Sunday morning was the big day! Jacob was heading to Switzerland until Friday for the 5th grade field trip! Can you believe it! He gets to go up in the mountains in Switzerland, so cool! Here is a picture of the area he is going too.
He had to be at school around 8:30 and the buses left at 9am. They had 2 buses, one was called a double decker one, the seats were on the second level but there was no first level. I think it was 2 levels of storage for suitcases and stuff. So Jacob was able to go on that one so he was pretty excited.

He was so excited! This stuff is right up his alley! We have no contact with the kids while they are gone, they weren't allowed phones or electronics. We got an email tonight from the school saying they got there ok in about 8 hours but they stopped for lunch I am assuming that was an hour. Then the only way we know what is going on is their blog we can follow with pictures too. So the kids that did it tonight said they had a lamb potato gratin dish for dinner and it was good- doesn't sound good to me! But other kids said they had roast beef! So something got lost in translation! They went on a little hike, but said it was cold. And that they were pretty tired. So I am glad everything went well with the travel there. I was a bit worried about the buses in the mountains and such a long drive. In the fall a bus had an accident in Switzerland that was carrying kids from Belgium, and it wiped out a whole classroom of kids, horrible. Our principle had mentioned the school's travel policy and everything they had for rules with what the buses and drivers had to do so it sounded like they were taking all the right precautions.
After this I went back home and picked up Sean as he had his last Sunday Communion class! He had a test today, which he passed, got them all right! So I was happy for him. There was no church at the this church today b/c it was at the one downtown, but there wasn't enough time to get between the churches by the time this class ended the other church had already started and it is not easy to get to. So we just went home and had lunch. Jason was still pretty tired and napping. As you could tell from the pictures the sun was shining today, but still cold, but the kids were able to play outside today. Amber and Sean played well together today outside, then inside for a movie and some blackjack. At one point Amber asked where Jacob was, ha. And Sean said he wouldn't miss him this week, but I bet by the end of the week he will.
I went around to everyone's closets and tried to figure out what they could wear for Sean's First Communion and if they needed anything else.
Since Jacob is gone this week I decided it would be a good time to take all his bedding off, mattress pad, comforter, blankets and all and get it all washed. Amber's got done not too long ago when she threw up in her bed. I am wondering where I can send Sean so I can do his bed next? Ha!
In the afternoon the handyman came over to do some work on some of our overgrown hedges. So I had Jason ask him if he could help with the ping pong table. I was determined to get it to my house! So when he finished his stuff, they took my car with the roof racks and 2 hours later the table was all ready to play! Yikes a bit longer then I was expecting. They had to take it apart to get it up on the roof, so the legs and such were in the car and they had blankets over the pieces on the roof and they did a nice job of getting everything up there and secure. The handyman tied Jason in the car with all the doors tied down, then the handyman climbed in and out of the backseat window. So all is well and we are ready to play!

Since we really weren't expecting it to take that long we had planned on going downtown and walking around and having dinner down there. It was like 6:45 by the time they finished, so we left right away and the kids wanted the Pizza Hut down there. So we did that and then got some ice cream, which I told the lady we had 5 cones when I went to pay and Jason is like no 4! Oops. We walked around a bit, but it was getting chilly so then we came home and played a little ping pong before getting everyone ready for bed.
Monday was a bit quicker only getting 2 out of the house, 2 lunches, etc. I did another reading for Amber's grade this morning. Only one more to do! Then I headed out to Germany to do my shopping. I did the toy store today and got some boy gifts for upcoming parties. Then to the dm for all the bathroom, toiletries and such, then the clothing store next to it for a few low cost items. Then I did the shoe store and had great luck! Jacob needs brown and black shoes for his concerts for school, this weekend with Communion and things so he got one of each. Each of them got a pair of tennis shoes, and Sean got a pair of sandals so it was great. Almost all of them were under 20 euros! Of course you can't go into a shoe store and not buy something for yourself (: So I got a pair of comfy sandals. Then over to the grocery store in which I remembered I left my list at home. I got most of it ok, but they were out of stock of some things like the juice I wanted. Here is a picture of the trunk with the seats folded down and it is loaded. There were bags in the back seat too. And you can't even see the bags behind the first row of stuff.

This is why it takes me half a day to shop out here with driving and then half a day to put everything away!
After school Amber had a friend over and since the weather was sunny today they were inside and outside back and forth keeping busy. I had Sean helping me with my next project. In the basement under the stairs, not creepy here as it is all finished. We had just been storing boxes and shoes, no sense of order. So when we brought in the ping pong table I had to clear all that stuff out because the way the doors are laid out they had to go that way before going into the playroom. So I got it all cleaned today and then had Sean help me brake down the boxes and put a shoe rack over there. I now need to buy some more shoe racks and see about a metal shelving unit for storage there.
Jason was home early and we had dinner and then ping pong tournaments. Amber can't really do it yet.
Every night the 5th graders do their blog and post it. Well poor Jacob since 3 yr. old preschool has always had a Jacob either in his class or his grade. So far Sean and Amber have lucked out. So even here there is another boy who is from Sweden and spells his name the same but it sounds Yacob. So they listed each group and both Jacob's just say their first name so I can't figure out which group he is in. I will need to wait until they post a picture. So far all groups have posted for tonight with a picture and I haven't seen him. This one group left with a Jacob went camping tonight so they wouldn't be posting. They were hiking all day and then camping with a bonfire tonight. If it is his group I am glad he did it today b/c starting Wed. it is suppose to rain there. They might have been sleeping in little houses.
Tuesday Jason brought in Sean early to school as he had to be there then to leave for a field trip. They went to Belgium today to visit a castle with a bird show. We had just gone and seen it when my parents were over visiting. They got a guided tour and he seemed to really enjoy it. The kids were intrigued by the guy telling them how the devices in the torture chamber worked!
After I dropped Amber off I went to the Chiropractor and then drove to Belgium as well to go to Ikea. Going there they were working on the highway and it was down to one lane on my side. Well b/c of this they closed the exit, and the next exit was in 3 miles- ugh! So I did that and then turned around and headed back towards it and that side of the highway is totally backed up. So it took me awhile to get there today. I wanted to go and look for some more shoe racks and shelving. Found that and a whole cart of other things, and had to pick up some things for a friend. So that was about 2 hours in there. To get home, the traffic was much better at that time.
Once home I got everything unloaded, ate lunch, got a few things done and then I filled up the car with the boxes that were under the stairs. That is where the shoe racks and the new storage shelf will go once Jason gets it all put together! I had an old printer and then all these boxes and I went to the recycling center and dropped everything off. Then over to the book store since they called and said the Bible books I had ordered were in, perfect! Then to school. Sean had math after school so Amber was able to play outside with friends. The sun was shining today and it was a beautiful day to sit in the sun!! Then on to tennis for Sean. He was tired after all of this.
Jason got home around dinner, early for him, and was able to get all my shelves/racks put together. I got that all organized tonight and it looks much better! Funny how I have lived here for 2 years but decided to do it now! Oh well! Better late then never.
Then on to all the emails for the end of the year stuff and room parent stuff. I am sure it is the same at most schools but all this stuff at the end of the year, really! Can't we just fade out!!
So Sean- 2 field trips, chess day, medieval day, spring concert, and sports day and 1st Communion.....
Jacob- week away in Switzerland, disco, graduation ceremony, class picnic and sports day.....
Amber- 2 field trips, sports day, end of the year party with the parents....
Other events I need to help with/attend or kids attend.. Staff Appreciation luncheon, kids b'day parties, new school tour, volunteer breakfast, teacher gifts, children end of the year gifts ......
Tonight on Jacob's group blog they said yesterday they hiked for 7 hours, 10 km to get to their campsite! Wow! Another group wrote in theirs that people had a lot of blisters and sore feet. I hope Jacob is doing ok. We had him break in his boots and I bought this special hiking socks that are suppose to help preventing blisters. I hope they worked for him b/c they were pricey!
But they enjoyed the camping and had a bonfire and marshmallows. I think they slept inside a chalet but not sure. Then today they had to hike 7 hours back down the mountain and got back to base camp around 4pm. He is going to be exhausted when he gets home!
Wednesday I met my preschool group from last year at our favorite café in the mall. Our 5 kids played all the time last year in class, so we try and get together every so often. So that was nice. I get my eyebrows done just above this café and since I already had my appt. and I didn't want to change it, but of course I start chatting and having my tea and fruit cup and I ended up being late- oops!
I had a bunch of errands to do at the mall/store before running home and getting the cold foods put away and then on to school to pick up Amber and her friend for lunch. We made a pit stop at the recycling center to get rid of all the boxes from my Ikea purchases that Jason put together. Then home for lunch and playdate and back to school for ballet. After ballet Amber went home with her friend's family to the park by our house. When Sean finished his RE class we came home and then I walked over to the park to get Amber. The park is back off the street, but I see this little boy about 3 yrs. old, about to walk right in the street. I stop him and ask him where is his mommy. All he keeps saying is, "Mama". So I wait there with him for a few minutes to see if anyone is coming. I keep looking down all the sidewalks, like maybe he walked ahead, but no one came. I keep asking him if he came from the park, but all he says is "Mama" He wasn't scared or crying. So I take him with me back to the park. It is all fenced in except the gate that opens to it was open. So we go to the front of the park and I ask him if he sees his mommy and start pointing at people. Well whoever the mom was with saw me and sent the mom over. I told her where I found him and she was so thankful, but he had been gone for a bit. She thanked me twice before I left. I asked her if he understood English, they were Asian, she said he goes to an English crèche, daycare. So I am glad I found him before he wondered in the street and away!
Once at the park my friend says she will just take Amber home with them and she can play and have dinner b/c I have First Communion practice at the church with Sean. So they go and then shortly after Sean and I head over to church. It was not very organized. I am doing the second reading, but the guy in charge has no idea who signed up to do the first reading so that means the guy doesn't even know what he is reading. They worked with the kids about where to go and things. I hope it runs smoothly on Sunday! After it ended we had to go and pick Amber up. She was just finishing dinner and it was earlier then I had said. So she didn't want to leave.
I got the playroom in the basement organized with the ping pong table in there. So things are coming together. My carpet at home in the basement got installed and it seems to look good. They just need to put the furniture back and then that will be all done. Then they will take care of some odds and ends we need done too.
Today Jacob's group worked with compasses and then did other outdoor activities.
Thursday morning Sean had Chess day at school. So I went in and Sean taught me how to play chess.
I had never played before. It was fun, and he beat me! Then we rotated and played with other kids. Also going on this morning was the volunteer appreciation breakfast. So my friend and I went down about 10:15 to that but it was almost over. Only here would they serve mimosas! Then I went to see if I could find a little shelving unit for the bathroom that the guests use as there isn't much sink space so I found a nice little unit that fits in well there.
I got a lot of stuff done at home and then back to school. Amber went on a field trip today to a farm. They only needed one volunteer, which surprised me. I am signed up for the next one. It was canceled once for rain so we will see! Sean had bball after school, last one for the year and the neighbor picked him and her daughter up and brought him home. The handy man stopped by to hang a little coat rack I had bought for Amber. She isn't tall enough to reach the other ones and I am sick of seeing her coats on the door handles. So it looks nice in that area that I had cleaned out the other day.
Jacob's group went rock climbing today and then team building activities. Not sure what Jacob is doing below. But today was their last day there, as they leave in the morning to head back. I am so glad for them that is was sunny every day and it didn't look like it rained!

Friday! This morning Jacob got on the bus and made the long trip back home! I went to the crazy store in the morning and the post office. By the time I got back home I had only a little bit of time to get the cold stuff put away before tennis. Since it was so nice out today we played outside. It is definitely harder to play on that clay court. After tennis I came home and got ready real fast and 2 friends came over and we left together to go to another mom's house from school that makes jewelry. So that was nice. We saw her stuff and I got a necklace from her. By the time we finished that it was getting close to school pickup. I got an email that Jacob's bus was going to be 30 min. late so wouldn't be getting to school until around 4:30. Sean went home with a friend for a playdate and Amber went home with a friend for a sleepover. So I ran some more boxes over to a close recycle place and then back to school to wait. I chatted with his teacher who came back on the first bus at 4pm. She said they all did great and it was a good trip! Jacob arrived a bit before 4:30 and I was very happy he made it home safety!

I gave him a big hug and we went home. It was actually great that the other 2 weren't there so Jacob and I spent about 30 min. talking about his trip and everything so that was great. His favorite part was rock climbing, not surprised. He didn't get any blisters, so I am so glad I bought those more expensive socks to help his feet! He did a good job of packing his bag back up. He had clean clothes all folded on one side and the dirty on the other. Here is a picture of some of the dirty clothes!

He did use the laundry bag all week for dirty clothes but then said he couldn't fit the clothes in the bag back into the duffel bag so he dumped them out of the laundry bag and folded them and put them back into the duffel bag. He said the food was good. His counselor one day had them lick a slug! Ok gross. I guess it numbs your tongue. Ok that doesn't sound good. I guess if you eat one it paralyzes your stomach! It was nice to have him back! I told him I missed him this week, but there were less crumbs under the table so that was nice too! Ha!! When we first walked into the house Jacob noticed the new shelves and shoe racks in that area I had cleaned up. Then he found the ping pong table! I forgot to close the door to the playroom to surprise him. He was so so excited!
When I went to pick Sean up at his friend's house, the mom had asked him if he wanted to stay and play longer and he had said no, that he wanted to go home and see Jacob. He didn't even want me to talk to the mom, just go home. So he was excited Jacob was home. I knew he would miss him. I made Jacob give him a hug and then they went downstairs to play ping pong and after dinner Sean asked Jacob to go jump on the trampoline with him, so I think Sean was glad he was back.
Pictures Jacob took on the trip.
Great photo!
This is the chalet they stayed in for the camping night.
As you can see they had beautiful scenery! It looked like the Alps in Austria.
Amber had a great time at her friend's house for their sleepover!
Sean and I got his cakes baked for his 1st Communion this weekend!
Sat. morning I did some errands and then picked up Amber from her sleepover. She had a great time!
I finished making Sean's cake for his Communion. It turned out nice. Sean helped with the frosting too.
My email has lost all my people! I am really annoyed. It says it is working on the problem, but this happened like 4 days ago! So I can't browse or add contacts!
Jacob went to a friend's house to play.
This afternoon we got ready to go to a friend's house for a First Communion Celebration for Sean, and his friends. It was very nice and I gave the 2 other boys there those bible books I had ordered. We picked up Jacob from his friend's house and got to the place for the party and my friend calls me where Jacob just was and said she has to take her dad to the ER can we watch her kids since her husband was out of town. So Jason dropped us off and went back and picked up her 2 kids and came back. So we brought 5 kids to the party! The all had a good time playing together and by the time we left she was back home from the ER.
We couldn't get all the kids to be in the picture.
These are the First Communion boys!
I found out today that my cousin's ex-wife shot herself a couple of days ago, horrible. They had been divorced for awhile. May she rest in peace.
Tonight was the big Marathon here and they ran right past our house. So they closed off our road. I wasn't sure what time they would close it since the race didn't start until 7pm and we were not near the starting point, so I had Jason park his car a couple blocks away where the road was going to stay open. So when we left at 3:30 the road was still open but when we got home a little after 8pm and the road was closed and soon after we walked back to the house from the car the runners started coming. The kids went up to the second floor and opened the window and got a little seating area ready and enjoyed watching people run by. At around 10:30 Jason went outside to see if people were still running by and he saw the bus pulling up the rear and if you were going slower then the bus you had to get on it and be done! If you ran the whole race it was around 26 miles!