Saturday, February 15, 2014

Week of Feb. 9th, 2014

Sunday was a busy day of selling!  I made waffles for the last time and cleaned up the waffle maker and packed it up for my friend to get.  Before lunch the guy came to buy the kitchen table and Sean's desk chair. So now our fine dining table in the kitchen is this.  My friend let us borrow it. 

Poor Sean he lost like half of his furniture today.  Then after lunch someone came and bought his desk and an extra TV stand I had the whole time we have been here and never used.  Then the couple that came by last night to see the dresser picked that up and then decided they wanted Sean's book case too!   Next was a woman who bought a pink car seat.  When we moved here I had bought a lot of stuff used from people moving from here.  So now I don't need to take it back with me so I am selling that stuff and then some things we bought but I don't really need to take them back or they just won't work in our new house.  Jason had gone grocery shopping with my list of items to start getting the new house there stocked with basics- toilet paper, paper towel, etc.  It was warm in the house when Jason came in.  "First thing I am going to do here is turn this down," he told me!  Yesterday he went and looked at basketball hoops for outside and a pool table.  I asked how it went and he found a basketball hoop he liked and a few pool tables.  But he said, "I have already bought a house you haven't really seen.  I don't think it would be good for either of us if I start decorating the house!"  Ha true true!

Monday morning I ran to the store then home to workout and get ready.  Before lunch the girl who tried to find my house last week and got lost came back and found it today.  So she bought some things.  Then another person was suppose to come and look at a few things in the afternoon before pickup but something else came up so she just called and said she would take them without seeing them.  After school Jacob had his friend over that still has his foot in a cast.  Hopefully it comes off before they go skiing! 

Tuesday we got Jacob to school early for band and then back later for the other 2.  Then off to yoga.  Then home and someone came over to buy the coffee pot.  Then after lunch a plumber came to unclog the drain in the sink in the basement laundry room that has been clogged for a couple of months now.  It works great now!  Then emptying Amber's closet so someone can buy that tonight.  I was baking pumpkin bread before school pick up and of course I had 2 loaves in the oven and I really needed to get going but was waiting until the bread could come out.  It will be lovely to have 2 ovens again!  So was running to pick up today.  Jacob had basketball so we picked him up later.  Then after dinner a nice little Vietnamese man came to take apart and buy the closet.  It was big and a lot of boards so I helped him get it apart and carry it down the 3 flights of stairs.  Now Amber's clothes are all over her room in piles.  Jacob's guitar teacher is out of town so it worked out well that he didn't have it tonight.  Plus he has come down with my nasty cold from last week so better he rest. 

Wednesday was fairy tale day at school for Amber.  So while most girls were fairies or princesses Amber went as a Dragon!  It is funny b/c it is her Dino costume that she just loves and she just said it now was a dragon and that was what she wanted to wear.

Here they don't even send home a notice or a teacher email to let the parents know.  It was just the kids responsibly to tell there parents at the end of the day that tomorrow they needed a costume!
This morning I went to our book club's first meeting.  I brought my pumpkin bread.  We had read Behind the Beautiful Forevers which is a true story about people living in a Mumbai slum in India.  It was hard to believe some of the things she wrote about.  So it was a good book, but also sad to read about life there.  So it was nice to meet the people there.  I only knew my friend that hosted it.  I had to leave early to go pick up Amber and 2 friends for lunch, playdate and then back for ballet.  Then Sean had his sports class after school so when Amber and Sean were done we picked up Jacob and then went and got the boy's hair cut.  We stopped by the flower store and picked up a beautiful purple container with some flower bulbs and some other things in there to take to a friend's house for dinner.
Jacob got some homework done and then we went to Sean's friend's house for dinner.  My friend is Italian and made some Italian appetizers, and lasagna, very good.  Not the traditional kind we are used to at home.  It was lighter and a white sauce with some meat and just a little bit of red sauce.  Then salad and a beef Carpaccio and bread.  Then for dessert was a like a frozen ice cream dessert with a type of crushed up biscuit in there, again all very good.  So we had a nice time. 

Thursday I ran to the store for the weekend food now.  Then my friend that hosted the book club came over to return my polish pottery dish that I had brought the bread on and we had our own chat about the book.  It was nice.  And she was here for about 2 hours.  Then lunch and a little workout then got ready.  Today normally I don't go back to school until later with the kid's after school activities but b/c 4th grade had their concert tonight they canceled their activities for after school.  So I had to go and pick up Sean.  Then Amber was suppose to go to Rainbows but she sees me there and is like oh mom I don't feel good.  I think I have a belly ache and I am hot. So both Sean and Amber came home after school.  Jacob had basketball practice and then they had a pizza party b/c now kids that didn't make the final competition team are done practicing and Jacob made the team so he will continue on until the championships in March.  Once at home Amber was tired but really fine.  Sean and I made the dough for sugar cookies so he can bring them to his class tomorrow for Valentine's Day.  Amber already has someone coming in, so I didn't need to do anything for her class.  I feed these 2 dinner early.  Then back to school to get Jacob.  We were planning on just staying at school now, b/c there was a middle school disco that Jacob was going to go to and then the rest of us were going to go to Sean's concert.  Well Jacob gets in the car and says, "mom I have so much homework tonight I can't go to the disco."  I felt bad for him b/c I know he wanted to go.  So I dropped him off at home and he got to work on his homework and the rest of us went back to school for the concert.  It was just 4th grade.  The classes were either told to wear a green, red or yellow shirt.  The flag colors of Africa.  The concert was based on the sounds of Africa.  So it looked nice and bold with their colors up on stage.  They sang, played instruments, played their recorders and then those in band did a song too.  Sean played the symbols.  Once home we rolled out the sugar dough and Sean and Amber decorated all the heart cookies.  Of course I couldn't find a normal size heart cookie cutter so the one I had was very big and now the cookies are as big or so as my whole hand! 

Happy Valentine's Day!  Today Sean brought in his cookies to share with the class today.  Amber's class was having a mom go in and do crafts and some cookies so she was all set.  Today Jason was flying back in, so I told the kids we would celebrate Valentine's at dinner with dad instead of normally they would get little gifts at breakfast.  The boys were ok with it, and Amber had to think about it and wasn't really crazy about the idea- ha!  So Jacob had to be at school early for band.  After I dropped the other 2 off later, I came home and made an angel food cake with mashed strawberries to go on top of it.  I love it, so of course had to take a little nibble!  Then I had to leave a little early for tennis b/c I wanted to stop by my new favorite florist to pick up a little something for my friend at tennis that has let me borrow her rackets for 2 years!  As I was driving there I passed Jason in a cab on his way home.  Today was my last day of tennis.  As the rest of my Fridays are starting to get booked with other things I decided to stop now.  My tennis teacher who I have had for 2 years wasn't there today.  So I was bummed not to be able to say goodbye to him.  I said goodbye to the 2 other ladies in my class.  Maybe I will bake some cookies and bring them to a class or something before I leave.  So on my way out I gave my friend her gift and her last racket I had.  Kind of sad to be ending something here. 
Then I came home and Jason was sleeping.  So I got some things done.  He got up a bit later.  They are still doing construction across the street from me.  They use the main street, not my street to actually bring all the trucks in on, but today a 3rd concrete mixer had been blocking my driveway for awhile, at least an hour or more.  I wasn't going to be able to get the car out of the garage nor did I fancy having to go to the construction site and try to explain in French I couldn't get my car out.  So I walked up to where I have parked Jason's car on the street and took that.  I got Amber and then Sean went home with a friend, but he gave me his back pack and the cookie container on his way out.  Jacob decided last minute to go over to a friend's house.  So I just brought Amber home with 2 extra backpacks as well!  She was so excited to see Jason!  Later I went one direction to pick up Jacob and thank goodness Jason was home b/c where Sean needed to be picked up was the opposite direction and traffic was really bad and it took me 30 min. just to get to Jacob's friend's house.  So once we were all back at home we started getting tacos ready and had a nice Valentine's dinner with our angel food cake and strawberries for dessert.  Then the kids got to open their gifts.  And Amber was excited to finally open her gifts, which she got Monster High pjs, and a Frozen book.

Saturday Amber was up for 2 hours in the early morning complaining of a couple of things.  Then up again at 7:30am.   So needless to say we didn't sleep well especially Jason who was so tired already.  So this morning after breakfast I took Amber to the Dr. and sure enough she had strep throat!  But by the time we left the house and got back home it had been 2 hours and she was miserable and crying.  They were running behind at the Dr. office, then we had to wait about 15 min for the results of the strep test, then the pharmacy was a mess.  So once home she ate a little something, I got all the medicine in her and put her down for a nap.  I had a list of things for Jason to do today (:  We had some boxes that needed to be broken down and some things that needed to go to the recycling center, etc.  We don't have a dump here, just a recycling center.  Amber slept for 2 hours and woke up happy and back to her self and felt good the rest of the day.  So hopefully the medicine keeps working and she gets well soon!  2 people called about the car today and one came to see it.  I started working with the kids on their new address back in the states.  Then late afternoon we went to see the new Lego movie!  I had bought tickets online last night since today was the first showing of it.  It was pretty busy.  It is funny going to the theatre here, b/c they only play English kids movies maybe one movie every couple of months, so we always see people we know.  Today we saw 5 other families we know.  Then we ate at a restaurant in the movie theatre area and came home.  We liked the movie, but Jason and I were so tired we both fell asleep a little bit during it!  It is also 3D so you have to wear those silly glasses. 

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