Sunday, November 24, 2013

Week of Nov. 17th, 2013

Sunday we went to this new bowling alley in a sports complex.  I didn't know it was new.  Then I see it and the shoes, this must be new, the shoes were so new and nice looking for bowling shoes!  It was small but really nice.  So we, Jason was working at home, met 2 other families here and had lunch and bowled 2 games.  It was fun.

Jacob and Sean won over all the kids, one game Jacob won and the second one Sean won, they were excited! 

Monday, early Jason took a train to Paris.  This morning I volunteered to go on Sean's class field trip.  It was to one of the museums in the city. 

We took the public bus from across the street from the school to downtown, not far.  Then walked the rest of the way.  It was just the morning.  They ate their snacks before we went in.  They divided the 2 classes, 2 classes had already gone, into 2 groups and they had 2 tour guides.   Ours spent almost 50 min. in 2 rooms talking about the paintings.  Finally the other teacher had to tell her the kids time was going to be up soon, please move on to downstairs.  She got into some of the paintings in one room downstairs, but I think our group missed out on 2 rooms or more.  Ugh!  Then the teacher had to tell her just to stop b/c the kids needed to pick their favorite painting and draw it.  Then we took the bus back.  So it was nice to go with Sean's class.  After this I ran to one store to see about 2 lego things Jacob wants for Christmas and I found one of them.  Then to the grocery/mall.  I just grabbed a sandwich in a little place in the middle of the mall before going into the store.  Then grocery shopping.  I had a little time to put things away and do a few things then back for pickup.  Jacob and Sean had friends over.  It wasn't raining today or too cold, so they played at the park for about an hour. 

Tuesday I had to take Jac in early for band and then we went home for a bit and then back later for the other 2.  Then after drop off my friend and I had our yoga class.  Today I got some things done around the house and wrapped the Elf gifts for our Elf will come on Thanksgiving and gives each of the kids a little gift.  After school I started making the pumpkin soup for dinner.  I had made one last year that was ok.  So this year I was trying a different recipe.  I really liked it.  Amber was licking her bowl.  The boys were ok with it.  But it is a keeper!  The only 2 that went with a lunch box today didn't come home with them, Sean and Amber!  Tonight Jacob had guitar.  It always seems to rain at night, so of course we got wet! 

Wednesday after drop off I went and had my hair done.  The color looks nice, but it is probably the lightest it has ever been.  When we went to the Canary Islands the sun really had gotten a hold of the color or highlights in my hair and it was quite a bit lighter.  So now I feel it looks like the color of Amber's American Girl Doll- ha!  Oh well.  Next time I will just have to have her do a more darker brown.  I ran to the store and then had a chiropractic appt.  Since yoga last week my back has been a bit stiff, so it feels better now. 
Amber's best friend had her b'day today and another little girl in their class did as well.  So they got chocolate cake and sugar cookies at school today.  She went home with her b'day friend and they had lunch and played and then back to school for ballet.  Sean had band today instead of recess.  They just don't have enough time in the day!  Then after school he had soccer and then went home with a friend.  The boys do a good job of knowing when they have their after school activities b/c I don't see them after school on those days.  Wednesdays the lower school gets out at 2:30 but the upper school still goes until 3:30.  But today upper school got out at 2:30 as well.  So Jacob was having a friend over so we had decided this morning for them to meet me by the bus stop/parking lot of the school a little after 3pm.  At 2:50 I get a call from  Jacob wondering where I am.  I told him pulling in the parking lot.  I told him I wasn't going to be at school until 3pm and then I have to go get Amber from ballet.  He was way over by the lower school, where I pick up Amber!  Geesh, he can wonder around a city by himself with friends, but can't figure out where to meet me after school!!
Tonight, right when I was putting Sean to bed it started snowing.  He was so excited!  He was jumping up and down and just a huge smile on his face- love it!  Tonight Jason flew to the states.

Thursday I exercised in the morning and then got ready for lunch with friends.  There were 4 of us and we went to this little healthy lunch place.  We all got the leek soup and chicken vegetable salad.  It was good.  After school Amber didn't go to Rainbows since she has been coughing so I wanted her to just rest.  But first we had to go to a basketball meeting for Jacob.  His season is now starting so he had practice after the meeting and then we just picked him up later.  Jason did round #2 of house hunting back in the states.  He also went back to the house he really liked from his visit last month and looked into the possibility of tearing down a wall in the kitchen to open it more to the family room.  I am not as crazy about the house b/c to me it feels like the kitchen is so closed off and not that wide open space feeling.  I was up late back and forth with Jason about the houses he was visiting.

Friday I had to get Jacob to school early and then back later again for the other 2.  I had tennis.  Then I spent some time on the houses.  After school Jacob had a friend over after school and he stayed for dinner.  Tonight was family movie night and I picked the movie/show.  It was Charlie Brown Thanksgiving time!  I love it!  So we watched the 2 episodes that came with it.  We also put up our little tree and put the lights and ornaments on.  I like to do it right before Thanksgiving with the Elf coming and all.

Sat. morning we had to be up and ready by 9am.  Yeah, didn't work so well.  I had to wake Amber up at 8:50.  Her friend showed up while Amber was still in her PJs eating breakfast.  So once she was all ready, the boys and I were already ready, I got my kids plus Amber's friend to the girls' friend's b'day party at the big indoor climby place and then the boys could play as well.  Another friend came with her kids so everyone played together and then we just stayed for lunch.
Then we took Amber's friend home.  We came home and Amber and I made cranberry orange bread to take to Thanksgiving when we celebrate it at my friend's house.  I will freeze it until we need it, but I have a lot of things I want to bake this week so I thought I would start now.  It smelled so good!  In the late afternoon we took Jacob over to a friend's house as he was having a little poker party!  How fun for the boys!  Jacob already knows how to play and has his own set, but they were going to be teaching the boys how to play.  So Jason tells him, ok pretend you don't know how to play and then clean everyone out!  Ok, nice.  Jacob had a nice time.

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