Sunday, September 15, 2013

Week of Sept. 8th, 2013

Sunday we decided we would try the apple festival in the afternoon when it opened.  I had read something someone had posted that it opened this weekend.  So after lunch we drove out there.  We had put on our wellie boots since it had rained last night.  Today wasn't super sunny but I thought it might be better to go b/c it is suppose to rain all week and next weekend the fields will be a mess.  So again no address to find this place.  We remember last year how long we drove around looking for it!  So this year we remember seeing this road.  It tees off another road and goes straight up into a forest.  So we found it easier this year, only to get there and see that it was closed!  It opens next weekend- ugh!
So I had another town I had wanted to go to so we drove there.  But trying to get to the orchard and out was hard b/c there was a bike race going on and a lot of streets were blocked or closed- seriously!  So we drove about 30 min. to another town that was on the Moselle river.  It had a small little aquarium that we saw and walked along the river and saw the swans.

Then there was a park there and the kids played there for a long time.  Then we drove through the rest of the town and headed home and had a BBQ.  And the boys rented another movie.  They love renting movies!

Monday when we got to school the boys went their way and I walked Amber to her area but right away she was able to go in her cubbie room area and put away her stuff and then I just said goodbye to her and she went off to the common area by her classroom.  Today was the first full day of Kindergarten for her!  I then ran to the store, post office, dry cleaners, bank and salon to make an appt.  and then got gas on my way out.  All at the mall!  Got home and worked out, had lunch and got ready to go back to school.  Did a few more things at home and then back for pick up. 
This afternoon it was windy and kind of chilly.  We have to wait outside now for the kids.  We were always allowed inside the old school before.  Now we have to stand under this covered area.  But the wind just seems to blow through the area.  I am not going to like this come winter!  When I see Sean he had his sweatshirt unzipped and I noticed his shirt is Jacob's pj shirt!  Agh seriously!  He had his sweatshirt on this morning so never noticed it.  Of course it doesn't really look like a pj shirt but still!  So once I got Amber and Sean we went to get Sean's hair cut and Jacob had cross country.  Our hairdresser was going out of town tonight so she couldn't fit both boys in after Jacob's cross country, so I did Sean before and then we went home.  Back to school a bit later to get Jacob and over to get his hair cut. 
Jason and another guy from work drove to Germany today for the big car show there this week. 

Tuesday morning I talked to the kids about doing the drop off today.  So I first dropped off Jacob at the first building and then drove into the drop off lane for the other building.  At Amber's spot I dropped off Sean and Amber and he waited there with her, me too in the car until a high school kid in a yellow vest was ready to take her in.  Then Sean went and walked just a bit further to his area to wait for school to start.  After school Amber said it went well so I think we can continue this!
After school Sean had a friend over and Amber went to a friend's house.  As Sean and his friend and I were walking back to the car it started pouring.  We got soaked!  My umbrella was turning inside out and the back of my pants got so wet I had to change when we got home.  Then we had to wait about 15 min or so for Jacob to get out of school and meet us. 
I made a new dinner, taco lasagna.  It was good.  I got a lot of new recipes from magazines at home over the summer so looking forward to trying them out!
After Sean's friend left, I went and picked up Amber.  It took awhile to get there as the highway was all backed up. 
I got a note from the bball league Jacob wants to join here and all the players have to go to one of these "certain" doctors to get a medical approval to play.  I said he just had a physical at home can't we use this.  No, all players have to go to an approved dr.  There are like 10 drs. and only one anywhere close by here!  I also think I got a note saying b/c he wasn't born in that year he can't play.  I am checking into this, b/c we just want to practice with the team once a week, so we will see where this goes.  I guess all the other boys were born before Jan. that are in his grade on the team.
I have a shoe tying book that I have used for all the kids to help them learn how to tie their shoes.  So I have been working with Amber on how to tie your shoes.  Well tonight she got it!  She may tie her shoes better then Sean now!
Jason had gotten home before I did.  So he drove to Germany yesterday with another guy from work who is German.  The guy's dad falls and ends up in the hospital so the guy tells Jason he is staying and now can't drive him back here.  So the company had to book a flight for him.  It was very expensive being a one way, last minute ticket.  Then once at the airport he still had to take a cab over to the guy's house here to get his car. 

Wednesday, I was emailing back and forth with the coach and the bball club to see if Jacob could somehow stay on that team or just practice with them on Wed. without joining the club, but no such luck! 
Amber was done at 12 and then we came home and had lunch and made Monster Cookies.  I won't be making those again, as it calls for 2 cups of peanut butter!  That uses up like a whole jar and I have to import this!  Yikes! 
The weather today was a high of 58 degrees and sun/rain/down pouring/dark/thunder.  Crazy weather!
Then back to school in the early afternoon for Sean and an hour later for Jacob.  Tonight was the back to school night for the lower school.  So Jason met me there and it was in the auditorium.  So Jason got to see some of the new school and he thought it looked really good.  Then you break out into the kid's classrooms and normally the teacher does a presentation about the school year.  I did Sean's class and sent Jason to Amber's class.  Neither teacher gave a presentation!  There were handouts on the kids desks and that was it.  Ok if you are just giving handouts and not saying anything why not just send it home with the kids?  I was annoyed.  So glad they are willing to share what will be going on this year!!
I will have to find out if other grades did the same.

Thursday morning after drop off was the 6th grade coffee at school.  So I went to that.  It was nice to see some moms of 6th grade kids.  Some moms work so some of my friends were not able to make it, but it was nice to catch up with others and meet some new moms too.
Then later in the morning I joined my friend as she wanted to see a house here.  She is looking to buy a house here.  I guess they will be staying awhile.  So me and another friend joined our girlfriend and we went to visit a farmhouse for sale.  The house is pretty expensive, a little over 3 million euros!  It was over a hundred years old.  It is a house attached to a barn.  The woman who owns it said they renovated it once they had bought it and it took 6 years!  Lots of bare wood throughout the house.  The house was pretty fancy looking.   The barn was really neat.  There was a small room in the barn that was the old horse stable.  It was the man's workshop.  It still smelled pretty bad.  But the barn had a ping pong table in it and a basketball hoop.  It had concrete floors and then just open to the beams from the ceiling so lots of space.  They were using some of it as storage.  The owners were going to put an indoor pool in but decided not too.  My friend was considering putting a tennis court in there/multipurpose area.  How fun for the kids!  But she wasn't really crazy about the house.  So the 3 of us met up with another friend for lunch at an Italian place by school.  I was looking forward to trying it as I had never been there yet.
So we had a nice lunch.  Then I ran home to change the wash and back to school for pick up.  I got Amber and Sean and then later back to school to get Jacob from cross country and home quick to heat up dinner and then back to school for the back to school night for middle school.  So when I got to the school they give you a copy of your kid's schedule and you all start out in the auditorium and then you go to visit his classes.  Jacob's homeroom/English and social studies teacher is Sean's teacher from last year and I really liked her.  So then I met with his other teachers.  They all seem really nice.  His German teacher even makes me want to learn German! 

Friday I had coffee with a friend at school.  A lot going on with her.  Then ran to the store.  When I came home it was just so cold I turned the heat on!  Can you believe it!  Sept. 13th and the heat is on.  If it stays cold like this and we don't get any more sun it is going to be a long long winter!
After school Jacob had a fun run for cross country so we stayed and watched him do that.
After this Jacob went over to a friend's house to spend the night.  Then we came home and brought one of Sean's friends home with us.   After dinner we had movie night- Home Alone 3.
Sat. it rained, as it had all week long!  The construction company didn't touch that area across the street this week.  They picked up the tractor but all the logs and brush are still there in a pile.  The land will need to still be leveled.  So we will see how long before any more work is done.  Things move pretty slow here. 
Sat. afternoon Jacob's friend and Amber's friend came over for a sleepover.  We had a bbq and the boys rented the 3rd Pirates of the Caribbean movie and the girls got their toes and nails done.  I made some cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Then unfortunately once in bed Jacob's friend started to not feel well and then started to worry about things.  So in the end he went home. 

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