Monday, August 8, 2011

First Weekend Here

Our 1st full day here was busy just trying to get things organized.  We went to the mall and grocery store.  The store is similiar to a Super Target and it is in the mall.  It is really the only place we know where to go right now and we have to drive past a pasture with cows grazing in it to get to the mall.  The first store we went to was a phone store and I ordered a phone.  I guess it was a popular one since they were all out.    But hopefully it should be in soon so when I frantically need to call Jason I actually have a phone!  In the phone store Amber found a cell phone case she liked and accidently got too close to the door sensors and set that off.  So much for blending in!  Then we walked down to the grocery store and remembered to bring our Euros with us for the carts.  You put your coin in a slot on the cart and the chain releases the cart.  Then when you return your cart to the chains you get your coin back.  So of course when we were there in April we were pulling and pulling on the carts and couldn't figure out why we couldn't get one :)   
So we got 2 carts and loaded them up.  We found some brands we are used too- of course they are more expensive and some brands we were used to in Brazil.  We figured out which salami we liked.  We had a 1 in 4 chance of guessing right.  Only problem was how to tell them we only wanted 1/4 of a kilo!  The milk is all shelf stable and so was not refrigerated.  As a mom of 3 kids one of the things I was most excited about seeing was flushable wipes!  Weird, but gotta love them with kids!
We were in the store for about 2 hours- the kids were going crazy, but when you are not used to things I needed to stop and look at everything.  For those kids that don't like crust on their bread, they would be happy here.  Most of the loaves of bread are crust free.  My kids weren't sure about this.
Another note about the cart, not only do they go forward but they also go sideways.  So I was having a little trouble steering and my cart was sliding all over the store!  At check out our credit cards wouldn't work and of course we have a ton of stuff.  Thank goodness we had opened a local bank account and so we were able to use a debit card.  But overall a very nice and clean store.  Then we went back to the house and I spent the next couple of hours organizing, cleaning and putting everything away.  We had bought some items from other expiats moving back like bookshelfs, TV stands, TV , DVD player and some small kitchen appliances.  It is funny, I knew exactly where I wanted to put everything in the house and which rooms for what, except how to organize the kitchen.  When I finally made up my mind I finished everything up.  
On Sunday I finished a few things up at the house and Jason had gotten the TV and DVD player hooked up so at the kids could watch movies.  It was hard for them to be in their house with none of their things.  And it had rained Sat. so things were a little damp outside. They did walk to the park which is just a block away.  It was a very cool temperature on Sunday, only in the low 70's.  It felt good coming from such hot weather back home.  Sean asked if it was fall since it was cooler and there was a breeze.  We told him "welcome to summer in Luxembourg"  There go are little summer tans! 
Sundays everything here is closed.  So the one thing that was open and we went to was the Luxembourg US Memorial and Cementary.  It is a war memorial with about 5,000 soliders buried there plus General Patton too.  It is from WWII.  This war Jason's grandpa fought in and was close by in Germany.  Thankfully he is still alive and wasn't one of the soliders laid to rest there.  But it is a beautiful area with the white crosses and the greenest grass. 

Another park we took the kids to today had opened a trampoline area.  Yeah, this would not fly in the states.  It was an enclosed area with 12 rectanglar trampoline mats and then pads around them and they would let 2 people jump on the same trampoline at once.  The kids loved it.
For dinner we drove downtown where there have a bunch of streets and squares closed off to cars and you can walk around and there are a ton of places to eat.  Unfortunaly they take awhile to eat there and the kids saw McDonalds after walking for a bit, so that was our lovely night downtown!  But McDonalds did taste the same and the kids got smurfs in their happy meals, so they were happy!
Tomorrow is our big moving in day, we have been staying at a hotel all weekend.  So looking forward to seeing our stuff again.

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