Sunday, January 19, 2014

Week of January 12th, 2014

Sunday Amber's friend had spent the night so we made pancakes and bacon for breakfast.  For lunch we met Amber's friend's family at Pizza Hut.  It tastes better then Pizza Hut from home.  But this place was packed.  I think we got the last 2 tables.  So that was nice.   Our house pictures from home came back from the realtor and they look really nice!  I would buy the house! 

Monday morning Jason got up and left for the airport a little after 5am.  His original flight had been canceled so they had to reroute him and he got there only a little bit later.  His new position starts back in the states today so he is now back there.  Nothing like living on 2 different continents!
I felt horrible when I got up.  Really bad stomach cramping so after I took the kids to school, quickly got my errands done and I went back to bed for 2 hours.  When I woke up I came downstairs and looked out the window only to see a ticket on Jason's car! Ugh!  So I go out there and I am pretty sure it says he parked in a no parking zone.  Ok so this is right in front of our house on this little street that leads to a cul da sac.  We have been parking here for 3 years.  Not everyday but friends park there too.  I was so annoyed.  So I moved his car up the street where I believe it is ok to park.  Watch now I will get a ticket for staying there too long or something.  His car has the neighbor sticker on it so it is allowed to park on the streets in the neighborhood for free.  We will see how this goes!
Our house back home had it's first showing today!  Hopefully someone will like it as much as we have (: 
After school the kids had haircuts and then home. 

Tuesday I started back up with yoga.  I am not too sore yet so that is good!  We did handstands today in class.  I did more inventory today and a couple people called about the moving process that we need to deal with.  After school Jacob had basketball and then guitar after dinner.  One of my friends tried making sushi and gave us some.  It turned out pretty good and the kids enjoyed it!  It is really time consuming to make. 

Wednesday morning Sean woke up with the belly bug.  So he stayed home from school today.  We dropped the other 2 off and had to go to the store then we came home and he rested on the couch.  At the deli counter he understood what the lady said in French so I was glad to see he understood!  I told him he could watch TV but it had to be in French so he watched the Nickelodeon station for a bit.  We had lunch and then went up and did inventory of his room for the move and he read and laid down for a bit.  Amber went home with a friend for lunch and back for ballet.  After ballet we picked up Jacob and went to the chiropractor and then home for dinner. 

Thursday I got a lot of moving stuff done.  I went to the Import store b/c they have the low fat Hellman's mayo and then got a few other things.  Since the Woman's club has stopped carrying groceries this store has almost no American items in stock anymore.  I am going to have to ship it to my friend's back here when I move back!  All 3 kids had something after school, boys basketball and Amber rainbows so I didn't go back to school until later. 

Friday I had tennis and just more inventory stuff for both houses.  After school Amber went to a friend's house for a sleepover with another girl.  She had so many things she wanted to bring that she needed 2 bags!  Jacob had a friend over and Sean had a friend over to spend the night.  They all played at the park and Sean's friend slipped and fell in the mud.  He was so filthy so he changed into his pjs and I washed his clothes.  When Jacob's friend was leaving the mom came to look at some of the stuff I am selling.  I had made tacos, salsa and guacamole, and peanut butter kiss cookies for dinner.  Sean's friend just gobbled everything up!  We all enjoyed it!   Amber had a fun time at the sleepover!

Sat. Sean's friend got picked up and his mom looked at a few things I am selling.  Then I went and got Amber.  I did Jacob's religious education and then we had lunch.  After lunch we took Jacob to a friend's house to play.  She offered to bring him home on their way out so that was perfect I wouldn't have to load up the other 2 to get Jacob.  Then before dinner we took Jacob to a b'day party at his friend's house.  They had to bring their laptops and it was a computer coding/programming party!  I am not really sure what that means, but they had so much fun!  The other 2 rented a movie here at home.   

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