Sunday, June 2, 2013

Week of May 26th, 2013

Sunday was another rainy day!  Amber got her much needed sleep and didn't come in until 8:30am.  So much better then her 6:30 wakeup before with her sleep over friend the night before! 
For lunch Jacob went to a friend's house and spent the entire afternoon there.  I picked him up before dinner.  They play great together and are a very nice family.  They are from Holland.  I stayed for some tea and a little chat when I dropped him off.
Sean had a pool party to go to, so he enjoyed that.  My friend and I went to a lady's house that started selling jewelry.  It looks a bit like Lia Sophia jewelry from home.  So we got a few things. 
I had to make a cake today for my friend's b'day party luncheon we are having tomorrow.  She said she wanted chocolate so it is a rich chocolate cake with frosting.  Our non American friends will have a heart attack!  They are not big sweet eaters.  For her gift we got her one of these one piece jumpsuits.  They are a lounging outfit.  I can't wait to see her face.  It is perfect for her!  It is a Scandinavian/Norwegian  thing.  Sean and I want one too!
Tonight after dinner Jacob and I started getting all his things together for his Swiss trip so I can make sure we have everything.  Friday night when they were on the trampoline his toe got jumped on and it tore /broke it about 1/3 of the way down his nail.  It has been bothering him since and tonight it fell off.  He was grossed out. So hopefully it will be ok by the time he leaves for this trip.  He is a bit worried about it now.  He even had an upset belly tonight and was in the bathroom for a bit. 
Since my old computer is kaput, I had to install the new printer today on the new computer so that is all up and running now. 

Monday morning Jason got up bright and early and got the early morning flight out and headed back to the states.  I did more work with the computer.  Ok it drives me crazy that this computer was bought and set up at home yet when I go to certain sites it changes the language mostly I think to German, but I don't know b/c I can't read it!!  So I needed to buy the Office software to put on the computer, but every time I clicked on it it went to this other language.  Then I tried hitting the translating button and it would go blank!  Then when I tried opening Google Chrome it would also be in that other language.  So I am looking at you tube videos of how to change my google chrome to English and I don't have that little wrench thing they are telling me to click on- ugh!  It was so frustrating. I think it took me an hour to figure something out and finally buy it in English! 
The kids had school, no Memorial Day here, but hope everyone at home had a nice weekend!
For lunch today was my friend's b'day luncheon.  So I brought the chocolate cake and then the ice for margaritas!  I decided I would leave the house a little bit earlier and try and stop by this jewelry place I have seen to see if I could get one watched fixed and 2 that need batteries.  So I pack up everything I need for the afternoon and get there and of course on Monday it isn't open until the afternoon, but they never say what time that may be!!!  Forget it!  I have had these watches waiting for awhile now to be taken care of.
So I got to my friend's house early and helped her finish getting things ready.  She had made a yummy Mexican lunch with a couscous rice bean salad, chicken marinated tacos with some stuff on top, homemade salsa with chips and watermelon.  Everything tasted great!  Then we had cake and presents.  Three of us went in and got her on of those onesie outfits that Sean and I want.  They look so cozy!  Cake was very fudgy, didn't love it. 

After school the sun was a shining today so we stayed outside to let the kids play a bit.  Then Jacob had a friend over.  When we got home later the boys went to the park.  Well the friend hit his head on a bridge and it started bleeding.  It didn't look like a deep cut so I cleaned it off and got ice on it and it was at the end of the playdate so his dad was here about 10 min. later so that was good. 
The kids loved the cake and gobbled it up after dinner!

Tuesday morning after drop off I went to someone's house that I had saw an add for a ping pong table.  I saw the add at school and it was a family from school that is moving back to the states.  So I saw it and it looked nice.  It was a blue table and wasn't used much.  His kids were in high school and he had only bought it a year or so ago from the German base.  But now my problem is getting it from his house to mine!  He asked if I lived close enough to walk it.  Ha, I burst out laughing.  If you could see this town with the cobblestone sidewalks and hills, omg.  I would look hilarious  trying to push this thing home and it would take a couple hours!  So I need to measure my friend's mini van and see if we can bribe her husband to help Jason! 
I got 2 blueberry coffee cakes made, yummy my favorite.  I froze one and then kept one.  My kitchen sink is leaking and the relocation lady is out this week without her email.  How can someone in that job not have access to her email in this day and age?  So I texted her and she sent me the phone number of the place.  I have tried to talk with them before and it isn't pretty so I asked Jason's secretary to call and make an apt for me.  She emails me back and says that the person who makes appts. is not in and they will call me back when they are in.  Ok, really no one else can make appts- ugh!!
Before school got out I had a meeting to attend for the 5th grade parents about moving up to 6th grade.  It looks tough.  One thing they are doing next year is they will be on a letter day system.  So the week will consist of A-H, so an 8 day week.  So instead of saying you have PE every Monday, they say you have PE everyday A day which could be any day of the week.  So that will be difficult for them to get used too.  They will have 6 homeroom 6th grade classes next year.  They talked about how organized they need to be.  Jacob did really well this year knowing everything he had to do and getting it done.  So hopefully that will continue.
After school, Amber went home with her neighbor friend, Sean had math and Jacob played and then got some homework done with his friend.  Once Amber came home she was not in a good mood at all and really whining and tired, and pale looking like she was sick.  She didn't really eat dinner, and right after dinner I gave her a bath and was going to put her to bed but then she seemed to get a second wind and wanted a snack and seemed better.  She had a snack and then fell asleep watching TV shortly after.  So I carried her and had her go potty and tucked her in bed with the sick bucket just in case.  Hopefully she feels better in the morning.
There is no tennis this week as there is some little Olympics going on at the club this week, so we all get a week off. 
Tonight Jacob and I packed his bag for his trip and we were going over some safety rules.  I then asked him if he would like me to get him a whistle.  He has a back pack with him all the time hiking with supplies, etc so he could just put it in there.  And he thought that sounded like a good idea! 
I was telling Jason this and he happened to be out driving so he stopped at a Target- ahh, and picked one up and a few extra things I may have just added to the list!

Wednesday morning Amber was up by 6:15 and maybe even a bit earlier.  She was totally fine, so she must just have been wiped out yesterday. 
After I came home from the store there was 2 places I needed to go not too far away so I walked and then it started raining, but I knew it would so I had my umbrella.  Can't go far without it here!  I first walked to the English book store.  It is nice that it is close by.  I got and then ordered some of the Big Children's Bible books.  It is for grade school children and it picked certain stories from the Bible and elaborated the stories.  So Sean's First Communion is coming up soon and his one friend is having a little party so we will give them all one of the books.  I don't think they have any church stores here like they do at home to buy Communion gifts.   And then I got 2 books for Jacob that I think he will like.  From here I walked back over to the jewelry store that I tried to go to the other day and it was open!  So I figured I would have to drop off the 3 watches there and come back another day, but she took care of everything for a good price!  2 watches needed batteries and my watch I got for my b'day was too big so I had 2 links taken out months ago only to wear it for a day or so and one of the pins fell out and I lost the pin.  So I had another link taken out and they put it back together so now I can finally wear my b'day watch!  So excited! 
Amber went home with her friend and then back for ballet.  Well I get a call from my friend and she said there is no ballet today after they were already there.  Some how neither us or the girls got the memo that b/c this week is a holiday here for locals and the teacher was on vacation there would not be class.  All other schools here go a couple weeks longer then us so they have another vacation week.  So I went over to school.  Then I see the boys waiting for the RE teacher to show up and of course she didn't come b/c her kids were on vacation and maybe she thought we were too I don't know.  But no one told the RE kids there was no class today. Seriously the communication here sucks, they just don't do it!  So we headed home. 
Amber and her one friend have been trying to do a sleep over here a couple of times and someone always ends up getting sick so it has gotten cancelled.  So now we are running out of weekends to do the sleepovers so we made an exception and had her sleep over tonight.

They don't have any homework or tests so ok for now!  They had a busy afternoon playing.  I got some taco soup made, b/c it is cold and rainy here! 
Jason's secretary was helping make an appt. for the kitchen sink and yesterday they told her the person who takes appts. isn't here so they wouldn't take one and today she tried to get a hold of them and couldn't- annoying!!

Thursday morning, the sleepover went well and the girls came groggy looking down to breakfast right before I was about to wake them up so it was perfect.  Then we got everyone ready for school.

This morning I read to Amber's class.  It was Countdown to Kindergarten!  They are almost there!
I noticed that this week the mail man now has a little bright yellow van.  He can't use it to go house to house, but he parks it close by and then does so many and then drives on.  Well his new parking spot is right in front of my driveway.  He could move it back a bit more and actually just park in front of my house, but he seems to prefer to just block the driveway.
I got my car all cleaned out since I will drive for our girls' shopping trip on Sat.
Amber went home with a friend after school, Sean had bball so just Jacob and I went home.  When bball ended it was my turn to pick up Sean and the neighbor girl that does it too and her older brother then came home with us as well.  Later back out to get Amber and the Jacob had guitar.
Once back at home I asked Sean to go and pull the yard waste bin around to the front b/c they will come and pick it up tomorrow and he does that and then rings the door bell and is holding a huge snail he found just in the grass!  This goes to show we have too much rain here!

This is a bad picture of it, but you can see how big it is that I can see it from inside the house!! Gross!!
This is a close up of it back in the grass going along on his merry way!
Friday, yeah!  I had coffee with some friends at school then home for the sink repair man to come.  He was actually early, surprisingly!  He looked at the sink and took out the hose and head of the sink and said he had to go buy a new one b/c he didn't have one in the truck, at least that is what I think he said in French.  So he comes back with it and I hear him talking to himself in there and I don't think it is going well!  So he gets it all put back together and says it is ok, but something about the faucet not being good.  So I call the relocation lady and have her talk to him.  So I asked him if he was coming back to fix the faucet and he said he didn't know.  So I think that the owner has to approve it, so we will see what happens.  But my sink isn't leaking anymore for now.
Then I ran to the store which was packed since it was Friday and around lunch time.  Still trying to figure out how to get the ping pong table to my house.
Today one of my friends from Sweden had their last day here.  Her son isn't in Amber's class but is the only other kid with red hair.  They were here for about 1 1/2 years and are moving back home.  So she was sad to be leaving.  They were very nice. 
After school Amber had a b'day party to go too at the big indoor play area.  So I let each boy bring a friend and then one of them brought another boy too, so I was watching all the kids!
Amber had fun, but the kids get so thirsty there running around and of course you can't bring in your own drinks, so I kept buying waters, waters, waters.  The girl who was having the party actually went home from school sick today.  Poor thing.  She missed some of her party b/c her mom had her at the Dr. office since she had a fever and then ended with an ear infection.  So she didn't play too much once she got to the party.  Once the party ended at 5:30 I was going to order us dinner, although the party had a ton of food they had ordered but Amber didn't eat much.  So I asked the waitress and she was telling me in French that the kitchen is closed and wouldn't open until 18:00.  When people say a couple sentences in French it always takes me a minute to translate it and then with the military time as well I was just trying to process it all!  Ok now that I got it and they don't open the kitchen until 6pm for food.  Really.  You have a whole big area full of kids and some parents and they won't serve food until 6pm- ugh!  This happened to me once last year and I must not have remembered they didn't open until then.  She wouldn't even take my order so I could have my food at 6pm.  So then it didn't work out b/c we had to leave by 6:15 for the boys hair appts.  Amber and Sean had snacks from the party but Jacob didn't. 
My haircut lady was annoyed when she saw the boys all sweaty now getting their hair cut.  I didn't even think about that when I changed their appt.  Jason and the boys were all suppose to go tomorrow but since he is out of town and then I am going to be gone for the day I had to change our day.  She was out of town until earlier in the week and Jacob leaves on Sunday.  So not a lot of time to get it done. 
By the time we got home it was about 7:15pm.  I got some food together for dinner and everyone got cleaned up and then the boys rented a movie. 
Sat. was a girls' day out!!  My sitter came at 7:45am, the boys were already up and I had feed them.  Amber was still in bed.  I left and went to pick up two other friends.  My GPS was going crazy and the others either couldn't bring it b/c their husband needed it or it was built into their cars.  So one of the girls printed out the directions.  We were going shopping in Holland and Belgium today.  So I first drove 2 1/2 hours to Belgium to the outlet mall.  It was so foggy at times I couldn't see very far ahead.  The outlet mall was very American looking and had a parking lot for about 100 or more cars!  So I was happy with that!  The stores were more upscale then what I like, but one of my friends liked it and got quite a few things.  There was only one restaurant there so we ate there for lunch and all had a really good Bruschetta salad.  We finished the stores around 3pm.  From here I drove to Maastricht in Holland, so about 30 min.  Traffic was great driving all day.  I couldn't believe it!  So I found the garage close to the city center and we went in and walked around and did shopping there for about 2 hours.  It was very nice.  Much better stores and it was nice outside now and lots of people around.  We found this really good soap/bath store.  Things smelled so good.  So we all got things from there.  We had to leave here a bit after 5pm b/c we had dinner reservations downtown Lux for the 3 of us.  So we went back and drop off the girls' packages and then dropped off the car at home and took a taxi to the Grund area and went to dinner.  It was very nice.  It is a sushi place.  They had the sushi and my friend recommend I try the raw fish platter, like what we had at her house the other week.  It was good.  I can't believe I like it and am eating it!  It was raw salmon, cod, scallops- were wonderful, duck, tuna, squid.  I didn't eat all of it so then we traded and my friend ate it.  I notice that it doesn't leave you with a really heavy felling in your stomach after having a dinner, so that was nice.  We had a great day!
Jason got home around lunch time and then was home with the kids so that was good.

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