Sunday, March 23, 2014

Week of March 16th, 2014

Sunday morning I made a nice breakfast for Amber and Sean's sleepover from last night.  Then today was Sean's early birthday party.

He wanted it at the bowling alley where we had Jacob's.  So Sean's b'day isn't now, but he wanted to celebrate with his friends here, so we had it early.  Jason and Jacob couldn't make it, but the rest of us were there!  He had 10 friends and we bowled and had lunch.  Everyone had a good time! 
Bowling cake.

After the party one boy came over to play for a bit and we went to the park.  I needed to finish getting all the stuff out for the movers tomorrow so I spent the rest of the late afternoon doing that.  Jacob didn't get back to school until 9pm from his away games in Germany for the basketball tournament!  Talk about a long weekend for him.  He was exhausted.  He had a great time and enjoyed it but was just pretty tired and has come down with a bad cold.

Monday morning after I dropped the kids at school I ran to the gas station as they have nice fresh rolls, muffins and breads, and picked up something for the mover today.  He was waiting for me when I got home.  Just one big German guy.  He boxed up my 4 big piles.
One of the piles!
He was here for about 3 1/2 hours and got all my stuff for the air shipment into 15 mostly bigger boxes.  So hopefully I will see that in 3 weeks!  After school the boys had their last hair cut with our gal.  She was good.  She is from Iceland and we all went to her, even Jason.  She did it out of her apt., well a room above her apt.  So I got her a scarf from my favorite store at home and we gave that to her.  Once back at home here some people were coming through the house to see about renting it.  They had 4 kids and were from Holland.  My phone is getting worse by the day- ugh!  So I lost Internet a week or so ago, then over the weekend the pictures function went where you can attach it to text messages.  Now the reception is not that good- come on, hold on stupid phone!!!

Tuesday morning when I checked my email Jason had sent this picture.

I guess when he got home from work last night an alarm was going off.  He couldn't tell if it was a smoke detector or a carbon monoxide detector and with the heating problems he called 911.  So a couple of fire trucks came and said that it was just a broken smoke detector but then they had to find it.  They couldn't tell which one it was.  But as they were walking around the house they told Jason that they really like his house- ha!  The finally found it and all was fine.
Jacob had early morning band.  I had yoga after the second drop off and then I took my car to the used car lot next to the new car stores.  There were 2 desks in the office and one guy had a sign with all the languages he spoke.  There were so many flags on there, but no English.  He had to have spoken like 6 languages!  So the other guy covered the English people I guess! They really want you to buy a new car and then they will buy your used car, so he told me they wouldn't pay me too much for the car. So he took pictures and took some information down and told me he would get back to me later in the day.  Then to the store for a few things.  I am really trying not to buy much and just keep using up what we have.  Once at home a friend came over to pick up my desk drawers. 
After school I had my 3 and then Amber was having one of her boy friends over, and then my friend was busy and needed me to get her 3 from school.  So needless to say we had 8 people in my 7 seater car!  At least I am really close to school!  So home and snacks for everyone.  Then soon after my friend came over for her 3 and we chatted.  Then once she left Amber's friend's parents came to pick him up b/c we had to have shorter play date today b/c we had to be back to school tonight for Jacob's Egyptian program.  So once they left we quickly ate part of our dinner and Jacob got his Egyptian costume on and off we headed back to school. 

They had done a ton of work for their night.  Lots of different research, exhibits, food to try, etc.  And then it ended with each group of 4 in a classroom giving their presentation about their topic which was an hour long.  They each spoke and each had to come up with a game to play regarding their topic.  It was cute and nice it was just your child's group you got to see, but a long evening at school.  Once back home we finished dinner and time for everyone to get ready for bed.

Wednesday was a busy day of people picking things up!  Right away my friend came and bought 3 bookcases, so we loaded those into her car.  Then later in the evening I had 2 more people come by to pick up rugs.  I made some oatmeal caramel chocolate chip bars for Jacob's sports awards ceremony at school tonight. I started emptying Sean's closet today as the people will be here tomorrow to start taking that apart.  I tried listing my car with another website and then contacted 2 other used car places.  Amber went home with a friend for lunch and then back for her last ballet class. So I came back early and went in and took some pictures.

After ballet we waited for Sean to finish his sports class and then Jacob was done so we went home.  I will miss having the kids all at the same school.  It is convenient!  So then home for a bit and back to school for the awards ceremony.  The one thing this school lacks is good communication.  So last week or so they had the information online that the awards thing was at 5:30 but in the lower school cafeteria.  Which I thought was weird b/c this is middle school which uses the upper school building so everything is normally in the upper school cafeteria.  So then I double checked what it said today and now it said upper school cafeteria but at 6pm.   So ok I had a feeling something might not be right so we got there at a little about 5:45 and it had started at 5:30 and was in the upper school.  So frustrating! Jacob received the Chairmen's award.  He was excited!

 Then after we got back home as I mentioned earlier 2 separate people came to pick up rugs.  The mover came on Monday to pick up my stuff but since Jason still hasn't sent the forms over for the shipping my stuff is still sitting there!
Thursday I got a few things at the store.  Not having my downstairs fridge I really can't buy too much food that needs to be refrigerated.  Then I came home and loaded up my car of things to take to the recycling center.  We don't have a dump here, so we go to the recycling center and I try and figure out which bin my things are suppose to go in.  The guys just watch me until I am going to put something in the wrong bin and then they are yelling at me in Luxembourgish which bin to put it in and of course I have no idea!  Who would have guessed going to the recycling center could be so stressful!  Once at home I emptied and cleaned out Sean's closet as the people who bought it were coming to take it apart tonight.  Jacob's bball is now over so I just swung by school and picked him up b/c the other 2 still had their after school activities. Then we moved the 2 extra single beds to the floor of Jacob's room for his big sleepover tomorrow night.  Then back to school for the other 2, and home for dinner.  After dinner 3 people came over to disassemble Sean's huge closet.  They got some of it apart, but the guy thinks they will be able to get the 2 big parts down the stairs without taking all of it apart.  We will see!  They will be back Sat. morning with a truck to pick it up.
Friday morning Jacob had early morning band- only another week of that.  But his new school starts at 7:30 so it will be an early morning every morning!  Later in the morning I had someone come look at a rug and then someone came by and got the TV stand.  Then for lunch I met a friend in the city center at a cute little place I had never tried.  We sat in comfy arm chairs and ate off a little cocktail table.  From here I went to school as I was reading books to the English group from Amber's class.  Other moms come in that have French or Italian, etc. speaking kids and then other kids that also speak that language go to their group.  This was at the end of the day so then we got Sean and walked over to Jacob's school to wait for all the boys for Jacob's goodbye pool party and sleepover.   Another friend was helping me drive them all to the pool as I couldn't fit them all in the car.  Jacob wanted a little one last party with some friends.  So I invited 5 boys plus my 3 kids and I took them all to the pool and we had dinner and ice cream there.  Then 2 kids got picked up and I brought the other 3 home with my 3 and Jacob had picked out a fighter plane movie for them to rent and then they spent the night.  All the boys had gotten him some going away gifts.  That was really thoughtful.  2 of the boys are American, 1 Dutch, 1 Italian, 1 half German half Icelandic.  So that was neat!  Amber was beat after we got home! 
Sat. morning the boys were up around 7am so not too bad.  I got up a bit later and made them some French toast.  The one from Holland had never had this before and loved it, he had 4 pieces!  The rest of them like it as well and had 3 pieces each! They rented another movie this morning.
Then I had someone coming over to take Sean's huge closet.  They had rented a truck and came before 9am and took the closet and 2 bookcases as well.  Later 2 of the boys got picked up.  The one from Holland is spending the weekend with us as his parents are finalizing a house as they will be moving too.  But not until this summer once school is out.  My crappy phone is now stuck on speaker phone.  So when someone calls that is the only way to talk with them!  My friend really wants to take turns smashing my phone when I leave! So then we had some things around here to do.  Later in the afternoon we took Amber to her friend's house for a sleepover, and then Jac and his friend to the poker party.  So they had dinner and played poker.  So it was just me and Sean, so I took him to Pizza Hut.  It was nice and we had a good time.  It wasn't crowded at all and yet I saw a friend from school with her daughter and then the couple that came to get the closet I saw there too!  A bit later we went back to pick up the boys and then home.

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