Sunday, January 26, 2014

Week of Jan 19th 2014

Sunday we went to church after waffles and slushies.  After church we had lunch with another family.  Then the boys went home with this other family.  They had walked so they walked home and stopped along at a park to play.  It was a crisp day but perfect for them to be running around!  So they had fun.  Amber and I sewed another project from a kit she had gotten from her party.  She only poked me 3 times with the needle!  Ugh!  I made a big whole chicken for dinner and then after dinner we rented the Cloudy with Meatballs 2.  The boys were really looking forward to seeing it.  We thought you could just rent it but now you can only buy it.  Oh well.  We watched about an hour of it and then there was a problem and we couldn't access iTunes anymore and the movie froze.  Rats we will try to watch the rest of it tomorrow night.

Monday morning I finished getting my list together here of things to sell, ran to store, worked out and got ready.  The relocation lady came over to talk about a few things and pick up this paper that needed to go to Jason' s work.  Then I sent my sale page out, whoa! I spent the rest of the afternoon at the computer sorting out every one's sales.  Half of it went fast.  I couldn't believe it.  Someone is even coming to possible see my car this week!  So hopefully the rest of it will sell too.  But we still have awhile.  After school Amber had a friend over, and I made Jacob's b'day coffee cake he wants for breakfast tomorrow.  I made dinner, and the kids watched the rest of the movie from last night.  It is a cute movie.  Tonight I got all the decorations out and decorated for Jacob's b'day tomorrow!

Tuesday morning I was up super early and got Jacob's breakfast in bed ready.  Happy Birthday my big man!!! 

So he enjoyed his breakfast and then he had to be at school early for band.  So he quickly opened his presents and then off to school. 

Took the other 2 back later and then off to yoga.  More handstands today- my arms are sore and I had a headache on and off the rest of the day.  I don't think my body likes those handstands!  After I got ready I went to a friend's house for lunch.  She made a great fish soup and a nutty, cranberry bread.  Everything was great.  Then we rented that Identity movie about his id being stolen.  It was great!  I wasn't able to stay for the last 20 min. of it as I had to get to school, but I will have to rent it and finish watching the end of it!  Then to school for Sean and Amber.  Amber made pretzels today so we came home and she shared it with Sean and I.  It was quite good.  Then back to school for Jacob after bball.  We came home for dinner and a little birthday singing, but he didn't want his cake until this weekend with Jason, so I just got a little something at the store today.

Then guitar tonight.  He had a full but good b'day and is looking forward to celebrating more this weekend!
My friend started a book club so I ordered the book and look forward to reading it.  One friend that bought the fuse ball table came and picked that up tonight. 

Wednesday morning I cleaned out the car and the kitchen table as 2 different people were suppose to come look at those.  They never did- ugh!  I got some more inventory done in the basement.  Then after lunch I had the stitch removed in my toe.  It is still a little red so hopefully it will be ok.  Amber went home with a friend for lunch and then back to school for ballet.  After ballet I picked up her and her friend and we waited for Sean to be finished with his after school activity and then Jacob to be done.  Jacob also brought a friend home.  So then we all went home.  Someone else bought some rugs today so that was good.  Tonight I got the cupcakes made for Jacob's class party and then I can frost them tomorrow. 

Thursday I had someone came over in the morning to take a look at a few things.  She bought the fans and a few other things that she will have to pick up later.  I got the cupcakes frosted and some pudding pops made.  We will see how those pudding pops turn out tomorrow for all the boys.  The kids all had after school activities so I didn't have to go back to school until later in the day.  I finished all the inventory for this house- yeah- done with lists!  Then picked up all the kids at school and on to homework.  Tonight I got Jacob's cake made.

Friday I ran to the store for the weekend and then had tennis.  After tennis I went to school as today was the celebration of Jan. birthdays for 2 homerooms for 6th grade.  I brought in cupcakes and then stayed to help the teacher with setting up and cleaning up. 

There were 5 b'days to celebrate so a lot of treats.  I stayed in Jacob's class and we played some fun games with the class.  He didn't seem to mind that I was there as I was the only other parent there, but we are allowed to come in for their b'days just no one else did.  Oh well it is always nice to see how your kids interact in the classroom and are with their classmates so it was good.
After that I ran home got some things done around the house and got Jacob's cake frosted and decorated for tomorrow night.  Amber went home with a friend after school, and Sean had movie night at school, and Jacob had bball games.  So I didn't go back to school until the games were starting.  He made the A team for basketball so that was good so he played at 4pm.  Then after that Sean's movie night was finishing up so I walked from the gym back to the lower school, quite a hike.  Then where Amber was playing they were nice enough to drive her back to school and drop her off to me so I didn't have to leave so that was great.  Then we all walked back up to the gym.  Once there Sean realizes he left his lunch box, so goes and runs back to the lower school.  At least he remembered it then!  Jacob's next game was at 6:30 but it was the B team playing and that is right when Jason got there.  Amber was so excited.  She just sat on his lap for awhile and was just waiting for him before that.  But then I took Sean and Amber home to start getting dinner ready since Jacob wasn't playing but had to stay there.  We were housing 2 boys from the other team.  So I made some spaghetti, garlic bread and cut up some veggies.  Jason then brought all the boys home.  The boys were 8th grade twins.  They were taller then me.  They were half Greek and half American from the International school in Belgium.  They were very nice and all the boys had multiple helpings of dinner!  We had the pudding pops and left over cupcakes for dessert.  Then they watched the old Gremlins movie, they had actually already seen it.  Kind of funny!  Then off to bed. 

Sat morning I got up early to get breakfast ready for all the boys as they had to be back there at 8:30am to warm up and get ready for their games.  Jacob's first game wasn't until 10am, so he hung out there until then and then Jason went but it wasn't the game Jacob played in since it was team B.  Would be nice if the coaches could just let us know which games they would play in!  The rest of us stayed at home and I made some chocolate cookies with peanut butter chips.  It was a new recipe and used chocolate pudding.  They were a little dryer then I would like.
So the next game was suppose to be at 12.  So I fed Amber and Sean and made sandwiches for Jason and Jacob and we went to the school.  We get there and Jason says oh we just found out they are now not playing until 1pm- ugh.  So we sat there for an hour while other games were going on and then at 1pm Jacob played.  So at 2pm he finished, but long day of being there and not playing much.  This is in the gym and 2 other schools came, but it is girls and then boys teams also.  Then there are the under 14 teams and under 12 teams so a lot of games to be played. 
After the game ended I took the younger 2 home and Jason took Jacob shopping.  Jacob wanted to buy something from the Superdry store here with his b'day money.  It is downtown in the city center.  I don't think they have them in the states.  It is an Asian company.  It is super- ha, popular here with the older kids.  I think it is only adult sizes so Jacob bought a sweatshirt and it is an XS.  But this store is also, super (: expensive.  So all his money and he only got a sweatshirt- $100! 
After shopping they stopped for some hot chocolate at this cute little chocolate shop then came home.  Jacob got cleaned up and I then took him to his poker party and we brought the cookies.  Everyone liked the cookies.  The party ended around 7 so we picked him up a bit earlier and he wanted to go out to dinner to celebrate his b'day.  He wanted to go to this Brazilian restaurant but when I looked it up it has closed.  So 2nd choice was this steakhouse that you grill your meat on a hot plate in front of you.  It is pretty neat, but it smells so bad of smoke from all the meat!  So we went there and the boys enjoyed cooking their steaks right in front of them.  Then home for cake and ice cream!

Jacob had a great day and enjoyed celebrating his birthday like 4 times!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Week of January 12th, 2014

Sunday Amber's friend had spent the night so we made pancakes and bacon for breakfast.  For lunch we met Amber's friend's family at Pizza Hut.  It tastes better then Pizza Hut from home.  But this place was packed.  I think we got the last 2 tables.  So that was nice.   Our house pictures from home came back from the realtor and they look really nice!  I would buy the house! 

Monday morning Jason got up and left for the airport a little after 5am.  His original flight had been canceled so they had to reroute him and he got there only a little bit later.  His new position starts back in the states today so he is now back there.  Nothing like living on 2 different continents!
I felt horrible when I got up.  Really bad stomach cramping so after I took the kids to school, quickly got my errands done and I went back to bed for 2 hours.  When I woke up I came downstairs and looked out the window only to see a ticket on Jason's car! Ugh!  So I go out there and I am pretty sure it says he parked in a no parking zone.  Ok so this is right in front of our house on this little street that leads to a cul da sac.  We have been parking here for 3 years.  Not everyday but friends park there too.  I was so annoyed.  So I moved his car up the street where I believe it is ok to park.  Watch now I will get a ticket for staying there too long or something.  His car has the neighbor sticker on it so it is allowed to park on the streets in the neighborhood for free.  We will see how this goes!
Our house back home had it's first showing today!  Hopefully someone will like it as much as we have (: 
After school the kids had haircuts and then home. 

Tuesday I started back up with yoga.  I am not too sore yet so that is good!  We did handstands today in class.  I did more inventory today and a couple people called about the moving process that we need to deal with.  After school Jacob had basketball and then guitar after dinner.  One of my friends tried making sushi and gave us some.  It turned out pretty good and the kids enjoyed it!  It is really time consuming to make. 

Wednesday morning Sean woke up with the belly bug.  So he stayed home from school today.  We dropped the other 2 off and had to go to the store then we came home and he rested on the couch.  At the deli counter he understood what the lady said in French so I was glad to see he understood!  I told him he could watch TV but it had to be in French so he watched the Nickelodeon station for a bit.  We had lunch and then went up and did inventory of his room for the move and he read and laid down for a bit.  Amber went home with a friend for lunch and back for ballet.  After ballet we picked up Jacob and went to the chiropractor and then home for dinner. 

Thursday I got a lot of moving stuff done.  I went to the Import store b/c they have the low fat Hellman's mayo and then got a few other things.  Since the Woman's club has stopped carrying groceries this store has almost no American items in stock anymore.  I am going to have to ship it to my friend's back here when I move back!  All 3 kids had something after school, boys basketball and Amber rainbows so I didn't go back to school until later. 

Friday I had tennis and just more inventory stuff for both houses.  After school Amber went to a friend's house for a sleepover with another girl.  She had so many things she wanted to bring that she needed 2 bags!  Jacob had a friend over and Sean had a friend over to spend the night.  They all played at the park and Sean's friend slipped and fell in the mud.  He was so filthy so he changed into his pjs and I washed his clothes.  When Jacob's friend was leaving the mom came to look at some of the stuff I am selling.  I had made tacos, salsa and guacamole, and peanut butter kiss cookies for dinner.  Sean's friend just gobbled everything up!  We all enjoyed it!   Amber had a fun time at the sleepover!

Sat. Sean's friend got picked up and his mom looked at a few things I am selling.  Then I went and got Amber.  I did Jacob's religious education and then we had lunch.  After lunch we took Jacob to a friend's house to play.  She offered to bring him home on their way out so that was perfect I wouldn't have to load up the other 2 to get Jacob.  Then before dinner we took Jacob to a b'day party at his friend's house.  They had to bring their laptops and it was a computer coding/programming party!  I am not really sure what that means, but they had so much fun!  The other 2 rented a movie here at home.   

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Week of Jan. 5th, 2014!

Sunday morning we got up and got ready for Jacob's b'day party today!  So he was having a bowling party at this newer bowling place that we had been to in November.  It went very well!  Jacob had 10 friends plus him they had 2 lanes to bowl on and then Sean and Amber and Jason and I bowled on the 3rd lane.  We had the place to ourselves most of the time.  It was perfect!  They got lunch and cake and bowled 3 games.  2 of the boys bowled pretty good.  Jacob had a great time and enjoyed all his presents at home.

What is so cool here is all the countries represented at Jacob's party!  We had USA, Luxembourg/France, Iceland/Germany, Holland, Korea, Italy, Mexico, and Denmark!  A Canadian boy didn't end up making it.   

Monday after I dropped the kids at school I went to the store.  I had one thing in my cart and had to go to the bathroom so I parked my cart around some areas where you could wonder and look at things and left my grocery bags and ran to the bathroom.  When I came back my cart was gone!  Someone stole my bags- ugh!  And here we have to put money in to get the cart and then when you return the cart you get your money back, so I lost my money too!  So of course I had to buy more bags when I checked out- annoyed! 
I worked out to one of my exercise shows and was pooped when that was over!  After lunch and getting cleaned up I went to the paper store across town and got some things for the baby shower I am having for my friend.  Then on to school where I turned in the paperwork to withdrawal the children from school in April.  So sad ):  I just had to fill out this form and I was like really there isn't more that I have to do.  She said, "you have to do so much to get into the school, but one form and it will get you out of the school!"  Over break we got all the dates for moving/movers decided so now all the busy work starts!  After school Amber and I made some blueberry muffins for breakfast tomorrow.  I am starting to use things up. 

Tuesday I got some things done in the morning around the house and exercised and got ready and then went to the mall to drop off the car at the car cleaning service.  Unfortunately they said it would take 2 hours.  I didn't need any groceries.  I had called and this was the only time the beginning of the week I could get in.  So I had lunch at a little place in the middle of the mall then shopped around.  I got some place mats for the shower and a few little things.  Then after about 1 1/2 hours I went back down and they were finishing up.  Then I took the car home and dropped off my stuff and drove up by the park and took a bunch of pictures of the car so we can get ready to sell it. 
I picked up Amber after school, Jacob had bball and Sean went to a birthday party.  I told Sean to give me his bag after school and I will give him the present b/c he was riding with the b'day boy to the party.  So we are waiting for awhile and Sean never comes out of school and now most people are leaving.  So I go inside and ask one boy if he has seen Sean and he said no, then one teacher said, "I think I see him outside."  So I go back outside and he started swimming today and he had to walk all the way back to the lower school building from the pool which is very far so it took him awhile.  I knew he had swimming but I didn't realize it was at the end of the day.  So later I picked Jacob up from basketball and then we all had dinner and took Jacob back for guitar and then went and got Sean from the b'day party who was starving b/c they didn't have dinner.  I was hoping they would have served pizza for the kids since it was after school until 6:45pm.  Then back to school to wait for Jacob to finish his lesson.  By the time we got home Sean was super starving. 

Wednesday I had Jason take the kids in and I left about 7:15 to go wait in line at the walk in office hours for the dermatologist.  When I called in Nov. to make an appt. she said I couldn't get in until March- ugh!  She is the one I have seen before, but this is a problem with all offices so it is frustrating!  So it opened at 8am and I was 5th in line.  I waited about an hour and 15 min.  She saw my toe which had some inflammatory reaction to something and this was growing outside the skin.  So she said she needed to cut it out- ugh!  She put a needle of numbing stuff in and it killed.  I was in so much pain.  Then she cut it out, didn't feel that.  It was gross.  Then she put a stitch in it and said I have to come back in 10 days to get it taken out.  Since it is quick I got an appt.  But my toe was throbbing after I left.  I just pray that it heals and is ok.  Jason wants me to go out to dinner with this other couple that may be moving here for work tomorrow night and I am not sure how I am going to get my toe in any dress shoes! 
Amber was done at lunch so I picked up her and her friend and we came back here for lunch and playing before ballet.  After school sports started this week, so Sean had a fun fitness class today.  He needs to do something after school on Wednesdays because he gets out at 2:20, but Jacob doesn't get out until 3:30 and Amber does ballet until 3.  So this works out well.  Then Jacob went home with a friend today and the rest of us went home.  Before dinner we went and picked up Jacob at his friend's house.  I spent some time working on the inventory lists for the move. 

Thursday my toe was still a bit sore so I hung around the house and got some things done between putting my foot up.  I didn't have to be back at school today until 4:30, b/c all the kids had after school activities so that was nice!  Sean was done at 4:30, 4:50 for Jacob and 5pm for Amber.   I called the MI schools today.  They have been closed all week.  I had some questions about things.  So they were nice and hopefully all will go well.

Friday I had coffee with a friend at school.  Amber and her BFF wanted to dress a like today, so they had their matching BFF shirts on with purple skirts!

I thought I could play tennis but my toe was still too sore.  I spent about 15 minutes just trying to get the bandage off my toe.  I couldn't just pull it off as the dried blood was stuck to the skin.  It was painful to get it off so I slowly cut it away.  It looks like it is doing ok.  So I asked my friend if she wanted to meet me at the Sushi counter for lunch at the mall/grocery store so we had that for lunch and then I did my grocery shopping.  Came home and got snacks ready.  Then off to school.  Jacob went home with a friend and Sean had a friend over and Amber had 2 boy friends over. 

They all had a great time!  After friends left, I got Jacob. Jason and I went out with this couple that may move here from Switzerland and join the company.  So it was nice.  They brought their 3 year old daughter so she was quite entertaining.  She only spoke Italian so couldn't really talk to the little one.  The for sale sign went up in front of our house today at home.

Sat. we hung out at home and did more getting ready to move stuff.  One of my friends came over to look at our couch and then take a few things she bought that I don't need anymore.  We made our gingerbread men since we didn't get to that over break.  Jacob had some homework to do and the other two did some work as well.  Late afternoon Amber's friend came over to spend the night.  So we had dinner and painted their nails and watched a movie.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Christmas vacation and Austrian Ski trip 2013

Ok so I spent 2 weeks typing up this blog every night and posting pictures.  It looked great.  Then the last night of the blog I went to add a few pictures and I highlighted something and it highlighted the whole blog and I clicked on it to take it off highlight and it deleted the whole 2 week blog!!!!! ####  I was so mad.  So I am not going to try and retype it out.
So basically we took the kids out of school on Friday and drove to Austria for a ski vacation.  We had a great time skiing and were there through Christmas.  We skied, sled and did a sleigh ride.  From here we drove to Liechtenstein, and then on to Zurich, Switzerland.  We spent the night and walked around and saw things and had a great fondue dinner.  We celebrated a late Christmas once home.  The second week of break the kids had a great time just chilling at home.  They had some playdates, we went ice skating and went to a friend's house for New Year's Eve.  I made my chocolate fondue and a cake and brought fruit for it too.  It was yummy!  Then we cleaned up from Christmas, packed it up and put it away on the last day.
Here are some pictures of our break.

My favorite Alp picture!  It is just beautiful!

Our hotel.  We had a family suite so the middle rooms with the big glass windows we had the set of windows on the left side on the top floor- they only went to the second floor.  It was a great family suite.  The boys had their own bunk bed room, Amber had the living room and we had a bedroom.

 View from our hotel balcony.
 Christmas Eve.
This was our waiter every evening.  Tonight's Christmas Eve dinner was a 9 course meal!  It took 3 hours!  Jacob at the adults meal and loved trying all the foods.  The other 2 did the kids buffet and then would go play in the game room or the children's room, or the movie room! 



The country of Liechtenstein 
 Our car that looks like it has a body bag on top!

Zurich, Switzerland.  View from our hotel.

 City by the river.
The famous Zurich Opera house.  It is beautiful. 

Amber and Sean curled up in a chair watching a movie together

How I found Amber in the morning!


These windows inside this church are famous stained glass windows.  We went in and saw them.


Christmas morning



Sean got his Norwegian one piece that he wanted.  I got one too.  They are super cozy.  Jacob got a nice fuzzy robe.

New Year's Eve at a friend's house.