Sunday, April 29, 2012

Week of April 22, 2012

Sunday we went to church. After church another family and us tried out this new diner here called "Fonzie's"  Too funny!  It was like a 50's diner.   They mostly just had burger and fries.  The food was ok, but we had a good time.
We put together Sean's goodie bags for his party this week.
Jacob worked on his presentation for school tomorrow.
One of the things Jason had brought back was a special cable for the sling box as it hadn't been working on our tv here since Jan.  So he had to move it to another tv and put this cable with it and now we have US tv again! 

Monday I still wasn't any better so I went back to the dr.  He said I have laryngitis and I was able to get an antibotic for it.  He also gave me some probotic, a corticorsne pill to help with my lungs and throat, and a pill for coughing.  So hopefully I will feel better.  Last night I was coughing so bad anytime I went to lay down that I ended up sleeping on the couch sitting up.  Needless to say I was exhausted today.  After lunch I let Amber watch some shows on the Disney channel and I took a little nap.

Tuesday.  I am feeling much better and my voice is starting to come back so that is good.  I am not doing a very good job of trying to mail out b'day cards here on time, so I planned ahead and mailed the Mother's Day cards out today.  Cards take at least a week, so I will be a little early, but better then late!
I had French class today for the first time in about 4 weeks. 
I met a friend at school today and her daughter came with me and we picked up Amber and then the girls came home and we had lunch since today was bring a friend to gymnastics class.  So the girls had a great time in class together.
My friend then picked up the boys for me so we could stay at class until the end so Amber was happy. Then my friend brought my boys home plus one of Sean's friends and then the rest of her crew and everyone came in and we had a nice playdate.

Wednesday 3 of us went for coffee at the mall today so that was nice.  One of the girls was Amber's best boy friend.  She was telling me that her son was asking if he had a wife and the mom said no, but I am sure some day you will.  So he asked her if she would ask Amber's mommy if Amber would be his wife!  Too funny! 
We couldn't stay too long for coffee as Amber had her spring preschool concert this morning.  Jason was in London today so he couldn't make it.  They did a really good job.  We had ordered shirts for them and they were yellow and then the teachers had a flower printed on them and all the kids wore jeans.  Amber was just all smiles and did a great job singing and had the had motions going as well.  She was on the top bleacher step and they had bright lights shining on them so my camera didn't really get any good shots of her.
My friend got some better pictures.

After lunch we were going to make some Dora cupcakes for her friends coming over for lunch tomorrow.  So I get out the mix and turn on the oven and walk out of the kitchen.  I come back in a few minutes later and there is a big pile of mix on the counter, on the step stool, and all over the floor.  And Amber is no where to be found.  I call out for her and she is hiding on the steps and just burst out crying that she was sorry.  She squeezed the package mix and it just exploded.  When I see her she has powdered mix all over her and stuck to her jeans.   So we clean up the kitchen and wash the floor, which the cleaning lady had just washed, and then go change Amber clothes.  So much for the cupcakes today!  So instead we made Sean's b'day cake and then froze it for this weekend.

Thursday.  It has now been raining on and off most days the last week and a half. You can't live here without your raincoat, rainboots and umbrella.  They are definately my 3 most used items!
Today Jacob had a field trip to the Museum of Art and History in the city.  It was a half day field trip and then they ate their lunches there too.  He enjoyed it.
After preschool pickup one of Amber's friends came over as the other child was sick and couldn't make it.  So those two had fun playing.
Sean had bball after school and was sweating up a storm when I picked him up.

Friday morning I had coffee with a friend at school and then headed to the big, crazy store that on Friday is horrible.  I had a ton of things to get and it was very crowded and this is at 9:15 in the morning.
When we went back to school to pick up the boys, Amber went home with a friend.  They wanted to make a chocolate cake so when I called the mom to tell her I was going to come and pick her up she asked me if I could wait until 6:30 so their cake would be done.  Ok.  It was very quite in the house without Amber.  Sean and I bake homemade chocolate chip cookies for his b'day party tomorrow and he was glad not to have to fight over who gets to stir with Amber!
Jason got home shortly after we got home from school today so that was nice.  He had even gone to the butcher out by his work and picked up a bunch of meat for me so I could freeze it to make dinners next week as my parents will be arriving!  I liked the quality of the meat we had gotten there before over the grocery stores here.  The butcher by me is nice too, but since it is organic it is very expensive.
When I went to pick up Amber she had like 12 big tatoos over her face, arms and legs.  She was quite happy with herself!

Sat. we spent part of the morning getting the food ready for Sean's party.  We made our party sprinkle bread, frosted and decorated the cake, made popcorn and a Snake sub sandwich. 

After lunch we dropped Amber off at her friend's house to play and then on to Sean's birthday party at Lazer tag.  He was so excited.

12 of his friends could make it so once everyone was there the games started.  The party went well except for at the end of the first game 2 boys bumped into each other.  One didn't even really have a bruise, the other had a huge bruise the size of a quarter.  We started icing it right away and then they had some cream they put on it.  I felt so bad.  His mom ended up coming back early and they went home.  We will have to check on him tomorrow. 
I had made an Indiana Jones cake for his theme he wanted and only the American boys wanted cake, that was about 4! The other ones just had some cookies and other things I had out.  The cakes here are different and don't look like our cake but I couldn't believe that that many didn't want any!  We all enjoyed it!

We picked up Amber after the party, and I gave their family some cake.  I know they will eat it!  Then we came home and Sean had fun opening all his presents. 

It was such a beautiful day here, no rain and close to 70 degrees that we wanted to go downtown and walk around, go out to dinner and maybe the park.  Well after Sean opened his presents we couldn't get the boys to leave the house.  So frozen pizza and a fire with smores and they just played outside and were happy.

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