Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Last Week

So our last days here are upon us.  It was official that we were doing this 6 months ago, and I can't believe how fast that seems to have gone by. 
Since we are going to be gone for awhile I decided it was best to get all our favorite foods in and restaurants in before we left.  So the kids have been enjoying a kitchen full of non healthy items!  I am hoping that I can work off all the extra calories in our new house since it has 4 floors.  We live right outside the downtown city so we have a house, more like a duplex.  We are attached to one other house.  And the houses go up not out.  So we have 4 floors.  With the garage and the laundry room in the basement and our bedroom on the top floor I will have plenty of stairs to work out on!
We had a great summer at home, again trying to get in all the things we enjoy.  We did water parks, lots of pool time, the county fair, ice skating to cool off, lots of baseball, play dates and sleepovers with friends, camps, parks, lots of movies (a 1st for Amber), parties, outings, we managed to squeeze in some school work so they don't forget everything they learned this past year, library, lots of ice cream, girls nights out, seeing family, and the hardest thing- saying goodbye.

And of course we couldn't leave town without a few problems like ants deciding now would be a good time to move in, and a leaking pipe.
As for the trip- it is 14 hours.  That is the length of time it took me to have Amber, but at least I had medicine to get me through that! I got everything in our suitcases, but between the 8 suitcases and 3 kids and backpacks we are going to look like a 3 ring circus at the airport.  I hope we don't lose a bag or worse yet a child!  Customs is going to have a field day with us.
I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their summer.  August will be a stressful, and crazy month for us.
Until next time signing off from the USA!

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