Sunday, Happy Father's Day!!!
I made French toast for breakfast, a big favorite here! So Jacob missed that this morning since he was at a sleepover. He went directly from the sleepover to a Lazer tag b'day party so I didn't see him until I picked him up from the party at 1pm.
I had a lot of washing to do today and then it was a beautiful day so I went for a walk downtown and remember that today was the outdoor Church mass and picnic, but since Sean wasn't feeling well we didn't go. So I ended up going to the mass and then walked back home.
We baked some peanut butter chocolate brownies for Jason which everyone seemed to like. We had a BBQ to go with the brownies! The kids wrapped his gifts and were excited to give them to him.
Tonight Jacob and I made brownies so he can take those to his 5th grade disco tomorrow after school!
Here is a picture from last week one night at 10pm! Crazy how light it stays here in the summer!
Monday morning Jason wasn't feeling so well so he stayed at home and worked from home today. That doesn't happen much! I had some errands to do and then another great fishy lunch at my Norwegian friend's house. It was a beautiful day here today, about 84 degrees. We probably got our one day of summer! So we had lunch outside. She does such a lovely job of hosting. She loves it and everything is always so nice!
After school Jacob had his 5th grade disco. So we brought the food we had for that. It was for 2 1/2 hours. The rest of us went home plus I dropped off the neighbor girl. Then later I went back for Jacob. He had a good time! They also made T-shirts and everyone got to sign them.
Sean got his yearbook today. So they had been signing them at school. They are really nice books.
Still washing all the other bedding from the extra beds.
Tuesday was Jacob's graduation ceremony in the afternoon. So at 1pm we could go in the classroom and see things and finish the last page in their scrap book together.
Here the teacher gave the students their diploma too. Then at 1:45 we went upstairs to the auditorium, which was like a sauna with all these kids and parents- ugh!
And I thought it was going to be a ceremony but it was really like a show.
It was cute. Each class did a skit, then the band played, they sang a song and had a slide show of the whole grade and then 2 pictures of each child. So that took an hour. Then down to the cafeteria for treats. They had yummy slushies, little desserts and then a mom from school has a cupcake business and made cupcakes for the kids. I had a bite of Jacobs and it tasted very good! Jason made it in for most of the stuff today so that was nice.
The boys had tennis later.
Wednesday morning Jason got up early and flew to Amsterdam. We had slept with the fan on b/c it was so hot last night and then this morning I never heard my alarm go off! After drop off I tried to drop off my tennis form for next year but at 9am the receptionist lady wasn't there.
Jacob was having his class picnic at the big park between here and school today. I had sent him with a drink in his lunch box, and a water bottle, but he left his regular water bottle at home. I had to be back at school a bit before 11 to help with Amber's end of the year party, so I got there a bit earlier to see if I could catch the 5th graders as they were walking. I caught the tail end of the group and I started running but I wasn't catching them in time. Can't run too fast in sandals. So I started yelling one of his friend's name. The teacher at the end of the group heard me and turned around and took his water bottle. It was just so hot here today, 90 degrees, I wanted him to have as much water as possible! So then I went in school to help get the pizzas from the kitchen for Amber's grade for their end of the year party.

All 4 classes came today and had pizza, then they went back in their rooms and our class celebrated a girl's b'day, then outside to play. Then I went up and got the ice cream cups and they came back in after doing a couple little dances for the parents and the kids had ice cream! Quite some treats today!
Then back in the classroom and I gave the teachers the gifts and gift cards we had for them and I got a nice serving platter from them which was thoughtful. Amber and her teacher.
Then Amber was done since it is her short day. So we went to the park with another friend and they played and I also saw and visited with Jacob's group on the picnic. It was a nice time, but so hot!

Then Amber had to go back to school for the last ballet. Today the parents were able to watch so that was nice. We all enjoyed watching them. They looked so cute!
Amber didn't want her tights on since she was so hot and sticky but she didn't want to take her bright green socks off!

When Sean finished school, I ran upstairs and got his book bag which then I proceeded to leave in the ballet room all afternoon! I got the book bag and gave him the b'day present as he was going to a b'day party in Belgium today. The parents were driving all the kids so that was nice. It is to a big indoor trampoline and play area. The boys all had a blast. This boy who was having the party has a brother Jacob's age, so we sent him to religious education class with Jacob and then after class I took those 2 to a lazer tag b'day party- geesh! This party was only an hour and a half and I didn't want to go home b/c with traffic I would have only about 20 min and have to leave to head back out this way. So we went to a park near by, but after about 20 min. Amber was done. So we walked down the street to one of Jacob's friend's houses and they were home so Amber played with the girl and I had a nice visit with the mom. It was very nice!
A bit later I went back to the party and picked up the boys and then met his parents back at school to get Sean and they would take their son. It was here that I noticed I left Sean's bag in the ballet room so we ran back in school and downstairs and luckily it was still there!
It was so hot in the house by the time we got back this evening, yuck!
Jacob won 2nd place out of all of 5th grade for drawing a movie poster for a 5th grade project! He won a free movie ticket. So he was pretty excited about it.
We had a horrible storm come through here. That is what we get for having a 90 degree day! Around 11pm the thunder and lightening came on full blast. It was really bad. We don't get storms like that here. It lasted about 30 min. but continued to thunder on and off all night long.
Thursday morning it was still dark, raining and thundering. Since I won't be at school tomorrow for their last day I took some pictures this morning of them with some friends.
I did my last reading for Amber's class today. It was the book
The Night Before Summer Vacation. It is a cute book, and the kids enjoyed it.
Amber with 2 of her boy friends she likes playing with!
After reading I ran to the store to pick up some things for Jason to fix for himself and the kids this weekend.
Then I came home and spent 2 hours filling up 200 water balloons for Sean's class tomorrow to have a water balloon fight that the teachers wanted to do which will probably be over in 5 min! I started doing this in the powder room, and myself and the powder room were soaked! Then I found it easier to put on the sink faucet in the laundry room so spent the rest of the time down there.
After lunch the sun came out and it was a beautiful afternoon! I brought my balloons into school along with the 2 b'day gifts the boys needed to take to their parties today after school. I tried to say goodbye for the summer to people but it just didn't seem like school is ending.
So after school both boys found me and dropped off their book bags, with extra bags attached of stuff to bring home and then I gave them the presents. You should have seen me trying to carry all of this to the car! Sean was going with a friend to a lazer tag party, and Jacob was suppose to go to a paintball party but b/c of the weather the mom had to change it to lazer tag! So he went with that group there. So that worked out well. Then I didn't have to go to lazer tag until both parties ended and get the boys and one extra to drop off. It worked out well!
Earlier in the week I had seen 2 Carebears at the store here! I loved these when I was little. I had tried to buy them for Amber a few years back and couldn't find them anywhere. And then this week they were just in the toy section of the grocery store. I couldn't believe it. So of course I had to buy 2! I didn't really hide them, just put them in my closet. Well Amber walks in there this week and finds them. So all week she has been asking who they were for. So today she was sad that no one could play and the boys had 2 days of parties, so I let her pick one of them. She was so excited and chose the pink one. She played and held that bear all afternoon even when we went back inside lazer tag to get all the boys!
Jason came back from Amsterdam tonight and we all had dinner together.
For Jacob graduating from 5th grade and going to "Middle School" we presented him with a phone tonight. But it was just our guest phone we had here. I gave it to him and charged it and then we realized it is out of minutes- ugh. So I will have to look into that. Sorry Jacob. He was pretty excited even thought it isn't a fancy phone. We will see how he does with this one first. We were so proud of him this year. He had a great year, with doing percussion for band, student council, staying on top of his homework and projects all by himself and getting good marks. He did the sports that he could through school, made new friends, lost a good friend, and had a successful Switzerland trip away from home. He really seemed to take some responsibility this year. My little guy is growing up!
Friday morning I got the kids off to school with Jason for their last day of school! Yeah!
And then my girlfriend came and picked me up and we drove 9 hours and a bit to Poland for the weekend! We were doing a girls trip to a town in Poland that sells this Polish Pottery. It was a long drive, but went by pretty fast without the kids! She had heard of this place other girls had stayed at when they did this so we stayed there. It was a cute/quaint bed and breakfast place. It was a remodeled barn on the outskirts of town in the country.
The horse barn was across the parking lot and we could hear the horse and donkey neighing in the morning.
We got in around 6pm and got settled and then had dinner there. They have about 8 tables for meals. It was a good dinner. We then went for a walk down this country road. A lot of neat old looking buildings.
This is an old building on their property that people are living in.
Our room was quite large. It was a studio, so it had a couple of beds and then like a family room sitting area and TV.
Each of the kids went home with friends after school today and Jacob also had a sleepover.
Then after work Jason picked up Amber and Sean and came home and made pizzas.
Sat. we tried to sleep in but it didn't work too well. So we were up before 7:30. So once we were ready we went down for breakfast. It was ok, the European usual. Then we were off to pottery shop! This bed and breakfast had all of this down to a tee! They had a whole packet of information about the 25 or so shops around town to see. So we started off with one and were completely overwhelmed! There was pottery everywhere!
So we visited about 10 shops or so not really buying much and then headed to lunch at this thatched roof place the guy at the bed and breakfast had recommended.
It was cute and authentic food. And that is a tea pot in front made out of wood. This whole town is around this pottery stuff. A round about in town.

My friend had a pasta/ravioli dish that they filled with either meat, cheese or a mushroom mixture. I had a more basic chicken and rice dish. After this we drove to a couple of stores way out of town and only got a few things and then realized that some of the first stores we went to were going to close soon so we went back there and just got a few things. Then it was closing, so we looked at another store that my friend thought she saw a pattern that she liked. Most stores had different patterns so it was hard to find one we liked. So at this store my friend got a lot of things, a tea set, and everything to go with it. From here we hit 2 more stores. The last one was our favorite by far. They had things laid out all over so you could see the patterns and they had big dishes for baking and serving which is what we wanted so we did good here! Then it was time to get back to the B&B for our massages. Again this hotel was great, you could schedule massages, facials, manis and pedis and the people come to the hotel. So 2 ladies came and brought their massage tables in the room and we each got a massage and facial. That took about 2 hours and was wonderful! Then we got ready for dinner and enjoyed that.

Jason and the kids went with my friend's husband and their kids to McDonald's and a movie so that was fun for them!