Sunday, November 3, 2013

Week of Oct. 20th, 2013

Sunday.  Today Sean decided he didn't want to leave the house so he was going to stay in his pj's all day.  Ok, but that didn't stop him from playing out in the backyard!
Since we now know we will be moving back to the states I have been looking at so many houses online all the time- ugh!  Not very exciting.  We had really hoped to finish out the school year here.  The kids are happy and I still have a lot of places to visit!!
One of Amber's friends from last year moved to London over the summer and they were back in town for the weekend, so the little girl came over for lunch and a playdate today.  It was good to see her and her mom again.  I did the boy's religious education with them.  I tried a new recipe for dinner and it turned out good.  Jason visited the Great Wall of China today.  Jason was on the newer section, built around 1000 years ago!

Monday Jason accidentally called us from China at 4:57am!  Amber never fell back asleep!  This morning I went to the other mall b/c it was the only place I knew that sold crocs.  I guess when we came back here I forgot to bring back Jacob's crocs and sandals, oops.  Of course here they are like double the price so not happy about that, but with us going to the Canary Islands this weekend he needs something.  So this and grocery shopping, home, exercise, lunch, and then got ready and went to my friend's house that took our pictures to pick up the disk.  We reviewed the pictures.  The color and sharpness of the pictures is so clear compared to my camera.  They turned out really cute.  Sean totally stole the camera.  If you don't catch him right he can get this goofy smile, but he looks great in all the pictures. 

The price came a bit more then I expected, b/c when I left I had a ticket on my car!!  It said that 2 of my tires were on the sidewalk and it was a $65 fine!  I was parked in her driveway and my back 2 tires were on the sidewalk.  She couldn't believe it either!  She said someone must have called and complained.  I was there for about 50 min.  I couldn't believe it!  Ugh!
After school Jacob had cross country and Amber went to the park with a friend.  When I picked her up later she was covered in mud. 

Tuesday morning Jacob had early band and I had to get up early to make the pin wheels I was bringing in for the middle school United Nations Lunch today.  So each grade in middle school was assigned a starter, main dish, or dessert and then you write down where it is from and the kids get to try foods from all over the world.  The pin wheels were a hit.  Kids also love the sushi the Japanese moms make.  I had yoga this morning and then ran home to get ready and back to school to help get things ready for the luncheon.  The kids enjoyed it! 

After I helped clean up from this I went over to Amber's classroom as myself and 2 other moms were doing a Halloween party.  We talked about what Halloween is in the states and trick or treating.  Remember some kids have no idea what this is!  I had baked cupcakes.
I brought in Halloween bingo, we did pumpkin drawings and my friend brought in 3 pumpkins and the kids got to carve them and pull out the seeds.  We had little goodie bags to hand out when class was done.  The kids had fun! 
After school Amber had a friend over and Jacob had guitar after dinner.

Wednesday morning was make a flag day with Amber's class.

Here is a picture of us before we put the stars on it.  So that was nice.  When Amber was done with school I picked her up and 2 friends.  We came home for lunch and play time and then back to school later for ballet.  Sean had soccer and thank goodness the rain had stopped from the pour down that was this morning.  After dinner I took Jacob back to school as they had a middle school Halloween party at school.  Jacob had a good time. 

Thursday morning Jason called me at 3am by accident- ugh!! Today was the lower school United Nations luncheon.  So this morning I made rice krispie treats and put some American flags on them.  They were a big hit!  A few other moms had made some but they were all hard.  The kids dressed in red, white and blue.

I went in before lunch and finished helping set up and serve food.  The kids really enjoy it.  You should see them cruising the food tables! 
After school Sean went to a friend's house and Jac had cross country.  After running they had an end of the season party since not everyone will go on to the finals.  So Jacob enjoyed that and is happy he will be going to the finals.
Jason got back late tonight and the kids were trying to wait up to see him.  Thank goodness it is Friday tomorrow!

Friday morning Jacob had early band so Jason was able to take him and then went and got his hair cut.  I had a few last minute things to do and then tennis. 
Today when I went to pickup I looked in the lost and found at the Lower school and thank goodness I found Sean's jacket that he hasn't seem to be able to find.  Otherwise we were going to have to go to the upper school building and the sports building and look in their lost and founds.  He left on the soccer pitch during recess so I wasn't sure it would find its way all the way back to the lower school, but it did!
Jacob's group- one other boy and 2 girls, won the hid your pumpkin competition at school for all of 6th grade!  He won a book, candy and a certificate.  He had come up with the idea of making it into a hot air balloon with a Bunsen burner under it.  Cute idea!  So he was excited.
Today was Amber's friend last day here.  Tomorrow they fly to New Zealand to start life back there again.

She is the one in the middle.
So I said goodbye to her mom as well.  It was sad.  When we moved her 2 1/2 years ago Amber was in Preschool and there were 5 kiddos that clicked- the Fab Five, 2 boys and 3 girls.  Well she is the first one to move one.  So she and her family will be missed.  
Sean and my friend's 2 boys wearing their jerseys for wearing something from your country.
Tonight after dinner I dropped my car off at the dealership so while we are gone they can change the oil, b/c it takes a whole day in which then I would be without a car here.  Of course Jason was super busy at work and they were going to be closing soon, so he had to call a cab to pick me up and take me home. 

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