Sunday, June 24, 2012

Week of June 17th, 2012

Sunday was Father's Day!  So Happy Father's Day to all the fathers!
After our late night out, Amber was in my room at 6:30 poking me that she was hungry for breakfast.  I tell her we never eat breakfast at 6:30.  So she goes back to her room for 1/2 hour and the whole time I could hear her talking and then she came in at 7 and just climbed over me and fell back asleep for an hour.  Silly girl! 
So when the boys were making a lot of noise and woke us up after 8am  Amber and I got up and started making a nice Father's Day breakfast for Jason.  We made pecan rolls, scrambed eggs and fruit slushies.  It was very yummy! 
The kids gave Jason his gifts and then we decided to head out a visit a castle, what else would we do!  It was a nice and sunny day today, too.  So the one we went to today was about 25 min. away but was having a craft fair there as well.  It was very busy.  It was people selling a lot of jewerly, hats, scarfs, wood things, etc.  There were booths set up along this stone cobbled walk up to the castle.  It was neat.  We had packed a lunch and just ate it walking around.  Amber and I got some jewerly and the boys got a wood bow and arrow set.  Here is a picture of them in the grass next to the castle with them.

Then at the castle there is a really nice expensive restaurant and then a normal priced restaurant which has a great view out over the town/country side.

The castle has been restored and is very pretty. 

Inside there were more exhibitors selling things.   So you could just walk through some of the rooms in the castle, but you had no idea what they used to be.  I like it when they tell you what this room and that room used to be used for.  From here we walked back down and up another street in the town that had more exhibitors and then we stopped for some ice cream. 
For dinner we ate my expensive kabobs!  They were good, though!  And green bean casserole and then we grilled potatoes, mushrooms, onions, and Jason added some garlic with his new garlic press.  Everything was very good.  Oh, and Jason made garlic bread with his garlic presser too.   Can you guess what the kitchen smelled like?  So we sat outside and have a wonderful BBQ.
We have garlic coming out of our pores!

Monday Jason got up early and headed back to the states.
Today was Amber's preschool class Princess and Knight party.  So they came to school wearing their costumes.  The room parents brought in a special snack for them.  I got up at 6 am to cut out finger sandwiches with cream cheese and cucumbers into shapes for them.
The kids looked so cute.

This morning as I turned on the car I only heard the end of the news and this guy was saying that there is a road closed between these 2 towns.  The towns are where I need to drive to get Sean to his Ortho appt. this afternoon.  Great. 
So here I literally know one way how to get places and when they close a whole road it is frustrating.  You can't just go around the block, you have to go to another town and try and find another road over.  So there are 3 ways to get to the ortho. from my house as I am googling it.  Of course the road I know is the one that turns out to be closed- ugh!  So of course I am just following other people as my GPS just keeps telling me to turn around.  We finally make it there.  The ortho tells us that we are only the 2nd person to make it on time today b/c of the road being closed everyone else was late and her day has been a mess.  We were going to be early, but by the time we got there it was time for his appt.

Tuesday I got home after running an errand in the morning and I walk in the kitchen and there is water all over the counter, running down the counters and all over the floor.  I actually was looking around to see if something had leaked and then I realized what had happened.  Jacob was taking an extremely long time this morning to come down to the car.  And I figured he went to fill up his water bottle and must have spilled it.  He didn't even tell me.  Then I found the rag he had tried to wipe up some of it with,  which I can't believe there was more and he hung the rag bag up so there was a huge puddle under the rag.  The water had even run inside the drawers and cabinets- ugh!
Amber and her friend had their gymnastics class today.  Her friend's mom had dropped off some cupcakes for the girls so they enjoyed those before class!
I was talking with a friend who is from Norway, and they bought a summer house in Norway on a fjord.  Ok I have no idea what this is.  So she is explaining it to me and then my other friend didn't know what it was either so I didn't feel so bad!  But it is a long, narrow, deep inlet of sea between high cliffs, as in Norway or Iceland, typically formed by submergence of a glaciated valley.

They look beautiful!

Wednesday morning we had to be at school by 7:45 for Jacob to practice with the band.  So the rest of us went to the cafeteria.  Also this morning I had to cut up a bunch of apples to bring for Amber's preschool field trip, but surprise, surprise it was raining today.  All of her field trips that have been outside we have been rained on.  So they canceled the trip for today and moved it to Friday.   They had an indoor picnic with all the snacks the room parents had brought in.  The 2 preschool classes had it together.  I had organized a last preschool morning coffee out at my favorite place in the mall for Friday morning, so now I had to cancel it and we will try and do it next week.
So now I had a free morning.  So my lawyer friend is in the process of moving into a new house not too far from me so she showed me her house.  It is nice and similiar to ours here.  But things are so expensive she said it cost a little under 2 million Euros.  For that price it should be mansion! 
Then I got some other things done with my unexpected free time!
After I picked up Amber we went to a friend's house for lunch.  We had a good time! 
The boys had their last RE today and Jacob had his last guitar practice tonight.  I got some chocolates and cookies from one of my favorite bakeries for these teachers today.
This afternoon the relocation lady had gone to the commune for me and gotten me the sticker that goes on my car letting me park around town on the streets for 2 hours free with the sticker and then a little time card I put in the windshield.  I was very happy we finally have all the car stuff done!  So now I don't have to keep looking for a parking machine to buy a ticket.
Sean had his friend over tonight with the cast on.  They had to find calm activities to do.  I feed all the kids dinner and then for dessert we had brownies. When we were at my friend's house for lunch she sent us home with some brownies.  Jacob opened them and says "American Brownies!"  They all dug in and they were gone.  Too funny he has labeled the brownies!

Thursday Jacob had to be back at school early to get ready for their concert they were performing this morning for the lower school.  Amber had an assemble as well today. It was just the 4 yr. old preschool class and maybe Kindergarten and she did her dance they are going to perform for the parents next week!  Busy music day!
This morning I went to this one store that sells just a bunch of different things, no food.  Well they actually have a small parking lot and it is closed, figures.  They were doing something there.  So next to it is another little grocery store kind of like an Aldi I think.  I haven't been in it.  So I try and park in their parking lot, what a mess!  Their parking lot is tiny and there is a line of cars waiting to try and park and another line of cars trying to leave, but there are big semi's and trucks around blocking the lanes.  I drove around for about 10 min. trying to see if there was any other place but there wasn't so I went back in the car line to park.  When a spot opened I backed the car all the way in to make sure I wouldn't get my front end hit with all the cars everywhere.  When I go to get my bags out of the trunk there is a huge bush/tree that is in the way and I get it opened but can't get it closed.  So I close it the best I can but now part of the bush is stuck in the trunk. 
I go to the store and try and buy 36 bucket/shovel sets for the 2 preschool classes that the room parents will give out to the kids for the end of the year.  What a mess!  Since the buckets have the shovels and things in them you can't stack them so I was trying to pile them in a cart and the bags I had with me.  When I go to check out I tell the lady that I have 36 buckets and here is one to ring up.  She said, well I don't know exactley what she said but here is what she did,  I needed to seperate them by design and she had to ring up each design separte.  I had princess, hello kitty, toy store, Nemo and Winnie the Pooh.  Are you kidding me!  You should have seen me in the check out line totally backing up traffic trying to go through them and put them in piles- ugh!
Then I go back to the car and I am just throwing buckets in the car while people are fighting over my spot.  I can't get the bush out of my trunk so I just drive away and part of the bush came with me too!  Ugh.  Missing Target!
Once I got home I had to take the bush out of the car, what was inside and out! 
Tonight at school was Jacob's concert for the parents. 

The school has a really strong music and art program here.  This year Jacob did a musical and 2 concerts.  Sean did a musical and a play.  Amber did a musical, a play and some mini concerts.  Tonight it was 3rd and 4th grade. They sung songs, played their recorders, came up in groups and played different instruments like the bongo drums, bells, shakers, etc.  Jacob played the sticks.  Then the band played some songs and Jacob joined them for this so he was exicted!  They ended the concert with a few kids from band playing and the rest singing the Bruno Mars song, You Can Count on Me.    They did a great job overall!
It was a long concert for Amber.  Sean was sitting in the back with some friends.  Amber did well. I brought the Ipad in for her so after about 45 min. of the concert she was fading so she got to watch a movie.  Near the end of the concert she made a big sigh thank goodness only the people around me could hear her!

Friday was the day that Amber's canceled field trip was rescheduled for.  The boys had their sports day today and were excited!
So for Amber's field trip we took a bus to a big park area in another town that also had some animals in a fenced in area that you could walk around and see.  Well the bus driver got lost and only spoke German.  Thank goodness one of the mom's with us was German.  It took us almost a half an hour to get there.  And a lot less time to get home. 
The kids enjoyed seeing the animals, but there weren't too many.   It was cold outside today.  I put my mittens on.   Middle of June!

There were deer, a pig, and big wild boar/hog things,

 ducks, chickens, geese, a buffalo looking cow.  I guess they are from Scottland. 
After this we went to the park part of this area and the kids had their snacks and then on to the big playground.  The kids had a great time and some of them were falling asleep on the way back to school.

There are no yellow school buses here like at home.  All coach busses.
I went back to the dr. today b/c I have again for like the 2 or 3rd time this school year a bad sore throat and cough.  He said that the acid problem looks like it isn't going away so I can either take pills or go get it check out to see what is wrong.  So put that on my to do list!  In the mean time I got some medicine to hopefully clear things up.
The Dr. office was running late and so I wasn't going to get to school in time to get the boys so my friend picked them up for me.  When she dropped them off she was picking up Amber for her 1st big sleep over at a friend's house!  Amber was so excited.  She had to put on a pretty dress right after lunch to be ready to go to her friend's house. We got her bag all packed.  When my friend pulled up Amber just ran out and hopped in the van (after the picture).  Too funny!

Jason got back from the states this afternoon and he had flown through Paris and they lost his luggage.  I had heard that this happens with connections through Paris all the time.
So since we didn't have Amber we decided to go downtown and walk around and have dinner at this yummy Chinese place by the Palace I had been to with friends.  Tonight downtown the big festivaties were starting.  Tomorrow is Luxembourg's National Holiday, they call it the Duke's b'day.  It isn't the current Duke's b'day but one Duke a long time ago it must have been (:
So we went down early since our reservations weren't until the restaurant opened at 7pm.  All the bars were setting up shop in the streets.

There were DJ's and bands all over.  We walked around and then went to dinner.  When we finished dinner the bars on the streets were open and it was getting crowded.  We stopped and got some ice cream and then came home.
Tonight at around 10 or so was a big parade and then the grand fireworks were at 11:30pm.
I talked to Amber before bed and she was doing good and having fun!  She said "This is the best sleep over ever!"  My friend was like "Amber where else have you had a sleep over!"  Too funny.
They were all asleep before 9:30- best sleep over ever!
Around 11:40 I woke up to the fireworks and was able to see them great from Amber's room.  They lasted for about 20 min. and were neat.  They had some shaped like, hearts, smiley faces, airplanes going up, and ones that looked like floating lanterns.   The rest of my family slept through them.

Sat. morning I went back and picked Amber up.  Here are some pictures of the drive there and back by back roads to my friends house.  She lives outside of the main town in another small town.

The girls had a great time and no problems at all with the sleepover!  She was just so happy and had so much fun!
Today I spent a lot of time working on pictures.  Downloading them from my phone, to computer, to the website and then ordering them.  A lot of pictures to go through!
Jacob had a b'day in the afternoon.  Amber took a 2 hour nap!
After dinner we had tickets to go to the Circus that was in town. It was a tiny circus.  Really just a pitched tent and bleacher seating.

It was a really neat and a great show, but the kids were asking where were the elephants?  This one is quite different then the Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey Circus that we normally go to.  It was more of amazing acts by people.  The only animals they had were a dog, some ponys and a Clydesdale horse which looked huge in this small stage.
The show started at 8pm and we didn't get out of there until almost 10:45.  A long show! 

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