Thursday, February 16, 2012

Week of February 12

Sunday was the big day of Amber's b'day party!  She was so excited!  We had a nice outfit picked out and she wanted to put it on the minute she woke up, but since her party wasn't until after lunch and her top was white I made her wait until after lunch.  She must have asked me like every 15 minutes when she could put on her pretty outfit, too funny!
So we had 13 kids and it was at her Little Gym place.  All the kids had so much fun, and even Jacob and Sean participated with all the little kids.  Then we had brought a bunch of snacks and cakes for the food since it was after lunch.

The cake didn't quite look like the 3 layered checkered cake in the picture, but it was a nice layer cake that people thought was neat and enjoyed.

This is a picture of it after the party.  The people at the party place cut the cake wrong so it ended up falling over when they were done cutting all the pieces, so this is 2 of the 3 layers.  The layers ran together a bit in the pan, so it is more like a tie dye cake!

So these are the cupcake favor boxes, that we put the cupcakes in and gave away as favors!

After the party she spent the rest of the afternoon playing with all her new toys.  She had so much fun!

Monday Jason got up around 3:30am to get ready and fly out to the states.  Two states in 3 days and then a flight back.  Talk about time travel!
After I dropped the kids off I went to the ER, or what they have here to get my ribs checked out.  I have had this pain in the bottom of one of my ribs for a bit and it just seems to be hurting a bit more so I thought I would go and see if they could x-ray it and see if they saw anything.  They said everything looked normal so that is good, and he gave me some anti- inflammatory medicine.  It seemed to help right away, but still don't really understand why it was hurting. 
The hospital is just up the street from me, and they have a small underground 3 floor parking garage.  Since I was there early in the morning I was able to get a spot, but if you drive by there later, you will see a line down the street of cars waiting to get a spot in the garage.  They just wait until someone leaves and then the gate will let one car in.  So then you still have to walk outside to get to the hospital and once there I asked if they had an emergency room and you wait in line to get a ticket.  Then you register with the lady when she calls your number. Then you go to the urgency secretary and she checks you in and then you wait in their waiting room until you are called.  Then once called they take you back in a little room for evaluation.  Then I just walked around the corner for the x-ray, waited about 5 min. then the dr. came back and saw me.  So it was a good process and I was there for a little more then an hour. 
I use my phone to take most of our pictures here and then just send them to my email to download on the computer.  Well they just aren't going through.  So I tried something new.  I sent them to myself and then put my phone on the window sill facing the window and whala!  My picture arrive right away in my email.  Crazy houses here!
This afternoon Amber was just having so much fun playing with her new toys!  We played games, playdoo, barbies and crafts.  I actually lost track of the time and was almost late getting back to school.
One of Amber's girl friends is having a party this weekend, but we won't be able to make it so we gave her her gift, a bright pink dress up dress!  When she comes over here she loves getting into the dress up clothes as she didn't have any yet.
In Sean's class today it was someone's b'day and he brought in a pinada to do in class!  I haven't even seen those here at all. 

Happy Valentine's Day!  The kids were excited to see little Valentines gift for themselves this morning!  Amber was so excited to bring her valentine's cards in to school that she had done for her friends.  Only the American's at school were dressed in red and valentine clothes.  No one else did valentines in her class.  In preschool they did make some valentine crafts and cookies.  Here there really were no valentine decorations anywhere, and not really any special treats in the stores.  They did have a few of their type of small cakes in pink hearts. 
Jason called me from Walmart today.  He was there at 6am shopping for a few things.  I am jealous he got to go shopping there, although not at 6am!  He was down the barbie aisle looking to bring a little something back for Amber and was completely overwhelmed by the choices.  Then he went over to the girls section since I wanted to see if they had any valentine clothes left that he could pick her up something for next year.  They didn't but he said that it looked like a pink bomb had exploded there!
Today it was snowing those really big pretty snowflakes, but not as cold.  There is a little bit of snow on the roads, but not much and it seems to be melting on the roads since it isn't that cold.  My French teacher calls me, before 10am thank goodness, and tells me it is too dangerous to be out on the roads today she would prefer to stay home.  Ok.  Guess she wouldn't do good in the midwest in the winter months!
Just yesterday at school someone was talking about the smell coming up from the drain in their laundry room. I had that same thing happen in the fall and I poured vinager and hot water down it and then it was fine, but haven't had to do it since.  Well then today we had that smell as well.  It must be at certain times of the year or something!  So I dumped the vinager and water down it today and then the smell goes away.
At school today Jacob was saying that one of his friends brought in flowers for a girl he likes.  Jacob also said that the upper school was selling flowers and then would deliver them to the person.  So I guess one of the girls in his class got a flower from her sister that way.  I asked if he did that who would he want to send a flower to and he said "Amber"  so I thought that was nice of him.
One of the gifts Amber got for her b'day was the book The Original Velveteen Rabbit.  The boys even each borrowered her book and read it which I thought was cute.

Wednesday Amber got to dress up for Carnival at school since the preschool was going to do a parade through the school.  She dressed up as snow white, just a costume I had bought here.
The kids all looked so cute.  It was like Halloween!
Amber's teacher dressed up as a princess, so funny, and he even had a long Rapunzel like braid.
Then later in the morning her class put on 2 little plays that had gone along with the books they were reading, The Three Billy Goat Gruffs, and The Mitten.
They did a great job and it was very cute.

In the afternoon I received another package for our neighbors.  I took it over in the evening and stepped inside their house.  It is a very nice house, compared to our very basic house right next door.  She was very polite and we talked for a few minutes.  They are both from here.  And they also have a house in the south part of France near the ocean. 
I am loving my new alarm clock I got.  No buzzing, and this one you can wake up to nature sounds.  It is nice to wake up to the birds churping on my alarm clock.

Thursday I ran to the store for a few quick things since my coffee was canceled, but don't get me wrong I still stopped there and picked up my little cinnamin pastry to eat as I walked over to the store!  Although I must admit it does taste better with tea!  When I went to check out at the store I had 17 items.  There were 3 lanes open and no other people waiting to be checked out.  So I go up to the first one and it says less then 10 items, I have 17 but there is no one around.  So I ask if I can check out here, she makes a funny face and points that I have to walk down to another one.  There are 20 checkout lanes across the entrance to the store but only the 3 are open, and I see that the next one says 10 items or less as well.  The last check out line open says priority for handicapped, elderly and pregnant.  So I go in this one.  I guess I am elederly today, annoyed!
Then I decided to try and talk to someone at the cleaners to see if they do sewing.  I have not seen it written on their board, but I thought I would try.  I have seen 2 stores that do repairs on one of the main streets closer to downtown, but this is easier.  I don't know the word for sewing, but it is pretty obvious what needs to be done since the coat is completely ripped open from the arm pit all the way down.  So the lady there gets what needs to be done but says it will be 2 weeks, something to do with the holiday I think.  Ok.  And I have to have the coat cleaned as well in order to get it sewed.  So for $24 I will have a cleaned, and sewed good looking coat, hopefully!
Amber went to a friend's house after school so I didn't even have to pick her up from school.  I got a whole afternoon to myself!  I didn't even think of it until I was eating lunch that I should have seen if a friend wanted to do lunch!  So I ended up driving out to the import store to get our Cheerios and things we can't live without (: (Like Pop Tart Fridays for the kids!)
After school the side of the car Sean needs to get in on didn't have enough room so I told him to crawl in through the trunk, not too uncommon of an occurance here!  His boots were all dirty so I pulled them off as he climbed in the back.  When I look at his socks I see the same hole that was in his sock yesterday that I had told him to throw away and change his socks before bed anyway.  So I ask him "how many days do you think we wear the same pair of socks for?"  Needless to say they were off his feet once at home!
Jacob had his last bball practice after school and then the coaches celebrated with them by buying them pizza.  The older players will continue on for about 2 more weeks in the finals, but they are all away games and 4th grade can't travel.
Jason got back tonight after his trip to MI and NY in 4 days.  So of course I want to see what goodies he brought us back.  He told me he couldn't bring much back b/c he was just bringing his bag via carry on.  When I look in his suitcase he brought back the couple things I had asked for and like 5 different kinds of bags of candy.  Are you kidding me?  You go to Walmart and this is what you bring back!

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