Saturday, March 15, 2014

Week of March 9th, 2014

Sunday we woke up in Poland and had breakfast and then the girls and I headed back home with a van full of Polish Pottery and some glass balls and glass animals!

We had a great time together!  It was an 8 1/2 drive home.  Amber did well today and we will keep our fingers crossed that no one else gets sick!  Jacob and his friend went on a bike ride today, played basketball and went for a run.  Sean and his friend had church today and then went to see a movie.  Amber went to Germany with the family she was staying with for lunch and a walk.  We didn't get back until around 5pm and then I went around picking up my children and dropping off some Polish pottery for my friends that watched them.   The kids seemed to have a nice weekend with their friends, besides Amber getting sick!  Jacob wanted to see all the pottery I had gotten so he opened all the boxes and we took everything out and set it out.

Monday Sean and Amber have now come down with colds.  I ran to the store then home to exercise and more selling things/posting them online and working on the blog, pictures, etc.
After school Sean had a friend over.  After dinner someone came to look at Sean's closet and bought it but it is so big they will have to come back with a truck some other time to get it. 
The kids all started peeling the stickers off the pottery.  Too funny.  I didn't even ask them!  Today was a beautiful day.  It got up to 60 something!  I think spring is here!  Not to say we won't have rain the rest of the month, but for Lux spring is here!  I stayed up late trying to finish a book for book club, but still have more to read tomorrow.

Tuesday Jacob had to be at school early and Sean still wasn't feeling well, so he stayed home from school today with his head cold.  I had yoga so he came and hung out with my friend's son.  Then at home we got his religious education done from this weekend and he rested.  I had to unpack my bedroom set as someone was coming over in the evening to pick it up.  After school Jacob had basketball and Amber went to the park with her friend.  It was another beautiful day!  Later I picked up Jacob from basketball and we ate dinner and then the people came over to get the treadmill and bedroom set.  Jacob had guitar later.  The people made 2 trips of stuff and then it was getting late so they will have to come back another day to get the rest of it.  They also decided another one of their family members would like the ping pong table so they bought that.  I wasn't planning on selling it b/c it is a really nice one, but we already have one at home.  I finished my book for book club and it was ok.  It was about the Grimke girls and how they were born into owning slaves, but didn't agree with it and how they grew up against it. 

Wednesday morning I had my book club.  I brought my cranberry orange bread and it was a big hit!  Some woman did like the book, but a few of us weren't really that crazy about it.  So it was good to chat about it.  Then off to school to pick up Amber and her 2 friends for lunch, playdate and ballet.  It was another beautiful day!  My friend stopped by to pick up some lamps.  So after ballet Amber and her friends played outside for a bit while we waited for Sean to finish his sports class.  Then Jacob had a friend over and they all played at the park after school.  When his friend went to leave, this is his really good friend here, Jacob gave him his cactus.  With us moving soon we can't take any plants and that is the only one we currently have.  Jacob got it when we moved here and has been taking care of it in his room, so now he gave it to his friend to take care of and he can remember him from it!  It was really cute.  This friend loses things all the time, so then we told him not to lose Jac, the cactus!!  I signed the reregistration paperwork that the kids were not reenrolling for next year ):
I helped Jacob pack for his weekend trip with the basketball team. 

Thursday I tried to work out after dropping the kids off and making Sean's cupcakes to celebrate his early b'day at school tomorrow, but the stupid network said it wasn't available!  Ugh!  I also lost Internet on my phone 2 days ago.  I can use my wifi from the house when I am home but otherwise nothing.  So annoyed and I am not going to the store to see about trying to fix it.  I am just going to ride it out and be old fashion again!  But it is already annoying me!  So I went for a nice walk outside and then stopped at a neighborhood little grocery and walked home.  It was mid 60's here today.  Jason had to snow plow once yesterday morning and once in the evening.  I don't want to go back to snow!!
Today I started getting the piles ready for the air shipment movers that will be here next week.  Amber and Sean had after school activities, so I met up with Jacob when he was done with school as he was leaving for the weekend for the basketball championships in Germany!  They left on big buses after school and won't be back until Sunday night!  Crazy!  Of course I was talking with one of the moms yesterday and she said the last 2 times her daughters have gone on school trips where they have stayed at hostels they have come home with lice- gross!  This trip they are staying in a hostel in Germany.  I looked it up and it looks nice.  So I sent Jacob with a pillow and said just leave it there.  Fingers crossed he doesn't come home with lice!  After the other 2 finished their activities we went home and a woman that had bought 4 of my rugs came and picked those up.  Sean got to frost and decorate his cupcakes for tomorrow.  Later he wasn't listening to me and got in trouble.  I sent him upstairs and told him he needed to write he was sorry 10 times.  This is what I got.
Needless to say once I saw the number 11. not sorry, he had to go back and rewrite it all again.
Then later in the evening Jacob called and said they had a good trip.  They had stopped at Burger King for dinner, they don't have those here in Lux.  And he has 3 other room mates in his room.  I made a coffee cake with a box mix from home, trying to use the last of things up! 

Friday- yeah! Only 2 to get ready this morning.  Sean brought in his cupcakes today to share with the class.

After drop off I went over to my friend's house who was having a little going away tea for me with our friends from our preschool group 3 years ago! 

The 5 kids all played together and were best buds in preschool, so us moms became good friends too.  One of the girls moved away in the fall, and next will be Amber.  So it will be 2 boys, and one girl left.  They are a really great group of kiddos and moms.  So this was fun and they even got me some gifts so it was super nice.  I will miss them, but hopefully I will still see 2 of them.  One of them has her family only an hour from our new house!  And the other one flies into our airport and then they go up to her husband's family's cottage from there, so we could figure something out from that. 
Then on to the super store/mall that kills me that there is no where to park and it was around 12 by now.  Ugh!  Got some things I needed and then home to get Jacob's room sorted for the air shipment.  After school Sean had movie night and before it started he came out and gave me the cupcake bag- ugh the cupcakes had turned over and there was frosting everywhere!  There was only one left but somewhere between the car and his classroom he must have dropped them or bumped into them too many times that they shifted and must have looked horrible by the time they got to eat them.  I sent an email to his teacher later apologizing and telling her they really did look ok when he got out of the car this morning!  After school one of Amber's little boy friend's gave her a really cute pink Luxembourg hat as a going away gift.  That was so nice of him.

Amber had a b'day party to go to out towards Belgium at this big store's indoor play area.  It was nice and not crowded.  Some of the moms hung out in their little cafĂ© for a bit and then I had to leave to go get Sean from movie night.  He had a nice time.  Amber got a ride home but since it was with the b'day girl she didn't get home until after 7pm and then had to eat dinner.  So a busy night.  I got the fridge in the basement defrosted so now the buyer can come pick it up.  Tonight I spent some time on the car websites, decreasing the price of my car and trying to put it on this French website that wouldn't translate with Chrome.  Then my picture wasn't the right size so I was messing around with that.  This one charges so I had to pay, then when I am all done and submit it I realize there is an extra 0 at the end of the price!  Ugh, now it won't even get published!  I couldn't fix it as it was being submitted and then they come back to me.  So hopefully I can fix it once they send me the note.  Jacob called and he played in 2 of the games today.  The school served them lunch and dinner and he seems to be having a good time, so all is well for now.  They had just gotten back from some event they had gone too with a DJ and such.  So it was 10pm.  Do you think they are trying to wear them out!

Sat. morning a family came to see my car.  They live in my neighborhood and they had the same car as what I was selling.  Then 2 weeks ago around 3am a drunk driver totaled their car that was parked on the street.  They seemed interested so hopefully it works out.  The rest of the day I was busy sorting and getting things ready for the air shipment on Monday.  Then late afternoon Sean and Amber had their BFF's over for one last sleep over.

We had pizza and made green ice cream sundaes with sprinkles for St. Patrick's Day. 

Then we rented Bedtime Stories.  That movie was really cute!
Back at home, Jason sold my mini van today and bought himself a used jeep!  He was so excited!  It was what he had before we moved here and he wasn't really ready to part with it when we moved.  So it works out good, he can use it for a few more years and then we can pass it on to Jacob- scary thought!

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