Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Friday Aug. 12th

Today we had to go downtown,which is about a 5 minute drive, to do some paperwork with Jason and our relocation agent.  It didn't go well.  We were not able to apply for residency because you have to go downtown with in 3 days of arriving.  So no one told us this and then when we did arrive here last week it was Friday night and then the beginning of this week our relocation agent was on vacation.  Normally I guess it is ok to do within a week of arriving but this time they said no.  So now we have to go about reapplying for all this paperwork that was previously done again and this will take many weeks to get this paperwork again.  And without this residency paperwork there are many things we can't go about doing here- ugh.  From here we walked to that square area that is full of restaurants that I had mentioned before and we ate lunch at this bread/bakery restaurant and that didn't go so well either.  Jason thought he ordered the boys a steak sandwich.  I think it was called Americana Filet.  Well it is steak tar tar on bread, so raw ground beef.  And he ordered 2 of them!  On our way out we got some blueberry and chocolate chip muffins and at least those were good. 
So one of the things I couldn't get without all that paperwork above was the cell phone I ordered.  So the relocation agent took me to 2 other phone places and one of those required different paperwork that I actually had so wala I finally got a phone!  Unfortunaly while I was there I never checked to see if the internet was working and so when I got home I tried and it wasn't working- seriously what is it with the internet here!  So after dinner we go back out to the phone store.  It is in a mall a little bit further away.  So they fixed the phone and then we went shopping at this huge, huge store here called Cactus.  It is like a big super walmart .  They had this store in Brazil I believe too, but not near where we lived so I had never shopped at it before.   So as we are walking through we see a nice medium size trampoline for the backyard (or garden as they say here).  We think it will fit nicely so we buy it and Jason will plan on picking it up on Sat. when we have a bigger car.
Came home and made brownies, so it is starting to seem like home!

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