Monday, March 11, 2013

Week of March 3rd, 2013

Sunday Sean and I did RE and church.  Then he had a b'day party after that and I went home and ate lunch and then took Amber to a b'day party.  And Jason went back and picked up Sean and a friend and then they came back here for a playdate.

Monday morning Sean was starting to say his belly hurt again, but since he didn't get sick and had already stayed home on Friday I had him go to school today. 
I got my car cleaned out at a different place then last year when we first moved here.  This place did a great job and was a little bit cheaper.  It is at the mall with the big grocery store and some other mall stores.  The car takes 2 hours to do and my appt. wasn't until mid morning.  So I wondered around the mall a bit and then went grocery shopping.  I had a bunch of stuff to get with my parents coming and the big b'day party this weekend.
At 3 pm I am in the school parking lot and I get a call from the nurse that Sean now has diarrhea and bad cramping.  Oh no!  So I go and get him and pack up his stuff, then go down stairs and get Amber and her friend.  Then back upstairs only to realize I need Jacob's back pack before he goes to his friend's house.  So back downstairs to wait until he comes out of his class and I had grabbed his book bag out of his locker so he could just put his stuff from class in there.  Finally we have everything and we head home for Sean to rest.  Poor thing was fine over the weekend and now this is back again.  Once Amber's friend got picked up we went and picked up Jacob from his friend's house.  Once back home he goes to start his homework and realizes his French folder isn't there.  I didn't know that was his French folder in his locker and I didn't grab it when I took everything out of there.  Most of Jacob's homework is all online, but French isn't plus he needs the workbook. 
Sean didn't eat much for dinner but seems to be feeling ok. 

Tuesday morning Sean had diarrhea in the morning but then that was it.  He ate breakfast at 9 am and was feeling fine, so off to do errands with mom!  I actually think he has been enjoying doing things with just me!  So we met with the cake lady this morning at a cafe.  She has a neat looking design for Amber's party so I am looking forward to seeing it.  She is in the process of trying to open her own shop here and it will be within walking distance to me so I am excited.  She wants to do kids cooking classes and such so I hope she can open soon.  To do anything like that here takes forever to get everything lined up!  So I wish her good luck!
Then we had to run to the store and pick up a few things I couldn't find at the other store yesterday.  Sean likes pushing the cart around!
We had lunch at home and then played some card games.  He was fine all afternoon.  I had dropped off his school notebooks with his work in it and talked to his teacher this morning so then she was going to check everything and put everything back in his locker with anything else they did today and I told her I would just pick it up at the end of the day when I get everyone else. 
After school Amber went home with a friend and since Sean had been feeling well all day I decided to keep his tutoring appt.  Today he started with a senior boy who was going to be reviewing math things with him.  He isn't behind in math but his teacher says when they go back to something they previously had done Sean doesn't always get it right.  She never said anything to me but the kids just got their report cards a week or so and it was in there.  I wish I had known sooner so he could have been working on things all along!  So he is going to spend an hour once a week reviewing math things with this boy up in the library.  So after school Jacob played outside with a friend, it was a lovely sunny afternoon!  And we waited for Sean.  Once that finished we took Jacob to tennis and then over to pick up Amber from her friend's house. 
Tonight I made fudge brownie cookies.  I am not sure I like them any more then brownies and it is more work.

Wednesday morning I wasn't feeling too good so Jason was able to take the kids to school today on his way out of town to Germany for the night. 
I got things ready and waited to hear if my parents made all their flights.  It was tight and things were delayed with all the snow at home, but they got here only a little later then scheduled so all was well!
Amber had her "short day" as she calls it and went home with a friend and then to ballet.
We went back to school once I picked up my parents at the airport and picked up the kids from their after school activities and headed home.

Thursday I took the kids to school and then around 10 am I drove my parents downtown and parked close to the city center.  We had to go all the way down to the 5th level in the parking garage to find a spot.  So we spent the day walking around.  We did the chocolate house with hot chocolate and tried a marble and carrot cake, but both too dry for my liking.  We visited the Museum of the History of Luxembourg City.  We did a little shopping and had lunch at a soup shop.  All they sell are a couple of different soups.  We picked up the kids at school.  Jacob had a friend over to play, someone he hadn't had over before.  So they had a good time.  And then Jacob had guitar later. 

Friday during the night guess who finally came down with the flu the kids had?  Me-ugh!  So I didn't sleep well at all. 
My parents came with me to drop the kids off at school and then we ran to the grocery store.  I was too tired to do tennis so I took a nap instead.  Then we went out to lunch at the British Store's Tea Room.  They have the Friday fish fry.  I didn't get that, just a sandwich, but I was feeling better.  Then we shopped at the store for some American goodies.  We went back to school to pick up the kids and they were excited it was Friday!
We had a low key evening at home.  I made some soup and we rented a movie with the kids.

Sat. morning after breakfast we set out for some sightseeing.  First we went to the town of Wiltz.  It is a town about an hour north of here in the Northern part of the country.  It didn't end up being as good as I thought it would be.  The chateau there is mostly a school so you can't go in it. 

The Museum of the Battle of the Bulge is housed there but was closed for remodeling.  So they had a beer museum in another part of the chateau so we went and saw that, but it didn't take very long to go through.   We walked up a street and had lunch at this good Italian place.  They had really good pizzas.  Then from here we drove to Bastogne, Belgium.  Here is the site of many war memorials, but their main museum is closed but we knew that before hand.  So we saw about 5 of them I believe and another museum to WWII they had.  So lots of stuff to see.

Then we drove home from here.
For dinner tonight we went out to this brewery place we had visited last Sat. night downtown in the Grund area.  It is in an old brewery building.  It was neat.  Food was good, but too plentiful for us!  But that didn't stop us from trying some desserts out too!

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