Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week of Sept. 2nd, 2012

Sunday morning Jason went back out and picked up Jacob from the slumber party.  He said they got no more then a couple hours of sleep.  Jacob looked pretty tired when he got home and it was about 11am so I put him upstairs to bed and said I will wake you up for lunch!  So he ended up sleeping for about 45 min. which was good for Jacob b/c he is not a napper and he had another party to go to after lunch!  So after lunch Amber and I went to one of her friend's parties at a park.  We had a lovely time.  It was a lot of kids from her preschool class last year and it was a beautiful day to be outside.  It is a smaller park, but perfect for that age group and it is all fenced in so you don't have to worry about losing the kids.  So while we did this Jason took the boys and picked up Sean's new friend, dropped Jacob off at the lazer tag party and took Sean and his friend down the street to Yoyo to play.  Then after the party the boys just all came back here and played and once I got home from our party I drove Sean's friend home.   I got Jacob to bed earlier tonight as he needs his rest!

Monday morning we had to go back downtown to finish up the residency paperwork for this year.  They don't open until 8:30 so we were there right when they opened but there were still people in front of us.  Today is one of the very few days Luxembourg has sales!  So it is like a big sidewalk sale in the downtown area.  So since we were already down here doing this paperwork I convinced Jason to take the kids back to school by himself so I could meet one of my friends here to do some shopping! Of course since it is a new school year Jason has no clue where the kids are suppose to be going.  He doesn't even know where the office is to take them to get their class passes!  It isn't near the entrance.  So the kids had to show him what he was suppose to be doing- ha!
But I was thankful and I met my friend and we walked around for a bit.  It was fun.  I bought one thing for everyone I think.  Then I needed to get going and either figure out the buses or walk home, and then my friend calls me who lives on the other side of the downtown area. She said that she is driving by and said she wouldn't mind picking me up and dropping me at home.  So nice!  I gladly accepted.  So I met her quickly and she took me home.  I dropped my stuff and got the car since today Amber only goes until 12.  So I picked up her and her 2 good friends for lunch and a play date.
Later I dropped off her friends on the way back to school to pick up the boys and she ended up staying at the little boy's house to play a bit longer.  Then at school Jacob had a friend come over, so after school we went back and picked her up. 
For dinner I made a taco casserole new recipe and it went over well.  Jacob had 3 helpings of it!

Tuesday I ran some errands in the morning.  One of the things I got was these gourmet type of cookies for a friend whose b'day was the other day.  They have to be refrigerated so of course I put them in the fridge and then forgot to bring them to her today!   Then came home b/c my French class was suppose to start up again today.  We had scheduled today before we ended in the summer.  I never heard from her about today but she doesn't call much b/c she is difficult to understand on the phone.  Well she never showed up.  I wasn't too disappointed other then the fact I made sure I was at home.
Amber still just went until lunch today and we came home and enjoyed lunch together. 
I finally got around to defrosting, manually, the ice box in the fridge.  It has been on my to do list for a month but I wasn't looking forward to it.  So I have to open the fridge to get to it.  So I tried to have the fridge a bit empty before doing this and putting some things in the fridge downstairs.  I spent about a half an hour between the hair dryer and the knife just picking away.  Then I had to run to school for a meeting and then pick up.  Sean went home with a friend.  So once I got back home I finished it all up.  In total I had 3 1/2 mixing bowls of ice I pulled out of this tiny ice box.  That is how bad the ice/frost had built up.  I should have taken a picture of it.  So it looks nice and clean now, but it is going to kill me when it fills back up with frost probably in a week, since the door doesn't really seal all the way.
At pickup Amber got a blister on her hand from some equipment on the playground.  I think she cried/screamed for about 15 min.  People kept asking what was wrong.  She sounded like she lost a finger or something.  Geesh, drama.  We get home and she goes upstairs to put herself down for a nap and comes back down crying.  She went to take a drink of water and somehow it went down the back of her shirt.  Sure enough there is a big line of water down her back and her shirt is all wet.  Now she has just had it.  She goes back upstairs and I let her sleep for about 45 min.  When I went to wake her up she was so out of it and not happy to get up.  Rough day for her!
Last year Jacob's French teacher, I had mentioned before, she told a bad story and always seem to be yelling at the children and before Christmas she was on a "medical leave"   I don't think she ever came back.  So Jacob had 2 or so French subs last year.  He didn't learn much French.  So this year he was happy that he got the teacher Sean had last year and he is looking forward to learning it this year.  The last sub Jacob had last year must have gotten the job b/c now she is teaching it and Jacob's friend got her.  He is not happy.  She doesn't have a classroom and when Jacob and some of his class goes out to his French class his friend goes to Jacob's classroom and she teaches there.  Unfortunately Sean got her too.  At a different time he has her, but we will have to see how this goes!

Wednesday after doing a few things I got to go for a nice walk outside.  It was getting a little cloudy so I brought my umbrella just in case.  You never know here! 
This morning when Jacob opened the door inside to the garage I guess there was a big spider there.  This time of year the big spiders are out and trying to come in.  So far I haven't seen the big ones like last year that I still shiver when I think about.  So I told him to kill it.  I told him he has one chance to get it so do it right.  He grabs my plastic rain boot and drops it on him.  Well of course the spider just crawls right out under that!  He crawled in the house and went under this black thing for coats and umbrellas that is attached to the wall.  I made Jason come down and look for it but of course he couldn't find it.  So you know who is going to be the one to find it- ME!  The thing that really got me was that it was in the garage but Jacob ended up having it run in the house!  Now every time I am down there I am looking around praying it doesn't hop out at me.
Wed. Amber will always get out at noon and the rest of the days she will stay all day.  That is just the schedule here.  So I went and picked her up for lunch and a new girl in her class.  Her mom used to have coffee with my friend and I last year occasionally.   The girls had lunch and a fun time playing.  Then I dropped her off on my way back to school to get the boys. 
After school Sean had an appt. at the orthodontist to get his retainer remade-ugh!  So we are starting this all over again.  We saw another family there from school too!  She is like the school orthodontist/dentist!
After this we rushed home and got everyone feed dinner, and the babysitter came over.  Amber was excited to see her again since it had been awhile.  And Jason met me at school.  Tonight was the back to school night.  The school has changed some things around compared to how they did them last year and mostly it has been for the better.  So they redid the program for tonight.  It is a lot better now, but only allows you to go to one classroom.  So it worked out ok with both of us there and Amber's meeting was during the day last week.  But if you had 3 or more kids in the lower school it would be difficult.  The 3rd grade teachers did one presentation together and then you could go in the child's classroom and meet the teacher and walk around.  So I did 3rd grade, since I am the room mom here,  and Jason did 5th grade.  I finished early so went down to the 5th grade room, but she was just about finished talking.  All sounds good this year.  For Jacob's 5th grade trip they get to go to Switzerland!  Can you believe it?  I think the mom's need to go too!

Thursday Jason had to travel to Poland.  So he left the house around 5:30am.  So I hear him leave and lock the door and then I hear him unlock the door and come all the way back upstairs as his shoes clicked on the marble stairs.  He taps my toe and asks me where his new residence ID card is that we just got on Monday.  I told him that Monday night I handed him back his passport and his new card.  Geezsh.  Now I am totally awake wondering what has happened to his card and he has also woken up Sean from being up and down and opening and closing the door!  He really had the card all along, but he thought it was his old card b/c he had looked at the wrong date!  So glad he woke us up to try and figure it out!! 
Today was Amber's first full day of school with lunch! 

She got to stay for lunch and the afternoon!  She was so excited to bring her lunch and stay at school  until the boys leave.  She said she wanted to bring her lunch today and see how it went and then maybe buy her lunch tomorrow.  I was very excited for this!
We decided to have our preschool morning coffees at the school on Thursdays this year instead of Fridays as it worked out better for some moms.  So some of us did that this morning.  One of the new moms I was talking with come to find out they just moved here for the same company Jason is working for- too funny!  They don't work together and they are from Europe already. 
After this I got another nice walk in and decided to walk down to this boutique store that I saw opened last year but never made it too.  I ended up getting an outfit there that is more of a European look, and more expensive then I would have liked.  But I figured I haven't bought anything like this here so what the heck!
Since Amber was in school all day I set up lunch with some friends- yeah!  I even wore my new outfit!  So today 4 of us made it and went out to a place I had found and wanted to try.  It was good and we had a nice time and of course had a glass of champagne!  There was an elderly couple behind us that told us we were being too loud.  We were sitting outside and ok maybe our laughs every now and then but we were just talking.  So I think I will set something up for our lunch group maybe every other week.  Every week might be too much for my waistline!
At the end of the day it was nice to go back to school to pick everyone up with out Amber being by my side whining the whole time.  So instead I went outside to talk to everyone while we waited and we could see the preschoolers playing outside on their playground.  And Amber is waving and yelling things to me, but so happy and excited.  So she had a great day.  She enjoyed eating her lunch there and said everything was good. 
After school Sean had a friend over to play.

Friday one of my friends was hosting a coffee morning from a coffee group she is in, and since it was at her house she asked if I wanted to join them.  So I met a lot of new moms this morning.  My friend had made a bunch of yummy breakfast items.  So I spent the morning there.  Then I ran home and Jason came back from Poland and we went out to lunch, this all day school thing is great!  We had a nice lunch at this place I had wanted to try out of town.  So that was pleasant, except that when you sit outside here it smells like smoke b/c they all smoke.  It was a beautiful day and they had all this seating on their deck with umbrellas.  At least indoors here it is smoke free, besides the bars!
Before school ended I was outside chatting and I felt something up my dress on my legs and I was moving around trying to shew it away.  Well I guess it was a bee, b/c all of a sudden I have a lot of pain way up my leg.  That nasty bee stung me!  So I can't even see it, so my friend is helping me look, too funny and she sees it.  What pain!
Jacob went over to his friend's house after school to play.
We had a relaxing evening at home with a movie night and popcorn, and me with an ice pack on my bee sting!

Saturday it was going to be a nice warm day so I had called around yesterday and found an outdoor pool that was  still open.  Most of them had already closed down for the season.  But this one was about 20 min. away that ended up taking a lot longer b/c they had part of the highway shut down with the exit that we needed so we ended up taking a round about way via back roads.  But the pool was nice.  Here there are no chairs around the pool you have to go and sit on the grass.  I had known this from last year so I brought a bunch of towels and packed us a picnic lunch.  This place had a baby pool with a little slide that Amber spent most of her time in, a middle depth pool that was good for Amber but she thought it was too cold.  It had a little slide for her and then a big wide slide for the boys.  They enjoyed that.  Then there was a huge pool with diving boards.  The high one wasn't open so the boys were bummed, but they enjoyed the low one.  So we stayed at the pool until the mid afternoon.  Then my friend had told me that this weekend in this same town they were having a Medieval festival.  So we decided to go over there.  We saw 2 friends there as well.
The place where they had this was a bit outside of town and down the one street it was on they had straw down on the road.
So the festival just had white tents set up all down this street and little wood houses selling things, medieval clothes and items.   They had drinks and food.  We got these cookie macaroon things, poppy seed bread that looks like a huge cinnamon roll, a pretzel the size of Amber's head, rock candy.  So at the end of the street you turn and start to walk into a field. 
 There there is a little area where you can fight a knight, and do archery.  All 3 boys did the archery.

They were aiming at these taxidermy like animals they had placed in the field.  So you walk back down the path further into the field and just more white tents, and they had a music stage, and then at the end of the festival lane they had knights on horses doing things. 

So it was very interesting.  Jason said that if this fair was held 300 years ago it wouldn't have looked much different then it did today.  Even a lot of the visitors today were all dressed in medieval attire in addition to everyone in their tents and working there.  Amber got a pink cone medieval hat.

She also went on this merry go around that was a manual one.  Two guys would push it around!
When we left the festival we picked up Amber's friend who was doing a pre sleep over tonight!  She stayed until around 7:30 b/c she wasn't ready to spend the night.  And Sean went to a friend's house to spend the night.  So everyone had a busy and fun day!

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