Saturday, October 12, 2013

Week of Sept. 29th, 2013!

Sunday was a very nice day!  The boys had brought me breakfast in bed!  My donut even had a lit candle in it!  Besides the donut they had gotten me fruit and cereal and some apple cider.  I was just telling Jacob yesterday we forgotten to try it.  Sean had brought up the camera and was taking pictures! 

They had found balloons and put some on the tray.  They did a really nice job and were really cute.  They also brought up my presents.   So I had a nice breakfast in bed.

We went to church today and then after out to Pizza Hut with 2 other families.  I though the kids would enjoy that for my big b'day meal!  It was all downtown in the city center so nice to be out walking around.
Just what everyone needs after pizza... a big thing of cotton candy!

After this Jacob was going to a friend's house.  He lives more out in the country so we all ended up staying for about 2 hours.  Then Amber and I left and the 2 boys stayed for about 2 more hours and then the mom brought them home. 
After dinner we had the chocolate cupcakes to celebrate!  I had a very nice day!!
Monday morning I tried to visit my friend that is in the hospital with extreme morning sickness, beyond normal.  The maternity ward isn't too far from me and I was already out for a walk when my friend said to stop by.  So I got in and found her but then the nurses found me and told me visiting hours didn't start until 1:30!  So I got to see my friend for about a half an hour.  So that was nice.  She has been really sick for about 4 weeks now.  I couldn't believe that no one is suppose to visit before 1:30 in the afternoon! 
Today I went online and registered for Jacob's conferences.  He comes with us to them now, and we have 5 teachers to go and see,  one teacher does English and Social Studies otherwise we would have had 6 teachers to see. 
Jason made it back to the states last night and got to work today and saw my boxes I had ordered waiting on his desk for him!  Gotta love online shopping! (:  
After lunch I noticed Jacob's lunch card here at home- ugh.  I wonder if he was able to get anything for lunch today?
When I went back for pickup I ran into Jacob's school and dropped off a bigger snack for him for cross country after school since I won't see him.  Amber had a friend over so the rest of us came home after school.
When the little boy's dad came over to pick him up we discussed me helping him do his son's party since the mom is still in the hospital.  So we worked it all out and we will be ready for it tomorrow!
Then back to school for Jacob.

Tuesday morning with Jason out of town I had to take Jacob in early for band.  So the other two got to go for an early car ride and then back for 25 min or so until we needed to leave for them!
Today the boys had their standardized testing all morning.  And Amber went on a field trip to the milk processing plant.
Today I got a few errands done, exercised and then ready for a lunch at my friend's house!
She had a little b'day lunch for me since she can't come to the birthday breakfast tomorrow.  She made a yummy pumpkin, sweet potato, carrot soup and then salmon patties that were delicious!  And then a fruit berry dessert in a crème sauce.  It was very nice, with my good lunch buddies!
From here I went to school to pick up the kids and when I get to the lower school all the kids were on the blacktop by the drop off areas.  There was some fire in the ventilation shaft.  So they all got out safely and the fire dept. came and put everything out.  There was little damage done.  So when the kids left the school they had to leave all their backpacks and such there and coats.  At least the sun was shining, but Sean was in his PE clothes so he was a little bit cold and we had to take Jacob to the dentist right after school.  Thank goodness Jacob's friend's track jacket was still in my car from this weekend.  I haven't seen his mom to give it back to her so Sean was able to put that on.  
As we were going to the dentist Jacob was so funny.  He said, "So I am probably going to leave the dentist today with braces on, right?"  I laughed and told him probably some day, but you can't just go in for your checkup and come out with braces.  That is a whole other appt.  Jacob had a good checkup, and she recommended waiting on a retainer or such until his last 3 teeth fall out. 
Later in the evening Jacob had his guitar lesson.  Then back at home Sean helped me make 48 cupcakes for my friend's son b'day party.

I then got some of the fruit ready too. 

Wednesday was a full day!
Before we left for school I loaded my car down with all the stuff I needed for the day, so the boys were out there trying to get the seats in the back of the car down and put the wagon in there for the walk to the park with all of the party stuff for the little boy's party.  It didn't fit well!
Then after I dropped the kids at school I went to my good friend's house as she was so sweet and had a b'day breakfast for me!  About 8 friends came and it was very nice.  She had done a lovely breakfast and everyone even had brought me a little something.  It was so sweet!


Unfortunately I have some funky piece of hair sticking up in all the photos.
Then from here I went to school to pick up Amber and 2 friends and over to the one boy's house as it was his b'day party that I was helping the dad do.  So once all the kids arrived we walked my wagon full of things and my bags of cupcakes over to the park.  It was a really cute park and the kids had a great time and the weather was good. 

Any guesses what this is?  It was in the park.  It is a water tower.  Not sure if it is still used anymore, but how cool looking is this!

The dad ordered pizza and the kids all enjoyed it. 

We had cupcakes and then back to the house and the little boy opened presents and then other parents were coming back so Amber and I had to leave to go back and get Jacob from school.
Sean had soccer after school and then went home with a friend.  So I got Jacob and we ran home to find the electrician waiting in front of the house.  We finally got an appt. with him for my no power for about a week now upstairs.  So he said that one light was too bad and had to be replaced so he had another light he put up, not sure if it was what the owner wanted but I had him talk to the secretary at work and she deals with the relocation lady who speaks for the owner so I am assuming it was ok.  He got the other light bulb base out of the other light and got the power back on so for now we are back up and running upstairs! Yeah!
Shortly after he left we left to go over the where Sean was at his friend's house as the mom was fixing us a true Italian dinner!  Her husband was out of town too.  She made pasta with a homemade sauce.  Breadsticks from Italy, a hard salami from Italy she just sliced, and parmesan cheese from Italy that was a pie shaped hard cheese and you just hold it with the grater and put it on your pasta.  Her husband had just returned from Italy and had brought all their foods!  After the pasta she brought out sliced cantaloupe with prossunto, ham,  over it.  I had never had that before or even seen it like that before.  She said we had to have red wine with the pasta and the wine was from Italy.  Her father owns some land in Italy where someone else uses it to grow grapes.  So instead of paying her father money the man pays him with wine!  How great! Then she brought out sliced bread and tomatoes with mozzarella balls with a olive oil sauce over it.  It was very good.  So we had a lovely evening at her house.
It was a long day by the time we had gotten home and I had eaten a lot!

Thursday was attend your child's French class with them, just for the lower school.  So Sean's French was around 11 and then Amber's class was at 1pm.  It was fun to go and see them.  I could understand much of what Sean's teacher was saying so that was good.  So my level is probably somewhere between kindergarten and 4th grade!  Their teachers seem very nice.  Amber's is the same one she had last year and Amber really likes her.

Amber is hoping to the song they are listening too!
After school Jacob had cross country and Amber rainbows so I just picked up Sean and his friend.  Then back later to pick everyone up. 

Friday Jacob had to be at school early and I had gotten the time set on my alarm the night before but must have forgotten to actually set it!  So about 25 min after I should have been up, thankfully I heard dogs barking outside, which doesn't happen very often and raced out of bed to get the kids up and ready.  So boys helped me get breakfast ready and then we took Jacob to school after that.  Then back later for the other ones.  I needed just a few quick things at the store.  I was done shopping before 9am and I kept spying the sushi deli waiting for them to put out something.  Then they would and I would look at it, but it wasn't what I wanted so then I waited about 10 min. or so and then they put some stuff out I was ok with so I got that.  Then home I made a new recipe of lemon blueberry bread for a friend's house we are going to after school.  Right before I left for tennis Jason got home and worked from home today. 
Tennis was good.  My instructor wasn't there b/c of a death in his family.  A guy in charge who speaks English normally pretty good, goes "Fred not here, his mother dead."  I had 2 other ladies join me today.  One of them was 72!  She could totally hit the ball so much harder and faster then me!  I didn't like being on the receiving end of them!  She looked great!  She was telling us that she has had her hip replaced so she may not run for all the balls.  I told her that was ok b/c I don't run for all the balls either!
After tennis I got everyone packed for our trip to the castle tomorrow!
At school I picked up my 3 kids and then my friends 2 kids as well.  I dropped Sean off at a lazer tag party and then we went to my friend's house.  The boys played and the girls played.  Everyone liked the bread!  They are from Holland.
Then back to pick up Sean and head home.  The kids were excited to see Jason!

Sat. morning we got up and left to go to Koblenz, a town on the Rhine River in Germany.  Here the Rhine River and the Mosel met up.  It was about a 2 hour drive and it rained all day.  We walked to where the rivers meet and there was a big statue and look out point.

From here we took the cable car across the river up to the 2nd largest fortress in Europe!

Views from the fortress.

From here we went back down on the cable car and walked through town.

From here we drove down the river about 45 minutes and this was another castle along the way.

Then on to our castle for the night!!

The kids loved the room!  The bathroom was hidden behind a bookshelf and the kids thought that was so cool!



Our castle map and information.

We had a balcony off our room.


Views from our room.


  Then we walked around the castle and checked things out.

Then we went to the museum in the castle.


We walked around the within the castle grounds.


Then we went inside and sat in the library and had hot chocolate and the boys played chess.


A little room off of the library.
Dinner was at the castle.  They had a couple of different dining rooms so we had to ask where to go.

Dinner was good but very long.  It was a 4 course meal and took 2 hours!  The boys had a 3 course kids meal, and Amber 2.
Goodnight castle!

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