Friday, December 21, 2012

Week of Dec. 16th, 2012

Sunday was another dreary day and Amber had a playdate after lunch and then they took the her and him to the b'day party and when it ended I picked up the 2 kids.  It was at my friend's house who lives a good 20 plus minutes from school.  It doesn't sound far, but you don't have to go too far and you are out in the fields.  She lives in a little village almost!
Today I made a new recipe from my new cookbook my friends got me for my b'day.  It was a recipe for Chocolate Banana bread.  It turned out pretty good.  I have a coffee tomorrow morning I need to bring it too.
Sean wasn't feeling too well today and so he was kind of mopey.  He is coughing and has a sore throat with a little fever.

Monday morning Sean wasn't any better so I kept him home from school today.  At least his fever was gone.  So after we dropped off the other ones at school I had to drop off this bread at the coffee morning.  It was a coffee morning for the moms in Sean's class.  So we stopped by briefly.  Then I took Sean to the Dr. but she said it is viral and wouldn't give him anything.  I hope it doesn't get worse!  She gave us some over the counter medicines to take so we had to go to the pharmacy to pick those up!  Once the sicknesses start settling in I feel like the pharmacy is a regular errand!
This afternoon I got the 3 layers made for the triple layer chocolate cake I am making for my friend's surprise b'day luncheon my other friend and I are hosting.
Tonight I put it together.  I didn't look too bad.

Tuesday I ran to the toy store which is in another town over and re bought the gift of Jacob's I couldn't find!  It was just a puzzle mat where you can put a puzzle on it and then roll it up and the puzzle stays on the mat.  So I get it wrapped at the store.  When I get home and put it with the other wrapped presents I notice a box that looks just like this one.  I didn't realize that was it since it was already wrapped and put away with the other gifts- ugh!  Now I have 2!
Today my friend and I were throwing a little surprise luncheon for our other friend.  So we invited a few friends and it was at my other girlfriend's house.  We ordered Chinese food and we enjoyed my chocolate cake.  It was funny, b/c the Americans were loving the chocolate cake, but it was very rich.  One of the other ladies was Norwegian and was like whoa this is rich and the Danish woman did pretty good with it.  But here desserts are either fruit based or just kind of dry and not as sweet.  Those American desserts, yummy! 
Jacob had bball practice after school, Sean had a friend over and then the mom picked up Jacob with her daughter at practice and brought Jacob home and picked up her son here.  So that worked out well.  Tonight was Jacob's band concert.  He had to dress up in a white shirt, black pants and a tie!  Oh no I thought I don't know how to tie a tie and Jason was still out of town.  But thankfully he had a tie that was already tied but just had been loosened at the neck.  So we were able to get it back together and I think he looked pretty good!

So he plays percussion, so that is the glockenspiel, snare drum and symbols.  I was sitting at the end of a row so I had a great view of Jacob on the stage.  But I have never sat in a row where so many people have had to get up and come back.  I was getting annoyed!
After the concert was the bake sale so the other loaf of chocolate banana bread I made was for this.  Sean helped during and after sell the goods.

Wednesday morning was Amber's concert with the 3 yr. old preschool as well.  They did such a good job!  Jason got back just in time and made it after a song or two so that was great!  Amber just loved it.  She did good with all the singing and hand motions and then those taking French they sung a song in French so she did really well with that too.  Some of them got to come up and hold the microphone and sing a bit into it and she did that as well.  Towards the middle of the concert, one of the little preschoolers started falling asleep and was resting his head on the person sitting next to him.  The teacher ran up to get him before he fell over and he slept the rest of the concert in his arms.  It was too funny!

After the concert I had her and her friend over for lunch and a playdate before going back for ballet.

Jacob's RE was cancelled today so when Amber was done I just took those 2 home and dropped them off while Jason worked from home and then went back in a bit to get Sean from his activity.
I enjoyed going through the suitcases Jason brought back and getting the last few Christmas gifts out and getting those ready for Christmas for the kids.  One thing which I had him bring were sprinkles and red hots to decorate cookies with.  There are no red or green sprinkles anywhere!

Thursday I had coffee with a few preschool moms and then went home to get ready to bake 60 cookies for the 3rd grade party tomorrow.  My friend was going to come over and help but her son got sick so I just did it.  They were mostly gingerbread men but I put a few trees and other shapes in there too!  Then I had to bake a treat for Jacob's holiday party tomorrow so I made brownies with M&M's for that.  Today Santa came in to visit Amber's class and handed out the books, the room parents ordered and my mother in law kindly wrapped.  Amber was so excited about it when I picked her up.  She said," The real Santa was the one here"
Jacob had bball practice after school and I guess the fire alarm went off, so of course they had to go out in the rain in their shorts and short sleeve shirts.  Sean had tennis and Jacob's guitar teacher had left town so his lesson was cancelled.  My friend and her kids came over after school and we exchanged Christmas gifts.  She had gotten these cute little travel games for the kids.  Amber never let hers out of her sight the rest of the night, including taking it to bed with her!   The boys liked theirs as well and Sean brought his in his bed to play as well!
Tonight is the last night for the elf so he is bringing a note and a little gift for each of the kids.  I enjoy the elf and the kids like looking for him each morning, but it is difficult to find 30 or so ideas for him each night to get into!

Friday was a busy day!  The kids were excited to see the little gifts Sam had left.
In the morning I dropped off the gingerbread cookies, and extra sprinkles for Sean's class party in the afternoon, then on to drop off the brownies for Jacob's holiday party too.  Then on to Amber's class to drop off the food for her afternoon party.  Once her class started I went in and we gave the teachers their class gift this year.  It was gift cards to amazon.  That is what all the preschool teachers and 3rd grade teachers got this year.
After this I headed out to the place here that is like AAA it is an automotive club.  I had to renew my membership and then buy a sticker for a different country.  Some countries here don't have toll roads, so when you enter them you must have their country sticker on your car.
From here on to the mall/grocery store center to hit the post office, dry cleaners and store.
Then I ran home and dropped off the groceries.  Jason's office started its holiday vacation so the office was closed but he was working all day here at home. 
Then I went to my friend's house to pick something up.  From here I had tennis.  There were only 2 of us there today so we had a good lesson.
Then I ran home to eat and shower and back to school for all the holiday parties.  First was Sean's party.  I helped the kids with decorating the gingerbread cookies.  I brought in the red hots and hardly anyone knew what they were!  Too funny!  Sean loved them!

Then after that I went and helped out with games at Jacob's holiday party.  Jacob also had a pizza party for lunch.  So the kids had a nice day of playing at school today!  Amber got to decorate the gingerbread cookies they had made yesterday and then a party in the afternoon.
Everyone was glad when school was over to come home and relax!
Happy Holidays to all and to all a Good Night!

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