Sunday, January 26, 2014

Week of Jan 19th 2014

Sunday we went to church after waffles and slushies.  After church we had lunch with another family.  Then the boys went home with this other family.  They had walked so they walked home and stopped along at a park to play.  It was a crisp day but perfect for them to be running around!  So they had fun.  Amber and I sewed another project from a kit she had gotten from her party.  She only poked me 3 times with the needle!  Ugh!  I made a big whole chicken for dinner and then after dinner we rented the Cloudy with Meatballs 2.  The boys were really looking forward to seeing it.  We thought you could just rent it but now you can only buy it.  Oh well.  We watched about an hour of it and then there was a problem and we couldn't access iTunes anymore and the movie froze.  Rats we will try to watch the rest of it tomorrow night.

Monday morning I finished getting my list together here of things to sell, ran to store, worked out and got ready.  The relocation lady came over to talk about a few things and pick up this paper that needed to go to Jason' s work.  Then I sent my sale page out, whoa! I spent the rest of the afternoon at the computer sorting out every one's sales.  Half of it went fast.  I couldn't believe it.  Someone is even coming to possible see my car this week!  So hopefully the rest of it will sell too.  But we still have awhile.  After school Amber had a friend over, and I made Jacob's b'day coffee cake he wants for breakfast tomorrow.  I made dinner, and the kids watched the rest of the movie from last night.  It is a cute movie.  Tonight I got all the decorations out and decorated for Jacob's b'day tomorrow!

Tuesday morning I was up super early and got Jacob's breakfast in bed ready.  Happy Birthday my big man!!! 

So he enjoyed his breakfast and then he had to be at school early for band.  So he quickly opened his presents and then off to school. 

Took the other 2 back later and then off to yoga.  More handstands today- my arms are sore and I had a headache on and off the rest of the day.  I don't think my body likes those handstands!  After I got ready I went to a friend's house for lunch.  She made a great fish soup and a nutty, cranberry bread.  Everything was great.  Then we rented that Identity movie about his id being stolen.  It was great!  I wasn't able to stay for the last 20 min. of it as I had to get to school, but I will have to rent it and finish watching the end of it!  Then to school for Sean and Amber.  Amber made pretzels today so we came home and she shared it with Sean and I.  It was quite good.  Then back to school for Jacob after bball.  We came home for dinner and a little birthday singing, but he didn't want his cake until this weekend with Jason, so I just got a little something at the store today.

Then guitar tonight.  He had a full but good b'day and is looking forward to celebrating more this weekend!
My friend started a book club so I ordered the book and look forward to reading it.  One friend that bought the fuse ball table came and picked that up tonight. 

Wednesday morning I cleaned out the car and the kitchen table as 2 different people were suppose to come look at those.  They never did- ugh!  I got some more inventory done in the basement.  Then after lunch I had the stitch removed in my toe.  It is still a little red so hopefully it will be ok.  Amber went home with a friend for lunch and then back to school for ballet.  After ballet I picked up her and her friend and we waited for Sean to be finished with his after school activity and then Jacob to be done.  Jacob also brought a friend home.  So then we all went home.  Someone else bought some rugs today so that was good.  Tonight I got the cupcakes made for Jacob's class party and then I can frost them tomorrow. 

Thursday I had someone came over in the morning to take a look at a few things.  She bought the fans and a few other things that she will have to pick up later.  I got the cupcakes frosted and some pudding pops made.  We will see how those pudding pops turn out tomorrow for all the boys.  The kids all had after school activities so I didn't have to go back to school until later in the day.  I finished all the inventory for this house- yeah- done with lists!  Then picked up all the kids at school and on to homework.  Tonight I got Jacob's cake made.

Friday I ran to the store for the weekend and then had tennis.  After tennis I went to school as today was the celebration of Jan. birthdays for 2 homerooms for 6th grade.  I brought in cupcakes and then stayed to help the teacher with setting up and cleaning up. 

There were 5 b'days to celebrate so a lot of treats.  I stayed in Jacob's class and we played some fun games with the class.  He didn't seem to mind that I was there as I was the only other parent there, but we are allowed to come in for their b'days just no one else did.  Oh well it is always nice to see how your kids interact in the classroom and are with their classmates so it was good.
After that I ran home got some things done around the house and got Jacob's cake frosted and decorated for tomorrow night.  Amber went home with a friend after school, and Sean had movie night at school, and Jacob had bball games.  So I didn't go back to school until the games were starting.  He made the A team for basketball so that was good so he played at 4pm.  Then after that Sean's movie night was finishing up so I walked from the gym back to the lower school, quite a hike.  Then where Amber was playing they were nice enough to drive her back to school and drop her off to me so I didn't have to leave so that was great.  Then we all walked back up to the gym.  Once there Sean realizes he left his lunch box, so goes and runs back to the lower school.  At least he remembered it then!  Jacob's next game was at 6:30 but it was the B team playing and that is right when Jason got there.  Amber was so excited.  She just sat on his lap for awhile and was just waiting for him before that.  But then I took Sean and Amber home to start getting dinner ready since Jacob wasn't playing but had to stay there.  We were housing 2 boys from the other team.  So I made some spaghetti, garlic bread and cut up some veggies.  Jason then brought all the boys home.  The boys were 8th grade twins.  They were taller then me.  They were half Greek and half American from the International school in Belgium.  They were very nice and all the boys had multiple helpings of dinner!  We had the pudding pops and left over cupcakes for dessert.  Then they watched the old Gremlins movie, they had actually already seen it.  Kind of funny!  Then off to bed. 

Sat morning I got up early to get breakfast ready for all the boys as they had to be back there at 8:30am to warm up and get ready for their games.  Jacob's first game wasn't until 10am, so he hung out there until then and then Jason went but it wasn't the game Jacob played in since it was team B.  Would be nice if the coaches could just let us know which games they would play in!  The rest of us stayed at home and I made some chocolate cookies with peanut butter chips.  It was a new recipe and used chocolate pudding.  They were a little dryer then I would like.
So the next game was suppose to be at 12.  So I fed Amber and Sean and made sandwiches for Jason and Jacob and we went to the school.  We get there and Jason says oh we just found out they are now not playing until 1pm- ugh.  So we sat there for an hour while other games were going on and then at 1pm Jacob played.  So at 2pm he finished, but long day of being there and not playing much.  This is in the gym and 2 other schools came, but it is girls and then boys teams also.  Then there are the under 14 teams and under 12 teams so a lot of games to be played. 
After the game ended I took the younger 2 home and Jason took Jacob shopping.  Jacob wanted to buy something from the Superdry store here with his b'day money.  It is downtown in the city center.  I don't think they have them in the states.  It is an Asian company.  It is super- ha, popular here with the older kids.  I think it is only adult sizes so Jacob bought a sweatshirt and it is an XS.  But this store is also, super (: expensive.  So all his money and he only got a sweatshirt- $100! 
After shopping they stopped for some hot chocolate at this cute little chocolate shop then came home.  Jacob got cleaned up and I then took him to his poker party and we brought the cookies.  Everyone liked the cookies.  The party ended around 7 so we picked him up a bit earlier and he wanted to go out to dinner to celebrate his b'day.  He wanted to go to this Brazilian restaurant but when I looked it up it has closed.  So 2nd choice was this steakhouse that you grill your meat on a hot plate in front of you.  It is pretty neat, but it smells so bad of smoke from all the meat!  So we went there and the boys enjoyed cooking their steaks right in front of them.  Then home for cake and ice cream!

Jacob had a great day and enjoyed celebrating his birthday like 4 times!

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