Thursday, October 27, 2011

Week of October 23rd

Sunday I took the kids to church.  We know a couple of families that go there as well now through school and other events.
Sean had a 3 hour costume b'day party to go to in the afternoon so he was excited and then I took the other 2 to the park for a bit.  It was a beautiful sunny day in the 50's here.  They say when winter comes here it will be gray and rainy/little snowy the entire season so trying to take advantage of this sunny weather!

Monday I tried to find Jacob a speedo at the store and then a few stores in the mall, but couldn't.  He will start swimming class next month for gym, and they need a speedo and swim cap!  He is not happy about having to wear a speedo, but I will try and find him one of the longer ones they now make. 
The kids' play keyboard wasn't working so we went to change the batteries only to find that one of the them had leaked and made a mess inside and outside the keyboard.  Later I found that it must have been sitting on the leather couch because the battery acid had dried on the couch.  I wiped it off only to see that it had bleached the leather in a couple of spots- nice.  Sean went to the library today at school and checked out a book for himself and a Dora book for Amber.  He has done this before where he checks out books he thinks Jacob or Amber might like.  It is amazing how thoughtful they can be at times (:

Tuesday- Starting last week I would say it is now still dark when I am taking the kids to school - yuck!
After drop off I met some other moms from Sean's class at the mall they have this great Cafe called Oberweis- which is so funny because this is the name of the milk company at home we get milk from.  Here this place is all about their famous chocolates and their cafe.  Then I went to the other side of town and they have this toy store I would say it is the closest thing to Toys R Us, but about 1/4 of the size and started some Christmas shopping.  They were having some sales going on, but I didn't really find what I was looking for with the boys.  After lunch Amber had her Little Gym makeup class since she won't be there next week and this week is a Halloween theme.  The whole place was decorated for Halloween and they played songs from the Ghostbusters movie, and The Adams Family, and at one point they turned out the lights in the gym and did some tumbling in just the light of 2 lamps.  She had a great time!
After we picked the boys up I took them to get their hair cut and I thought I would take them out to dinner, but as usual the 2 little pizza places around the corner from the lady's house don't open until late.  So we came home and had sloppy joes instead.

Wednesday was Amber's day to dress up for her country.  So she is in all the red, white and blue I could find.
Then after school I picked her up and her best bud, took them back to our house and got them dressed for his Halloween party they were having and went over to the party.  They all had a lovely time.  About 5 kids were there plus some babies and we all had lunch and then they all played.

After the party we ran back to school to get the boys from RE and Amber fell asleep in the car.  Jacob had his guitar in the evening and when we got back from that Jason had finally returned after a week and a half back in the states.  So he brought us all our goodies, 2 almost 50 lbs suitcases of stuff.  I don't even think he brought back many of his clothes!  We got lots of American goodies, so we should be set for a bit!  One friend sent the kids a goody bag and here is some of the things in it:

Thursday I met a few friends at the mall in the good cafe they have there after school dropoff.  My French teacher wasn't feeling good and canceled my class today (: 
Amber was excited to go back to her gymnastics class and see all the Halloween stuff again.  Then after school Jacob went to a friend's house.  When we went to pick him up Amber fell asleep as soon as she got in the car and it was 45 min. later by the time we got back home- ugh she will not go to sleep well tonight!
The kids are looking forward to their fall break!

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