Sunday, September 22, 2013

Week of Sept. 15th, 2013- Apple picking

Sunday was the first day in about a week that it didn't rain!  The sun was even out for most of the day- amazing!  We enjoyed the homemade cinnamon rolls I had made last night.  Then later in the morning Amber's friend left from the sleepover.  In the afternoon we met our friends out at the apple orchard to do some apple picking!  It was open today!  Unfortunately they didn't have many rows of apples open to pick ): 

It was the first weekend and I guess they are trying to save some apples for later, not sure.  But was disappointed with what we could pick.  Jacob picked a lot of apples.

Sean was busy trying to man the wheelbarrow and Amber was between picking and trying to sit on the wheelbarrow. 



Because it wasn't the festival they have there was no food for sale and they weren't making the apple cider and no boxes to actually put your apples in.  Jason had a few bags in his car so we put the apples in those.  The kids enjoyed the wheelbarrow and going down the apple aisles!  And of course we all had an apple or two for a snack!


I made another new dinner tonight.  It was kind of similar to a green bean casserole but then you also add rice and chicken to it.  It was really good and the kids all had 2 helpings of it!
Jacob had lost another tooth today, crazy that he is still losing teeth!  I thought they would have all been out by now.  I think last school year he lost 6 teeth! 

Monday morning the rain came back for the week!  I dropped the kids off, worked out, got ready and drove to my friend's house.  She had heard of a craft store in Germany by our grocery store we go to.  So we drove and found it, but it really was more of an art store then a true craft store.  Then we hit our usual stores and tried a few others as she was looking for some other things.
By the time I got back home I had time to unload the cold/freezer stuff and change the wash with a few minutes to spare then back to school.  Amber had a friend over after school and Jacob had cross country.  Sean and I made applesauce with some of our apples.  Then dropped off Amber's friend and picked up Jacob after cross country.  We had some warm, freshly made applesauce with our dinner.  It was yummy!

Tuesday Jason dropped off Jacob early for band.  I dropped off the other 2 a bit later, worked out and got ready and ran to the mall for a few errands.  Then my girlfriend picked me up and we went to Ikea and the Import store for some things.  I should be set for awhile!
After school we went with friends to the park to feed the ducks and play for a bit between downpours!

After dinner we had appts. at the Chiropractor.  He doesn't have many time slots that are after school that work for the boys. 

Wednesday morning before Amber's half day pickup was a beginner band meeting for Sean.  So I went to that and got all the forms.  He has to pick his top 3 choices and in music class they have been going over the instruments so we will see which one he ends up with!  He is hoping for percussion like Jacob.
Then I picked up Amber and one of her friends and drove them to a friend's house for a b'day party!  They were so excited!  They had costumes for them they had rented.  Witches for the girls and the costumes were super cute.  Of course when I go to pick up Amber she thinks she gets to keep it and didn't want to take it off!  I had left my camera in the car so I didn't get a picture of her in it.
Before I picked her up I had to pick up Sean, then Amber, then dropped them off at home.  Jason had a lunch meeting at the Embassy, which he said is now his favorite restaurant in town.  Ha b/c of course it isn't a restaurant you have to be invited for a meal!  Anyway he just had gotten back home from the luncheon meeting and worked from home for the rest of the day.  So after I dropped those 2 off I headed back to school to get Jacob only to have 2 more friends come out with him.  One couldn't get ahold of his mom so decided he better not come over.  The other one said his mom was in another parking lot on the other side of the school so we drove him over there and he couldn't come to our house since his grandparents were in town so Jacob went to his house.  Before dinner I went and picked up Jacob.  The traffic going the other direction was backed up so badly.  I had never seen it that bad before so I knew I had to go a different way home.  Oh no I don't like to do that.  I know one way to get places, as most of the time there is only one way with the roads here.  But I sort of knew of another way and turned on the GPS- it sucks and isn't working right.  Ugh- I sort of knew where I was going, but missed the exit and so had to go another way.  To take the girls to the b'day party today the GPS completely froze and didn't even work! 

Thursday morning a friend of mine is going to start teaching yoga in her house.  She has a spare room on the top floor and can fit up to 8 people at a time.  So today she had 2 trial classes.  I did one and liked it.  I do my exercise videos and the treadmill, so we will see how this goes.  It is good for all the stretching it does.  But I did have a headache after I left.  In yoga I feel like your head is always upside down.  So we will see.  It was nice as it is mostly moms from school doing it.   Then I went over to the Woman's club and signed up the kids for the trick or treating and bought some American goodies! 
After school Amber had one of her boy friends over, and Jacob had cross country.  I found a boy's jacket in my car today so I believe it was Jacob's friend yesterday that wanted to come over, so we found his mom at pick up and gave it back.  About 1/2 hour before I am suppose to pick up Jacob he called and said he was done!  Unfortunately, Amber's friend was getting picked up in about 10 min. So I told him he had to wait at school until the little boy left and then we would be right over.  I am not sure why they ended so early today.

Friday Jason took Jacob in early for band and then I dropped off the other 2 when it was their start time.  I quickly ran to the store and then my friend picked me up and we were going downtown to see a few stores.  We did a lot of shopping this week but didn't really buy much.
So we went to a couple stores downtown, mainly their good toy store.  One thing I got was a chess set for Sean for Christmas.  He learned how to play last year at school and I think it would be a nice game for the family.  Then we headed out to the mall.  I got my friend in the hospital a little something and then a little pumpkin.  We grabbed a brot from the lunch area and then headed back home. 
After school Jacob had a b'day party to go to at a friend's house.  So we hung around a bit as it wasn't right after school.  His friend's house is over by the construction, closed street, by the basketball place we tried to go a few weeks ago.  So at least I knew about the construction b/c their driveway is in the middle of it all and you have to park somewhere else, not on the street and then walk back.  It didn't say anything about it on the invite so I hope other people did ok with it.
Then we came back home and Sean and I made some apple crisp.  We had it for dessert after dinner and it tasted so good I couldn't stop eating it!
Later in the evening I went back and picked up Jacob from the party.

Saturday we decided to take the kids after lunch to the Alpine Slide we did last year in Germany.  The kids love it!  It is about 45 min. to get there and on the way there we see that a good portion of the highway going the other direction is closed- seriously! 
So we spend some time going down the slides.  Jason and I only went twice, then the kids went together the rest of the time.  The boys took turns taking Amber.  Amber never wanted to ride with me, she told me that I go too slow!  Thanks Amber!

It is a lot of fun.  You go way up to the top of the hill and then down through the forest.  You can smell the pine trees and across the way see the grapes growing on surrounding hills.  It is very pretty scenery.  When we got here we saw another family that we knew that was celebrating their daughter's b'day here.  Perfect day for it, considering all the rain we have had and a perfect idea for parties!  Then we drove home and got rerouted b/c of the closed highway.  Later we got ready to go out with some friends for dinner.
There was a new restaurant in my friend's neighborhood so we drove over to their house and then walked, just the adults.  It was very good.  It was a combination of French, Chinese and Japanese restaurant.  We had a good time!

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