Saturday, January 19, 2013

Week of Jan. 13th, 2012

Sunday Sean had his RE class.  I am not teaching it this month so I took him and then did some reading in the church while they had class and then we had mass.  Over break someone tried to break into the church.  So one of the stain glass windows is shattered.  They weren't able to get in, thank goodness.  We just hung out in the afternoon.  The boys rented a movie and we grilled out.

Monday Jason's alarm went off at 4 am so he could get up and catch the 6:20 flight out.  Then his phone's alarm started going off when he got in the bathroom.  I got up and took the phone and threw it in the bathroom.  I am not a very happy person at 4 am!  He flew back to MI for the week. 
After drop off I got to the other mall with the grocery store to get some things that they only sell.  I had a bunch of things to mail out at the post office, and got some things done at home.  Monday is always the worst day for the house.  After having everyone home all weekend it is normally a mess!  After school Jacob had a boy over from his class.  He is very nice, and so are both his parents.  They are from Holland.  Jacob said tonight that he thought of one other thing he would like for his b'day, so I say "ok what is it?"  He proceeds to tell me that he would like an X-box for his birthday!  Me, "Ok well shopping is now closed for your birthday and that gift is a bit more then just a b'day gift for one person.  Maybe you boys can put it on your Christmas list next year."  Jacob said, "Yeah I thought you might say that"

Tuesday we woke up to snow!  Driving today was a mess.  Thank goodness for my big car!  Those little cars with those wimpy tires drive me crazy and don't handle the snow very well.  I had coffee with some friends at school this morning.  I ended up shoveling the driveway 4 times today!  Jacob had bball after school and then tennis.  Amber had a friend over.  Tonight Sean tried Jacob's tennis class and the teacher approved his level to let him stay in the class.  The class he was in the kids were a bit younger and it was too easy for him even the coach told him that.  So thank goodness someone dropped out of Jacob's class and I asked if he could be moved and they told me that if the teacher approved his level right for the class he could stay.  So Sean is much happier about tennis now.  Before dinner Jacob measured the snow and we had 5 in!  Crazy!   You can see how much snow is on the table.

Wednesday we didn't get any more snow, but there is still all the snow on the ground.  On the way to school there was a car going the other direction that couldn't get up the hill.  It had people all backed up.  Thank goodness it was the other direction.  The school lot and area were you have to walk up the steps and into the common area out front were not even shoveled!  Ok that would seem kind of important for people to not slip and fall!  The parking lot is a mess full of snow.
My maid came back today after being on vacation last month, she had a friend come and clean here last month, so I was glad she was back.  But she now wants to come around lunch and then she is here until dinner time when the kids are home and around.  So we will see how this works out.  She normally comes right away in the morning and then she is gone after lunch.
Amber had her half day today so I picked up her and 2 friends and we came back here for lunch and a little playdate before we had to be back for ballet.  After ballet she went sledding with one of her friends and the boys and I went to the chiropractor.  She had a blast sledding down a nice little hill in the park by school.  As we were driving home from the chiropractor tonight this guy pulls in front of me and sticks his arm out the window to totally flip someone off.  I didn't think it was for me that I had done something wrong, but you never know.  So he does that and then we drive through the tunnel.  As we come out of the tunnel the lanes come together with another lane of traffic that had just gone above the tunnel through an intersection.  So then the bird guy pulls into the lane on the right and all of sudden a car comes cruising up and pulls in front of me and rolls down his window and starts yelling at the bird guy.  Well now they have stopped their cars and are out shoving each other in the middle of the street.  There is a ton of traffic behind me.  So I start honking at them and telling them to break it up, from inside my car of course!  I couldn't believe it.  Then they just get back in their cars and pull around the corner.  I can only imagine what happened then!  The boys were like what just happened.  I said that is a clear case of road rage! 
Tonight Jacob baked his cupcakes that he will bring into school on Friday to celebrate his b'day! 
I think my eyes are starting to go, Jacob got invited to a party and when I looked on my date book I thought the 18th looked like it was Sat. so I said he could go. Then she sent out a reminder today saying it was the 18th on Friday, ugh!  In my date book the nine looks very similar to an 8, rats now he can't go b/c he is in student council and they run the movie night that will be on Friday after school the same time as the party.

Thursday I went in the morning and read to kids in Amber's classes for story time.  I had French this morning for the first time in like 6 weeks.  I though about cancelling b/c I am sick again.  I have come down with a cold and also lost part of my voice, as usual!
After lunch I went to one of the sport stores here to check out their skiing stuff on sale.  I saw my friend in the parking lot, too funny.  So we walked around together in there.  I got Jacob a new ski helmet and then Sean can take his and Amber can take Sean's.  I got Amber a ski coat and some ski gloves.  It was still a bit more expensive then home, but at least on sale and then we don't have to try and lug it back!  Jason wasn't too happy with the boxes that were waiting for him at work this week in the states.  It really wasn't that many and it wasn't that bad.  I think he is just complaining.  But as I had said before, YOU moved us here, when YOU want to move us home, the boxes will stop (:  At least at his office, but I didn't add that part (:
Jacob had bball after school and the rest of us went to a friend's house with another one of Amber's friends for a playdate.  Now that Sean joined the tennis group on Tuesday we didn't have to rush around as much after bball and before guitar, so that was nice.
Jacob told me that today one of his friends was playing tag and he tripped over someone and broke off part of his permanent front tooth!  Yikes I hope the dentist can fix it!
Tonight after dinner Jacob got up and cleared the table and emptied all the plates in the trash, they don't have garbage disposals here.  He did that without even being asked so I thought that was very nice.  Then we frosted and decorated his cupcakes with the help of the other 2 as well of course! 

Friday Jacob had to be at school early to sell tickets for the movie night tonight. Then we had Sean buy his ticket from Jacob!  This morning we brought in Jacob's guitar cupcakes to share with his class today.

I had coffee with a few preschool moms and then went to the store to get food for Jacob's b'day dinner I will fix on Sat. night.  We will do enchiladas with some other things.  He wanted to go see the Transylvania movie, but here it isn't in English.  So maybe we can just buy it online and then watch it.  Jason will be really tired anyway from flying back.
I had tennis today and didn't get hit in the back with the ball by my partner so that was good.  The ball did come at me really fast today when I was playing up front by the net and I closed my eyes as I swung at it.  The teacher told me I shouldn't be closing my eyes!  Ha  After lunch I went to another sports store a bit out of town and checked out their ski sales.  I got Amber a snow suit and Jacob some gloves.  As usual most of the stuff is picked over or they are like 400 Euro ski jackets for adults.  Even with 50% off I am still not paying that much for it!  The boys had movie night at school after school.  Jacob was in charge of the concession stand.  So I didn't pick them up until 5:30.  Then Amber had a friend come over and then we dropped her off on the way back to school.  So everyone had something to do today!

Sat. morning Amber came in and woke me up at 6:50 to tell me it was snowing out.  Ok so every day for school I have to wake her up between 7-7:10 and she doesn't want to get up.  Today she decides to get up early- ugh!  I told her I didn't need to know that right now and I was going to stay in bed for a bit more. So she went out to the stairs with her bunny and looked out the window and played for about an hour and then she came back in and woke me up again.  I couldn't believe it that she never even went downstairs to see what the boys were doing she just stayed upstairs.  Today Amber was suppose to start swimming lessons but it got canceled due to a swim competition at the pool.  So we had our big breakfast of pancakes and fruit slushies today.  Jason flew back in this morning.  So everyone was excited to see him and all the stuff!  One bag weight in at 49 lbs and one at 50 lbs.  Because of his status he can go to priority check in and after she weight the bag in at 50 lbs she told him he could add my cookbook, which is huge!  It weights like 7 lbs!  I knew it was thick but I didn't realize it was that thick when I ordered it!  I am very excited to go through it.
After lunch Amber had a b'day party to go to.  It was at the indoor climby place.  I am pretty sure this is her 4 b'day party here for this school year!  There are no places to have a party for younger children.
I stayed for a bit and then came home, Jason was napping and the boys were playing in the snow.  Then a bit later Jason and Jacob went to pick her up and Sean and I left for church.  This afternoon Sean had his reconciliation for his first communion class.  So we did that.  After that I came home and started getting Jacob's big birthday dinner ready.  We started with little cocktail wieners wrapped in bacon with a sauce for an appetizer.  I made fresh salsa and we had that with chips.  Then I made enchiladas 2 trays so we can have left overs on Monday for his b'day.  And a tomato avocado salad.  So everything was good.  After dinner I got his cakes baked.
He had wanted to go to see Hotel Transylvania, but it has only been out in French and German.  So we just ended up buying it and downloading it to the Ipad and then we all watched it.  It was cute.

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