg hunts, as they don't really have plastic eggs.  And no jelly beans either! 
We had a nice big breakfast.  Then the boys started watching their Diary of a Wimpy Kid movies they had gotten from the Easter bunny.  After lunch they all walked over to the big park down a bit from our house and then on over to the Pirate park.  It was a bit chilly out, so a bit later Jason called me to pick everyone up from the pirate park, since that is almost downtown right before the city center.  And then he went for a run and ran home.
Once home I opened my "ham" I had gotten from the butcher and we realized it is more like a pork roast.

 We were calling it the "mystery meat".  I then looked up online fresh ham and it says that it is more like a roast then a ham.  Too bad I didn't know that earlier b/c it would have been good with stuffing and applesauce.  Instead I made a maple glaze that turned out to be really good.  The meat ended up taking longer then the butcher had said so dinner was a bit later.  But we put half of the glaze on and then put the other half on the table to use with the meat, and everyone thought it all tasted good.  So I was glad it turned out ok b/c we were all excepting something else.

For dessert I had made a bunny cake.  This was our Easter cake, and Jason's and his mom's birthday cake as well, multi purpose cake!  That was yummy!

As I was tucking Sean in bed he said "Mom it was just you doing that stuff for the Easter Bunny and then for Santa clause too, right?"  I asked him why he thought this, and he said " B/c my friends said so at school."  Bummer I thought.  When Jacob was in kindergarten he asked me a bunch of questions about Santa and then not really a comment since then.

Monday morning when Sean came downstairs he found Papa sleeping on the couch.  When Papa woke up Sean told him that he did something to him while he was sleeping.  Papa was scared! 
But Sean was just kidding him.  That Sean!
Today the Easter holiday is celebrated with a day off, Easter Monday it is called.  So Jason had a call this morning to take but didn't have to go into the office.  So after his call we drove out to a town called Remich on the Moselle River.  It is just about 30 min. away.  Unfortunately the weather was a bit cold, and sprinkling so it wasn't great weather to walk around in, but they had a flea market in town along the river and so walked around there.  I picked up a gravy bowl to go with my Luxembourg pattern of that Villoroy and Boch china.  Jacob picked up an old Portuguese coin, and a cool almost new poker set in a closed case and Sean got a little match box car.  They also have big boat cruises you can do down the river, but it would be nicer on a better day.  So then we just ate at a diner type restaurant by the river. From here we finished walking around and then went to a winery just down the road.  It was really neat. 

We took a tour of the cave where they ferment and process the wines and champagnes.  The cave was built from 1919-1921.

This is where you enter the cave inside a building already.

The tour lasted a half an hour and then ended with a sample of champagne and then wine if you paid more for your tour.  The champagne was good, and the kids got white grape juice and were very excited. 

We bought a couple bottles and then the kids wanted a bottle of their white grape juice so we got that too!
Then we just drove on back home.
Since it is a holiday today not much is open here.

Tuesday Jason went into the office.  But we did go out and pick him up for lunch and ate at a cute microbrewery just down the street from his office.  It was a very traditional type of Luxembourgish place with sausages, quiches, sliced meats, and salads.
Attached to the restaurant is a butcher, suppose to be a good one, so we picked up some meat as well.
After lunch we dropped Jason back off, and then dropped all the rest of the boys at home and Jason's mom and I took Amber to her gymnastics class which Amber actually got to stay all the way until the end and do the bubbles since the boys didn't have school.  And from here we went to the grocery store.  They had bagels for sale in the bread section today!  I couldn't believe it.  I have never seen them for sale.  They were prepackaged 4 in a bag.  We are moving on up!

Wednesday morning Jason drove his parents to the airport at 4:30am.  That first flight out at 6:20am is a dousy!  Jason them came back home and went back to bed! 
We had a good time with them and hopefully they will come back and visit us again while we are here!
Later in the morning we had a lovely Easter tea get together with some of Amber's friends and the moms at a friend's house. 
After lunch Jacob had a friend come over and play.  I am so happy that the trampoline is back up and in use to keep everyone busy outside!

Thursday the boys had haircuts in the morning and then we had chircopractic appts.  It had been sprinkling a bit all morning, but when we come out of the chiropractor it was down right pouring.  It must have hailed a bit too, b/c once we got in the car there was slush all over my windshield.
We came back home for lunch, and then I played Jacob in a game of checkers.  So last time we played he was upset b/c he didn't know you could double jump, so I told him we are double jumping if the option comes up.  So this time I triple jumped him with a King.  He is now back to tears and says I am cheating!  Finally I just said we had to end the game b/c I had to take care of some things and we had been doing this for awhile.  Since he had more men on the board I just told him he could have this one!
In the later afternoon we went back to Amber's gymnastic place for a makeup class.  She was excited to be able to stay until the end.  The boys had to come with us as well.
So the one class ends and the teachers shakes the bells for the new class to come around, and Amber takes off running toward the door inside the gym and I bend down to get her shoes.  All of a sudden I hear her screaming and I turn around and she is running towards me.  I am like what happened why are you crying.  We sat there for about 15 min. watching the class, and I couldn't get her to go in.  She would cry and then stop and then start all over again.  The only thing I can think of, is there was a bigger man in the corner who had a lot of black on and then had both his arms tatooed all the way down.  I am wondering if maybe she ran into him on the way to the door b/c he had crossed the room too and maybe Amber got scared.  So we ended up coming home. 
Tonight I packed things up for our trip this weekend.

Friday morning we celebrated Jason's b'day and then he went to get a hair cut.
He came back and worked from home, we had an early lunch and then packed the car and left for Amsterdam.  With the traffic and the rain on and off it took us about 5 hours to get there and we stayed outside the city too.  Amber slept for about 1 1/2 hours in the car and Jason had a lot of calls to take.  Once we got to the hotel Jason had a meeting and needed his computer so we just hung out at the hotel.  We decided to stay a bit outside the city b/c I had a hard time finding us a reasonable priced room for 5 of us and there wasn't much available.  Also on Sunday we were going to the tulip gardens and so this way we were about 1/2 way between both spots.
After he finished his call we walked to this big center next to the hotel.  In there was a bowling alley with a 50's diner.  It looked like they also had some rooms for parties people could rent.  They had a wine and champagne bar (:  We went to the Salsa restaurant.  We walked in at 6pm and we are the first people in there on a Friday night, crazy.  After us more people came in and it was pretty full by the time left.  So this place has a grill on your table and if you chose the grilling choice like Jason and I did they bring the raw food out and you cook it.  The kids ordered their own plates of food.  So we grilled chicken skewers with Pineapple, filet of beef, and a good seasoned veal.  Then some vegetables too.  For dessert they had a small buffet with a chocolate fountain that the boys were oohing over.  So we did that with the cream puffs, biscuit like cookies and fruit to dip in it.  Amber decided she wanted strawberry ice cream instead.  So it was a good meal.  Then we just went back to the hotel. 

Sat. morning we got up and had breakfast in the room that I had bought.  I called to see if they could bring up 2 glasses of milk for our cereal and he said that he could but they will charge me like $6 for a service fee just to bring it up.  So I went downstairs and got it myself.  They had breakfast at the hotel but I wasn't crazy about paying $23/person for breakfast! 
There are a ton of things to do in Amsterdam so I made a list and thought we will see what we get to.
We were all packed up and left the hotel I think around 9am.  Jason asked at the front desk about how much would a cab be from here into town, and it was going to be about $200 round trip.  So we decided to drive.  The guy at the front desk gave him the infor. where we drive right to the outerskirts of town and park in a park and ride garage.  So we pull in there about 9:20 or so and it is mostly empty.  It is connected to a nice, big shopping mall.  You take you ticket inside, which the mall was closed but I guess this ticket office is open 24 hours.  You show him your parking ticket and he gives you a free tram ticket to get downtown and back out!  So we go and walk a couple of blocks to catch the tram going into the city.  We ride it for about 15 min. and then Jason looks on his GPS and figures this is the stop we get off and walk over to go see the Anne Frank House.  When we got there we had to wait an hour in line to get in.
The line and a church tower.

Anne Frank was a 13 year old jewish girl whose family of 4 plus 4 others went into hiding in her father's top 2 floors of his business for 2 years during WWII until they were found.  Her father had sold his business, and the new owner and a few office people were the ones helping them hid there.  While she was in hiding she wrote in a journal and after the war out of the 8 in hiding her father was the only who survived the concentration camps.  Anne and her sister actually caught typhoid and that is what they died off.  It seemed many people died of that as well in the camps.   It was close to the end of the war so maybe if they hadn't gotten sick in the camps they would have survived.  But one of the people helping them hid had kept her diary and journals after the Germans had taken them and when her father returned she gave it to him.  She wanted to write a novel about her time in hiding and she named it the Secret Annexe.  Her father took it and got it published and it is a famous book today.  We bought a copy of it while we were there too.  The house is very interesting to see, but also very sad.  They couldn't use the bathroom much between 8:30-closing time in the bottom floor of the warehouse since the workers below might here them.  They had to sit in the living room all day during working hours.  They were never allowed to look outside or go outside and this is for 2 years!  They would only bath on Sat. downstairs when no none was there.
 So the house on the left was the business that ran there.  Then in the front they had offices, and the Secret Annex was on the back of the house that you couldn't see from the front of the street.
After this we had lunch and walked around a bit.

Amsterdam is a bit like Venice.  It is a city on canals.  The buildings here are so pretty and they date back to the 1600 and 1700 century.

 This is cheese.

There are about 2000 houseboats in the city and no more new ones are allowed.  A lot of them are in bad condition.  One we past on our canal tour had sunk and they had to fish it out.  One that was all made of brick had just sold for about $500,000.

A lot of the buildings aren't straight anymore and they are leaning on one another.  Here is a picture Jacob took.  Look at how far foward the blue building and the one next to it are leaning.
A lot of these pictures have bikes in them.  Everyone here rides their bike.  We saw a sign that for parking on the street downtown here is like $7/hour!  We saw some street parking right along the canal, and in some spots it is parallel parking.  But there are no rails or anything to stop you from having a tire go off the street into the canal- yikes!  They would be fishing out my car!  And a lot of bikes end up at the bottom of the canals as well if they aren't locked up. 
Next we did a canal tour on this boat.

After the cruise we walked a bit to the famous Dam Square they have.

Next I stopped and saw George Clooney!

From here we went to Madame Tussauds Wax Museum.  Here they have famous people made out of wax where you can take your picture with them.  Hence the picture above.  We waited about 1/2 hour to get in.

Here the boys did a movie following Charlie Choplins moves.  It was funny.

After this we walked for awhile to get over to Hard Rock Cafe.  We got there at 5pm and they said there was a half hour wait.  So we sat outside under a heated umbrella since it was getting quite chilly out and waited.  We were suprised it was full already since that is early for dinner here in Europe.  We had a nice dinner.  Our table was on the 2nd floor next to the window over looking a canal.  So we watched all the boats going by.  From here we walked to a tram station, and got on and headed back to that mall we had parked in.  Got off and walked to the mall ticket station and paid.  We were there for 9 1/2 hours and we only had to pay $10!  That worked out great and saved a bunch verses taking a cab!  Then from here we drove back to the hotel as we were all pretty exhausted after a long day of walking around.

Sunday we went to the famous Tulip Gardens in Holland, Keukenhof Gardens.  It is south west of Amsterdam, closer to the ocean. Driving there you can see different tulip and flower fields from the car.  This garden is only open from the end of March until the middle or so of May to see the flowers.

 So it was a bit chilly and windy so we only stayed for 2 hours.  Beautiful flowers everywhere and it smelled so good there, especially the big indoor flower showcases.

These were the main flower at our wedding.  They smelled so good!
 I told the kids 2 rules here, don't step on the grass and no picking the flowers.  So then everytime we see people trying to walk among the flowers to take a picture one of my kids is saying "Look mom there not suppose to be walking in the flowers!"  And they were right.  There are signs all over that say no walking in the grass.

So we walked around in the garden, it is quite large.  They actually dig up the bulbs at the end of each season and then plant for 2 months in the fall around 7 million bulbs!

They have an old windmill you can walk up.  From here you can see out into the fields of tulips and flowers that you can't walk out to, but from here you can take a little 1 hour motor boat ride around a canal that goes out into the fields.  It was a bit cold and windy for that today so we passed. 

This is us up on the windmill platform.  And behind us all the fields of flowers.

They had a little playground in there for the kids.

So just a lovely, peaceful place with beautiful flowers.

Famous Holland wooden shoes.

I bought a big poster and framed it and am going to put it above my desk.  So when rainy season starts again next year I can just stare up at the pretty flowers!
From here we drove over to the beach, a short drive.  They have a long pedistrian only walkway with some restaurants so we ate there and then walked over to the beach.  It was super windy out here.  We couldn't even stand to be out there so long it was so windy.  But beautiful sandy big beaches with some restaurants right on them.

Down the beach a bit we see a bunch of people windsurfing. They must be crazy and I hope they had their long underwear on under their wetsuits, b/c they had to be freezing!
From here we drove home which was about 4 hours.
Busy weekend with the driving too, it makes for a long trip.  But beautiful places to visit.